
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met April 6

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met April 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Frank Cesario

Public Hearings/Items For Consideration

1. Consider Approval for Rezoning, Preliminary Plan, and a Plat of Subdivision 22371 & 22405 N Prairie (Trustee Pike) (Staff Contact: Nicole Woods)

Community Development Director Ms. Woods provided a brief background on 22371 & 22405 N. Prairie. No variations. Staff is in support of the proposal.

Mr. Goodman provided background on Huron group and Avalon Crossing subdivision, which they plan to develop and, in the process, demolish 2 homes and build 6. The first request is to annex the property for R4 residential use, noting no variations are being requested.

Com. Moodhe ask if the homes there are on similar lots.

Mr. Goodman said yes, and they are lined up with the existing homes.

Chairperson Cesario commented on the road and how the extension of the road will be a nice addition to make it look complete.

Com. Weinstein asked the petitioner if they have seen the staff recommendation and are good with the conditions.

Mr. Goodman said yes.

Com. Richards asked about future variations over time once residents move into the homes.

Mr. Goodman reference packet page 36, noting there is at least a 40 foot setback and about 50 to 60 feet to the street.

Com. Moodhe asked if the extension of Avalon Drive would be a village street or private street.

Mr. Goodman said it will be a Village owned street. They only have to connect homes to sewer hookup, and they will be paying the recapture fee.

Com. Moodhe asked staff if the extension of the street will make it easier for plowing. Mr. Sianis, Village Engineering, said everything will be much easier for plowing. Com. Worlikar asked about the fence 4 foot that is existing.

Mr. Goodman said it had been approved by the county. They will be removing existing sidewalk and add sidewalk to make it continuous, make it conform to what is already existing.

Chairperson Cesario entered the Staff Report as exhibit one.

Mr. Rosenberg, Buffalo Grove Resident, said there is not enough room for 6 homes. He also asked about the wires that are not buried. Additionally, he asked when construction will start and what it will do to the property value.

Mr. Goodman said it will begin in May. They are putting in storm sewer to collect sump pump water. He noted that the electrical lines are not in their property, but part of the County. He said the new homes will not impact the existing homes in a negative way in

terms of property value. Additionally, he mentioned all houses are the same size and have the same lot sizes as the existing homes.

Com. Weinstein made a motion to approval of the rezoning to the R-4 One-Family Dwelling District, a Preliminary Plan, and a Plat of Subdivision, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report.

Com. Richards seconded the motion.

Chairperson spoke in favor of the motion.

Com. Moodhe spoke in favor of the motion.


Next: 4/18/2022 7:30 PM

AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar

ABSENT: Zill Khan

EXCUSED: Stephen Goldspiel

2. Consider Approval - Amend to PD, SU, Plat of Sub, Prelim & Final Dev Plan, SU and Var. at Town Center (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Nicole Woods)

Director Community Development Director Ms. Woods provided a brief background on the development.

Mr. Schoditsch, Kensington Development, spoke about the development and the work they have done with staff to get the project moving. He went through the history of Kensington and their standing in the area. He touched on their partnership with Urban Street. He explained the overall vision of The Clove and the planned project to create a one-of-a-kind, eye catching retail mixed use center, which will create interest and compliment the surrounding developments. The Central Park in the middle of The Clove will activate the development with the lush landscape and outdoor dining, as well as making it walkable. The vision is in line with the community’s vision. He talked about the parcels that are not being bought, but explained they are well positioned to purchase if they were to be sold. Additionally, he talked about the two phases and the purpose of the two phases as a big picture, noting the existing tenants will find their home in Phase 2, while work is done on Phase 1. Lastly, he went through the site plan from south to north.

Calloway discussed, on a high level, the traffic and parking plan. He discussed the uniqueness of the development and its access points. He believes the mixed use and the access, the signalized intersections, provide adequate access to the site. The improvements made to Lake Cook also helps with the traffic the site may generate.

Mr. Clark provided background on the landscape plan and the importance of the central green and how it creates a sense of place within the site as well as the community. He talked about programmed events that will breathe life into the site. He showed in the PowerPoint the difference in the green space that will be added to the site. Lastly, touched on the pedestrian connectivity that they have created to rid of conflict points between people and cars.

