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Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Elgin City Council met June 27

Webp 6

Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin

Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin

City of Elgin City Council met June 27

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

MEMBERS PRESENT: John Weidmeyer, Ulises Vazquez, John Hauserman (Plumbing Chairperson), Pat Hudgens (HVAC Chairperson), John Gish (acting electrical chairperson) 

MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Silva, Josh Campanelli, Pat Hines 

STAFF PRESENT: Matt Falco, Gregory Moon, Joe Carr, David Ganziano, Mayra Soto-Cardenas, Allyson Villa, Doug Hinrichs, Steve Taft 



Meeting was called to order by John Weidmeyer at 2:06 p.m., in the Lunchroom at City Hall, 150 Dexter Ct, Elgin, IL. Ulises Vazquez motion to begin meeting motion was seconded by John Gish. 


Ulises Vazquez motioned to approved minutes from previous meeting, John Weidmeyer seconded the motion. 


Staff and committee took time to review Greg Moon's previous meeting amendment list: 

Matt Falco asked commission to change amendment R301.2 Climate criteria or follow IBC standards. Pat Hudgens recommended following IBC rule of 30 PSF (pounds per square foot). Ulises Vasquez motioned to follow IRC, John Weidmeyer seconded the motion. 

• Regarding motion to match IRC on R302.50 dwelling garages, all in favor to amend to 6" curb. 

• R309.1 floor surfaces committee was in agreement to add to amendment to IRC. 

• R309.8 detached garage roof heights, amendment was tabled to further discuss at next meeting, Ulises Vazquez recommended following one #, while John Weidmeyer recommended not exceeding height of home. R310.6 Emergency escape from basement, this item was tabled as it will need further review by the fire department. 

• R314.3.4 and/or life safety requirements- item was tabled until next meeting as there needs to be more research done to whether or not to require an egress window depending on size of room not just use. Staff is to research to further review at next meeting. 

• R503.2.1 (1) Structural panels-It was in agreement to amend this to state 5/8" requirement and add back footnote. 

• R503.2.2-It was agreed that the reference to APA e30 shall be deleted as it conflicts with requirements of R503.2.1 (1). 

• Item R602.3.1.2 stud size- All were in agreement to amend. 

• R703.18 and R902.1.1 exterior coverings for siding and roofing- Due to this being a zoning issue this item will be tabled as building official Matt Falco will review with city planners. 

• Item R908 reroofing- Committee was in agreement to amend code require entire effected side of roof will need to be replaced or reroofed not allowing partial replacements. City staff is to draft language for this and provide to committee for review. The following are in reference to IBC, 708.1.3 Fire separation between tenants- Language is to be corrected by staff and reference correct section. 

• 708.1.4 Corridor walls-Section listed 1012.1 is incorrect and should be 1020.1, city staff will draft amendment to address correction and present to committee for approval. 


The following recommendations were noted on handout prepared by John Gish: 

• Upon committee review it was agreed that R314.3 & R315.3 were to be amended. 

• Item R328.4 John Gish recommends omitting 4.4 - Greg Moon will further research on manufactures install instruction and will provide for review at next meeting. 


The following recommendations were noted on handout prepared by John Gish. 

• Upon committee review it was agreed that 110.3 and 115.5 were to be amended. 

• Item 902.2 pump and riser room size-this amendment was agreed upon. and staff is to review and come up with proper language for approval. Amendments approved for 903.3.5.1, 3002.4, 3103.1, as noted in print out provided. 


The following recommendations were listed on a handout prepared by John Gish: 

• Committee was in agreement with amendment to 16.28.020. 

• John Gish recommended amendment to 16.28.030 sec 102.3 change of use/occupancy when building is vacant more than 6 months, requiring a sprinkler system to be installed if building is over 3,000 sq. feet in size or more. Staff was concerned if this would refer to all uses, to be further reviewed by staff and be discussed at next meeting. 

• After review it was agreed the following amendments to the following were agreed upon; 105.1.6, 105.6.4, 105.5.29, 105.6.24, 109.2, 112.4, 113.2, 113.4, 307.4.1, 307.4.3, 307.5, 308.1.4, 505.1, 506.01, 508.1.1. 

• Upon review of Sec 606.2 it was determined this would tabled for further review, to be discussed at next meeting. 

• 901.8.2., 901.4.7.2, Committee has agreed to amend. Committee has  agreed to add markings to 901.6.1. 

• Staff is to further discuss the removal of Flak Jacket, by name in Sec 903.2.8.1. 

• Group R-3. The difference in surface area of trusses versus 2x10 lumber was discussed. 

• In Sec 907.2.4.1 Warehouse high pile storage section it was discussed possible increasing the minimum feet requirement to 14' to which it was agreed by the committee. 

• Per handout, John Gish recommends deleting 1103.7.5.1 Group R-1 Hotel and motel manual fire alarm as he feels this would make the code more stringent. 

• Per handout it was recommended to omit Table 2306.2.3, this was agreed upon. 

• Sec Number of doors required section was recommended to increase from 100 linear feet to 125 linear feet. 

• Final recommendation was made to adopt back Appendix N, entitled "indoor trade shows and exhibitions" as the city has grown so much. Matt Falco noted staff will draft amendment language for vote. 


Doug Hinrichs mentioned IBC section 603.1 Combustible in new construction and 717.3.2.31 in IBC to be reviewed and discussed at next meet. Doug Hinrichs asked committee to review IBC 717.5.2.3 Fire rating dampers pages 7-34. Doug Hinrichs suggested amendment to B-Occupancy in IBC load to change from 7,000 to 13,000, staff is to review and discuss at next meet. Staff is also to discuss screening for RTU's with zoning as this may trigger their approval, to be further discussed at next meeting. 


A motion was made by Pat Hudgens to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 p.m., and seconded by Ulises Velasquez. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned. 
