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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met June 28

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met June 28

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Welcome & Call to Order at 7:03pm 

II. Roll Call 

A. Commissioners Present: Chair Judy Samuels, Vice Chair Marty Sussman, Commissioners Donna Garfield, Lexi Robinson, Avi Samuels, Matthew Dragon, Allie Zalay, Mark Weiner, Gowri Magati, Dean Klassman

B. Commissioners Not Present: Commissioners, Beth Shapiro, Jack Shapiro, David Morton, Leo Njongmeta

C. Trustee Liaison Present: Andy Stein

D. Staff Liaison Present: Evan Michel

III. Approval of Minutes with Changes: May 24, 2023

A. Motion: Commissioner Mark Weiner

B. Second: Commissioner Lexi Robinson

C. In Favor: All Present

D. Opposed: None

E. Abstain: None

F. Motion carries 

IV. Chair report (Judy Samuels)

A. Citizens with Disabilities Day at Frontier Days registration - has good ideas for how we can have more control over the number of carnival riders and the number of participants for lunch, pre-registration is required for the event - is this something we might want to model?

i. This is Saturday, July 1st from 10-11:15am for rides, if we want to go and learn about it

V. Trustee(s) Report (Andy Stein)

A. None

VI. Staff Liaison Report (Evan Michel)

A. None

VII. Sub-Committee report 

A. Buddy Baseball (9/2; 9/3-Rain date) (Commissioner Klassman)

i. Commissioner Dean Klassman brought fliers that he will send to his list 

ii. Commissioner Lexi Robinson will create a Google form for people to sign up as buddies and players

iii. Staff Liaison will work with the communications team to create something to share with the community - including a QR code and the BG Days website 

iv. Arrive by 4:30pm, game time is 5pm - play for about an hour and fifteen minutes and then we eat

v. We ordered 22 new shirts for buddies to add from the stash from last year

● Commissioner Allie Zalay will pass out the shirts with volunteer Candy Kahen

vi. Parking - no parking on Aptakisic; Public Works will create signage and maps for parking

● Staff Liaison Michel will ask about construction vehicles and that they will not be in the parking lot of the baseball field during the game

● Parking lot will be drop off and handicap placards only

● Police will be present to direct traffic, Staff Liaison Michel will confirm

● We need 3 tables from the park district and access to power cords

● Staff Liaison Michel will inquire about bringing over one of the Courtesy Shuttles to support from Lasalle Street parking to the field

B. Fun and Food (9/4) (Commissioner Verson)

i. The Village and Park District are ok with us keeping the event as we have in years past (food etc.)

ii. Food

● Sunset wants $5 a sandwich for 4-inch sandwiches

● Jersey Mikes won’t do a 4-inch sandwich or individually wrap

● Jimmy Johns will do $2.75 a sandwich

a. $3 with cheese

● Dorfler’s will get back to us

● McDonalds will let us know about cookies

a. Commissioner Debbie Verson will ask if we can get them the day before to bag

● Commissioner Mark Weiner is going to call Walgreens regarding water

● Chips we will either buy as a commission or look for someone to donate

● Kona Ice will check to see as well

● If we want to include additional food, it should be voted on as a commission with enough time to prepare and include

● Last year we had 339 registrants, 283 attended (83%)

● Use 325 numbers for this year for food ordering, if we have more registrants we will up that number

iii. Sponsorships

● Fun and Food with food donated by XYZ

● Sponsorship person from the Park District will look to see if they can get us sponsorship funds to support the food

iv. Staff Liaison Michel will confirm entertainment for the event - we would like this included (DJ, etc.)

v. Registration link

C. Buddy Bowling (10/25) (Commissioner Weiner)

i. Meeting next month with Rotary to begin dialogue

VIII. Unfinished Business 

A. Strategic Planning Document

i. Thank you for taking the time to meet with Staff Liaison Michel regarding the Strategic Plan!

ii. We are on the agenda for the August COW to present our Strategic Plan to the Village Board - more information to come from Staff Liaison Michel

IX. New Business 

A. Hair Cuttery at 800 S. Buffalo Grove Road; 60089 (Commissioner Samuels) 

i. Village resident reported that accessible parking spots need restriping and a sign is missing

ii. Which department is the most appropriate to act as a liaison between the village and the property owners to get this resolved?

iii. What is the next step?

● Staff Liaison Michel will take this concern to the appropriate departments to ensure compliance

iv. We can create a process with the Community Development team to determine the best process

● The Village is working on a form on the website for residents to report a concern - this can be something we add to those concerns

B. BG Days Parade? (Commissioner Verson)

i. If there are not 50 participants, the parade will be canceled

ii. We previously voted no, we do not want to participate in the parade even if there was one

C. New Cubs and Sox jerseys for Players? (Vice Chair Sussman)

i. Not needed at this time

X. Good and Welfare 

XI. Comments from the Audience 

XII. Adjournment at 8:47pm 

A. Motion: Commissioner Mark Weiner

B. Second: Commissioner Gowri Magati

C. In Favor: All Present

D. Opposed: None

E. Abstain: None

F. Motion carries 

Next Meeting: Wednesday July 26, 2023 
