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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Oct. 24

Webp 26

Northbrook Police Department | Village of Northbrook Website

Northbrook Police Department | Village of Northbrook Website

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1) Roll Call 

Attendee Name Status

Kathryn Ciesla


Robert Israel


Muriel Collison


Heather Ross


Johannah Hebl


Daniel Pepoon


Joy Ebhomielen


2) Pledge of Allegiance 

3) Minutes Approval 

Approval of October 10, 2023 Regular Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes


MOVER: Robert Israel, Trustee

SECONDER: Joy Ebhomielen, Trustee

AYES: Israel, Collison, Ross, Hebl, Pepoon, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Kathryn Ciesla

4) Swearing In of Firefighter Thomas Magna 

Village Clerk Ford swore Firefighter Thomas Magna.

5) Public Comment Time 

Marty Scott, Northbrook Resident, spoke on the importance of maintaining green acres open land. She explained how open land greatly benefits the environment, such as purifying the air and water. Furthermore, she suggested adding a nature center for the community. Matthew Connor, Environmental Club Member, shared his experience at green acres.

Mike Zap, Northbrook Resident, shared his wonderful experience participating in a ride along with the Police Department.

6) Manager’s Report 

Village Manager Cara Pavlicek reported the Village website has been comprehensively updated. Furthermore, Northbrook residents will be able to participate in the National Community Survey by mail or online; results will be benchmarked with communities across the country.

7) Warrant List 

7.A) Review and Approval of Payments to be Made for October 1, 2023 thru October 15, 2023

Payments to be Made Per Listing Dated October 1, 2023 - October 15, 2023 (Alpha &  Descending Lists).pdf

Trustee Israel Moved for the approval of class A & B Warrants dated October 1, 2023 - October 15, 2023, in the amount of $2,543,088.64.


MOVER: Bob Israel, Trustee

SECONDER: Dan Pepoon, Trustee

AYES: Israel, Collison, Ross, Hebl, Pepoon, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Kathryn Ciesla

7.B) Review and Approval of Frontage Deposit List Dated October 14, 2023 

Trustee Israel Moved for the approval of Frontage Deposit refunds totaling $49,900.00 dated October 14, 2023.


MOVER: Bob Israel, Trustee

SECONDER: Dan Pepoon, Trustee

AYES: Israel, Collison, Ross, Hebl, Pepoon, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Kathryn Ciesla

8) President’s Report 

President Ciesla reported the Village commissioned its first seasonal mural, by artists Terry Luck and Jerry Luck. Furthermore, the pop-up pumpkin patch will take place this year at the southeast corner of Meadow & Cherry.

8.A) RESOLUTION NO. 2023-173: A Resolution Recognizing Fire Chief Andrew Carlson for  24 Years of Service

Moved to after the Community Moment below

8.B) RESOLUTION NO. 2023-174: A Resolution Recognizing Patrol Officer Roger Scott for  27 Years of Service

A Resolution Recognizing Patrol Officer Roger Scott for 27 Years of Service.docx President Ciesla recognized Roger Scott for 27 Years of Service. with Police Department i.. Patrol Officer Roger Scott thanked the Village Board for the recognition.

8.C) A Proclamation Recognizing October 24, 2023 as World Polio Day

A Proclamation Recognizing October 24, 2023 as World Polio Day.docx

President Ciesla commented the Rotary Club of Northbrook is part of a global network of neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who unite and take action to create lasting change in communities across the globe. Rotary in 1985 launched PolioPlus and in 1988 helped establish the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Rotary is working to raise an additional $50 million per year, which would be leveraged for maximum impact by an additional $100 million annually from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These efforts are providing much-needed operational support, medical staff, laboratory equipment, and educational materials for health workers and patients. In addition, Rotary has played a major role in decisions by donor governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort. The Village proclaims October 24, 2023, as World Polio Day.

Sandy Frum thanked the Village Board for the proclamation. She provided a brief overview of the organization's history and mission in the community.

8.D) A Proclamation Recognizing October 31, 2023 as UNICEF Collection Day A Proclamation Recognizing October 31, 2023 as UNICEF Collection Day

President Ciesla commented Halloween has been recognized as National UNICEF Day and American children have shared the holiday for 73 years by Trick or Treating for UNICEF, in a constructive expression of concern and friendship for needy children of the world. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is helping millions of children and mothers to better health in many countries and territories of the world by assisting governments to develop programs for control of disease, health education, maternal and childcare. Each coin collected by Trick or Treaters will be used to provide food and medicine for the sick and hungry children of the world. The Village proclaims October 31, 2023, as UNICEF Collection Day.

Georgina Winters thanked the Village Board for the proclamation. She provided a brief overview of the organizations mission in the community. She then introduced Daniel Briggs and Danielle Yahknis. Daniel Briggs Glenbrook North Teacher, shared his experience working with the wonderful organization. Furthermore, he spoke on the organization’s mission and community efforts.


Erin Stash, Sustainability Commission Member, spoke on the importance of not racking leaves. He discussed how leaves greatly benefit the environment, such as suppressing weeds and soil fertilization. He encouraged the public to not rack leaves this holiday season to support environmental sustainability.

8.A) RESOLUTION NO. 2023-173: A Resolution Recognizing Fire Chief Andrew Carlson  for 24 Years of Service 

A Resolution Recognizing Fire Chief Andrew Carlson for 24 Years of Service.doc

President Ciesla recognized Andrew Carlson for 24 Years of Service. He started his career with the Fire Department in 1999. During his career, he was promoted to multiple leadership positions, retiring as Fire Chief .

Fire Chief Andrew Carlson thanked the Village Board for the opportunity to serve the public. He recognized the Fire Department staff for their strong leadership in the community.

9) Consent Agenda 

9.A) RESOLUTION NO. 2023-175: A Confirming Resolution Approving Emergency Generator Repairs at the Water Treatment Plant by Midwest Power Industry of Ringwood, Illinois and a Corresponding Budget Amendment.

9.B) RESOLUTION NO. 2023-176: A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Special Permits to Allow the Operation of a Membership Sports and Recreation Facility by new Owner/Operator (1900 Old Willow Road) (BOT-23-07)

9.C) Consideration of various actions to approve the zoning relief application for Rosewater Senior Care - Alpha, LLC at 2944-2960 Dundee Road, Plan Commission Docket No. PCD 22-13.

9.D) ORDINANCE NO. 2023-63: An Ordinance Providing for the Disposal of Surplus Property and Evidence


MOVER: Johannah Hebl, Trustee

SECONDER: Dan Pepoon, Trustee

AYES: Israel, Collison, Ross, Hebl, Pepoon, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Kathryn Ciesla

10) Administration and Finance 

11) Planning and Economic Development 

12) Community and Sustainability 

13) Public Works and Facilities 

14) Public Safety 

15) Communications and Outreach 

16) Remarks for the Good of the Order 

Trustee Ebhomielen encouraged the public to attend family night at Sunset Foods with Hunger Resource Network, on Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 4:30 pm.

17) Closed Session 

No Closed Session

18) Adjourn 


MOVER: Heather Ross, Trustee

SECONDER: Muriel Collison, Trustee

AYES: Israel, Collison, Ross, Hebl, Pepoon, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Kathryn Ciesla

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm.