Mr. Brown provided a brief overview of the overall utility plan. He noted the site is flat and drains north to south, discussing the storm and drainage storm water will be much the same. The overflow route will bring it all to the existing detention basin. He went over the pervious and impervious changes, which creates less runoff, a benefit to the site and the infrastructure. In closing he noted they will have to maintain and make small enhance to the pond, but the pound will be able to support the site.

Mr. Schoditsch went over the signage plan, which will go at each access points and eplained why the signage is important to the site. He explained the anchors will need to be larger signs, but also wants the smaller tenants to have proper signage to be successful. Larger one on lake cook rd. will be a modernized electronic sign.

Mr. Ludwig provided background on Building signage, architecture, and exterior design.

Mr. Warlak talked about Guzman Y Gomez, an Australian restaurant. Noting it has been a successful store in Naperville. It is a fast casual, colorful, and nice outdoor dining establishment that uses fresh ingredients with a clean environment.

Mr. Wisem added more about the building colors and elevation of Guzman Y Gomez, reviewing the square footage and outdoor dinning space. He talked about the drive-up art graphics that wrap the towers, noting each restaurant has unique art work inside.

Mr. Rea provided additional overview of the out lot building architecture.

Mr. Burk, Urban Street, provided background on the Urban Street group. He spoke about the rental housing market and the amenities of the mixed-use residential space. The area is what the market is demand. Thanked the commission for their commitment to the project.

Mr. Morkron went through the details of the development of Urban Street. Reviewed the 7-story structure and the frontage retail that will be there on the first floor, promoting interconnectivity. There will be a surplus of parking in the garage and has parking on each side as well. Retail spaces will have their own trash and be separated that from the residents. He reviewed the proposed exterior material and the next generation of apartment amenities.

Ms. Dixon reviewed the plan for the clubhouse space which includes, couches, chairs, dinning and outdoor cooking lounge area. She reviewed screening for the four seasons and talked about snow storage and snow removal. Additionally, she talked about the fenced dog park secured for resident use.

Com. Moodhe asked where they came up with the name for the development.

Mr. Schoditsch their marketing department was going for a name with a rich, warm, spice of life feels.

Com. Moodhe asked about Brookfield, WI development as it relates to Buffalo Groves demographics.

Mr. Schoditsch said no, the demographic is closer to Oak Brook. Buffalo Grove is more residental than re

Com. Moodhe asked about the management company and if it was going to be contracted out.


Mr. Schoditsch said Ion properties is the management company, noting they have a good relationship with them.

Com. Moodhe asked if they will be looking at it in a similar light as the developers.

Mr. Schoditsch talked about the leasing plan, that the management company

understands the overall feel of high end will be throughout.

Com. Moodhe asked about sidewalk width throughout the development.

Mr. Rea said they have a mixture of sidewalk width, with a minimum of 5 foot to upwards of 10 foot as it gets closer to the park.

Com. Moodhe asked if we are reducing retail square footage due to the parking garage and on the southeast side.

Mr. Rea said they are decreasing overall retail square footage relative to what is currently there.

Com. Moodhe asked staff if an impact study was done on sales tax as it relates to the new development and the loss of retail square footage.

Community Development Director Ms. Woods reviewed the Lake Cook Corridor Economic Development Plan for the site. Noting the Village is confident the retail dollars will exceed what is currently coming in, especially with the grocer and well established restaurants that are not there currently.

Deputy Village Manager, Mr. Stilling provided additional comments on the poor design of the current space.

Com. Moodhe commented that he wants to make sure we are not building town center all over again with residents in it.

Mr. Schoditsch said they put a lot of thought into the development. He noted the key elements that will make this development successful.

Com. Moodhe asked about parking first floor of garage for retail.

Mr. Schoditsch said the first floor of the parking garage is all for the residents, with 40 to 60 for retail tenants.

Com. Moodhe asking if they were looking at passive/hanging greenery on the parking structure.

Mr. Schoditsch said no.

Com. Moodhe said he would like to see something there because it is so large.

