
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met Feb. 28.

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Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Facebook

Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Facebook

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met Feb. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Welcome & Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes: January 24, 2024

IV. Chair report (Judy Samuels)

V. Trustee(s) report (Andy Stein / David Weidenfeld)

VI. Staff Liaison Report (Tyler Ankney)

a. Introduction

b. Village Budget Report

VII. Working Groups report

a. Ensuring Opportunities for Hands-on Fun

i. Leads: Commissioners Mark Weiner and Amy Parker

ii. Commissioners Jack Shapiro, Mark Weiner, Amy Parker, Beth Shapiro, Lexi Robinson, Debbie Verson

b. Advocating for Inclusion and Access

i. Lead: Vice Chair Sussman

ii. Commissioners Leo Njongmeta, Matthew Dragon, Chair Judy Samuels, Vice Chair Sussman

c. Trusted Resource for Accommodations and Services (i.e. Sharing of Best Practices and Developing a Resource Guide (Education))

i. Lead: Allie Zalay

ii. Commissioners Avi Samuels, Allie Zalay, Donna Garfield

VIII. Unfinished Business

a. Strategic planning – Continue to meet, in workgroups, outside of the regular monthly RKCRD meeting, to brainstorm and develop an action plan to support one or more objectives within the identified goals. Present to the Commission for review and approval.

IX. New Business

X. Good and Welfare

XI. Comments from the Audience

XII. Adjournment
