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Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 9

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Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin

Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 9

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The regular Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by Mayor Kaptain at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Absent: Councilmember Steffen.

Approval of Minutes

Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2024, regular meeting. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Public Comments


Lillian Street-South Street-Walnut Avenue Resurfacing Project—Joint Funding Agreement and Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code with the Illinois Department of Transportation

A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption to establish cost sharing levels and responsibilities between the state of Illinois and the city of Elgin for the resurfacing of Lillian Street, South Street and Walnut Avenue between S. McLean Boulevard and Wilcox Street.

Lillian Street-South Street-Walnut Avenue Resurfacing Project—Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation

A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption to provide for construction engineering inspection and project administration services with Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick, Inc. (HLR) for the Lillian-South-Walnut resurfacing project.

Sports Complex Expansion—Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services

A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption to provide construction materials testing and inspection services for the Sports Complex expansion.

ROPE House Repurposing Presentation

Police Chief Ana Lalley presented the police department plans for repurposing the Jay Street ROPE House. A copy of the presentation is on file in the City Clerk’s office. The history of the  ROPE program was reviewed and its impacts on the neighborhoods. Chief Lalley presented the idea to have a tiny house as the next phase in the evolution of the ROPE program. She stated a tiny house would allow for a moving community hub to help engage with the community in a different way. Commander Heather Lencioni provided information regarding costs and a time frame for delivery. The consensus of the council was to move forward with this idea.

LIVE911 Software Agreement with HigherGround, Inc.

Councilmember Ortiz made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Dixon, to authorize an agreement with HigherGround, Inc. for the purchase of the LIVE911 software in the amount of $47,880 which will provide police officers with real time livestream capabilities and precise caller location data for incoming emergency calls. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Ford F-Series Electric Pickup Trucks Purchase Authorization

Councilmember Ortiz made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to authorize the city’s purchase of two Ford F-Series electric pickup trucks, electric vehicle charging stations, and vehicle upfitting using the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Highland Avenue and Lyle Avenue Intersection Design—Engineering Services Agreement for Phase I Engineering Services with Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick, Inc.

Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve an agreement with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $123,190 to complete the phase one engineering design for the Highland Avenue and Lyle Avenue intersection and obtain design approval to comport with the schedule required for the city to receive federal surface transportation program (STP) funding. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

ADA Public Right-of-Way Transition Plan Technical Assistance—Memorandum of Understanding with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve moving forward with the memorandum of understanding with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning to provide technical assistance for an ADA public right-of-way transition plan. 

Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Parking Lot and Alley Project (2023) (Bid No. 23-055)—Change Order No. 1

Councilmember Powell made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve Change Order No. 1 with J.A. Johnson Paving Co. to authorize an additional payment of $77,474 for additional construction quantities necessary to complete the 2023 parking lot and alley project. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Announcements from Council

Councilmembers Ortiz and Dixon commented on the recent football game between Elgin High School and Larkin High School.

Councilmember Martinez commented on the turnout to the 2nd annual Domestic Abuse Awareness Walk.

Announcements from Staff

Fire Chief Robb Cagann provided information on the resources the Elgin Fire Department would be sending to Florida to help with the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.


Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

The meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m