Com. Moodhe asked the Village attorney asked if they are restricted to the variances listed in the packet.

Mr. Brankin, Village Attorney, said that is what is before. He told the Commission to keep in mind what is before them is an amendment baked into the approved PUD.

Com. Worlikar asked about the parking, specifically how much of that space will be utilized/designation of spaces.

Mr. Rea talked about the designation of parking spots.

Com. Worlikar asked about the landscape and what the Village forester has said.

Ms. Woods said the forester has reviewed the plan and has made some suggestions to the plan and will work with the developer on the landscape plan.

Com. Worlikar asked about the delivery areas and emergency areas.

Mr. Rea talked about the service areas and the truck study that has been conducted with the Village, which has met all requirements.

Mr. Stilling provided additional information on the truck study and the additional access points in terms of safety plan.

Com. Worliker asked if any of the amenities would be open to the public that are part of the residential development.

Mr. Rea said the amenities that are part of the residential development are for those who live there. Additionally, he talked about the other amenities such as benches, sidewalks, and the programed park plans will be open to the community.

Mr. Stilling noted the Village will take control over the park and partner with the developer to create a program plan to active it on a regular basis.

Mr. Rea noted the outdoor dining is also available for non-residents of the development. Com. Richards asked about the current tenants that are still in the current dwelling.

Ms. Shandish spoke about the phase 2 building and the investment that will be made for the tenants to be there, ensuring it is functional and safe.

Com. Richards asked about repair on old checker.

Mr. Rea talked about the repairs that will be done.

Com. Richards asked if they are going to be making improvements to the right aways. Asking if anything will be touched to the roads that have been recently redone.

Mr. Rea said they will not be making any improvements to the road improvements that have already been completed.

Com. Spunt about if parking spots will be assigned and there were gates to access the garage.

Mr. Rea said yes, they will have assigned parking spots for tenants and there will be gate access.

Com. Spunt asked about the pool at the residential development.

Ms. Dixon said there is no whirlpool.

Com. Spunt asked about public restrooms throughout the site.

Mr. Rea said no.

Com. Spunt referenced page 41. He asked if there would be a sun glare off of the windows.

Mr. Shandish said there is a lot in the way and would not cause any glare to drivers.

Com. Spunt reference page 11. He said he is concerned with the main attraction and the access to the grocer.

Mr. Schoditsch commented on the importance of the grocer and noted that the access points are more than sufficient.

Com. Au asked about the parking structure and what will happen during peak times, such as issues when everyone is trying to leave the building.

Mr. Calloway said there is plenty of room to move around and make their way to the different access points.

Com Au asked if there was a lighting plan for the Central Park.

Mr. Stilling said there will be surrounding lighting, however, right now there is no lighting plan for the park. There is now time to create a plan for the park.

Mr. Schoditsch will bring proper infrastructure to the site to allow for lighting in the future.

Com. Weinstein commented on the traffic study.

Mr. Calloway said it will generate traffic, but it will not overwhelm the area because of the unique access points that are there. Additionally. the improvements of Lake Cook Rd also provided a lot of reserved capacity for traffic.

Com. Weinstein asked about the total number of restaurants.

Mr. Schoditsch said 6 or 7.

Com. Weinstein asked if they could say what tenants are staying with the new


Mr. Schoditsch said no.

Com. Weinstein asked about full service vs. fast casual.

Mr. Schoditsch talked about the restaurant plans.

Com. Weinstein asked about drive-up windows.

Mr. Schoditsch said there are two planned in phase one, and they could be a pickup window or drive up.

Com. Weinstein commented on drive throughs.

Mr. Stilling commented on drive throughs and the authority Kensington has on Boston Market, and what they have the potential to add as it relates to sit down restaurants.

Mr. Schoditsch said they purposely left the pad with the Boston Market so they could add a full-service restaurant if it become available.

Ms. Woods touched on walkability and the appropriate out lots.

Com. Weinstein believes excitement will build when the names begin to be announced.

Chairperson Cesario reference packet page 55. He asked if they are aware and comfortable with the requirements.

Mr. Schoditsch said yes, they are.

Chairperson Cesario asked about wall signs. Relative to the number of signs currently there, would there be a significant change.

Mr. Rea said he is not sure how many are there are at the current development.

Chairperson Cesario asked about the B4 Zoning

Mr. Stilling provided additional detail.

Com. Moodhe asked about seating area by the grocer that was in their previous plan.

Mr. Rea said it was removed due to the slope that is there, which does not support a seating area.

Com. Moodhe asked when phase 2 is down, will there be more variances.

Mr. Stilling yes there may be some additional amendments throughout the process if there are variances, which allows for flexibility in the future.

Chairperson Cesario entered the Village Staff Report as exhibit one and the email received as exhibit two.

Evelyn Crawford, 544 Cherbourg Ct. expressed their concerns for the retailers and the lack of community outreach the Village has done. They do not like Lake Cook Road and is concerned about additional traffic. Said they are not a fan of the 7-story building.

Ford Culbertson, 201 N. Buffalo Grove Road, asked about old checker road and the condition. Are the developers going to maintain the road? Poor lighting is also a concern. During construction is that road going to be closed. Worried about the grocer that will compete with the bakery. Thinks it will bring business and will grow the community. Appreciates what the Village is doing to try an improve the area and hopes it works.

Rich Kane, 125 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Condo board of Turnberry. Spoke about the residents that live there. Asked about the hours of construction, cleanliness of the site and how they can continue to live with the construction. He asked that the developers to communicate with Turnberry. Lastly asked about security for the building and dog park hours.

Dolly Granszowaiz, 125 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Turnberry resident. Asked how far the building is going to butt up to their property. She wants to know if she can they still use the back entrance and how the walkways work. In closing said she is all for something new and is excited for the change.

Mr. Perez, 125 N. Buffalo Grove Road, Turnberry resident. Wants to know the impact of the building.

Mr. Peock, owner of the auto repair shop on Buffalo Grove Road, asked about the impact the development will have on his existing sewer concerns. He expressed his concerns over how close the sidewalk is to 83 due to the reckless drivers on 83. Overall, the development is exciting.

A current tenet of Buffalo Grove Town Center spoke in favor of the development, explained how excited she is for what is going to happen. She commented on how well the developers have communicated with her and thank the team.

Chairperson Cesario read the email received by the Village from Greg Merrit, resident of Buffalo Grove.

Mr. Schoditsch said they will talk to the president of Turnberry

Mr. Sianis said there will be a maintenance review of access to the development as it is under construction and will communicate that with the public.

Ms. Woods said they will maintain accessibility.

Com. Moodhe asked if the Village has an ordinance for construction hour.

Mr. Sianis said yes, they are 7am to 5pm. Noting the Village does strongly enforce the ordinance.

Chairperson Cesario closed the public hearing at 10:13 PM.

Com. Weinstein made a motion to grant approval for an amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 86-61, as amended, requesting approval for a special use for mixed use Planned Unit Development and approval of a Final Plat of Subdivision and Preliminary and Final Development Plan approval with Special Uses and Variations for a proposed plan for a 20-acre mixed-use redevelopment center with grocery store, retail, restaurants, and multi-family residential at the Buffalo Grove Town Center.

Com. Moodhe seconded the motion

Chairperson talked about the engagement process that took place for the plan. Spoke in favor of the development.

Com. Worlikar spoke in favor of the development and the engagement process that has been done.

Com. Moodhe spoke in favor of the development.

Com. Spunt spoke in favor of the development.

Com. Weinstein spoke in favor of the development and how it is a start of the big picture.


Next: 4/18/2022 7:30 PM

AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar

ABSENT: Zill Khan

EXCUSED: Stephen Goldspiel

Regular Meeting

Other Matters for Discussion

Approval of Minutes

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - Mar 16, 2022 7:30 PM


AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar

ABSENT: Zill Khan

EXCUSED: Stephen Goldspiel

Chairman's Report

Committee and Liaison Reports

Com. Weinstein provided Com. Khans notes on the last Board meeting he attended.

Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule

Ms. Woods provided details on upcoming agenda items. Public Comments and Questions


The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 PM
