
North Cook News

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Brown: 'There’s really been a lot of support for' Team Glenbrook


Northfield Township Committeeman T.J. Brown | Facebook

Northfield Township Committeeman T.J. Brown | Facebook

Northfield Township Committeeman T.J. Brown expects the hotly-contested school board race in Glenbrook to essentially come down to one issue.

“In Glenbrook, you got four candidates running on Team Glenbrook slate and they were formed by a group pushing the school district to open up safely in fall,” Brown told the North Cook News of the District 225 race. “Glenbrook is where the football player (Glenbrook North quarterback) Dylan Buckner committed suicide and there’s really been a lot of support for that ticket.”

Brown said a caucus ticket led by a Democratic committeewoman has tried every trick to make things hard for Team Glenbrook, including trying to paint the slate of Bo Herbst, Mai Lin Noffke, Paul Kelly and Carol Schmidt as “racist and xenophobic because they questioned curriculum time in science courses being used on Black Lives Matters and stuff like that.”

Brown said In the Village of Northbrook another caucus running for the board is being boosted by the Democratic Party.

“They’re running against a group called United for Northbrook led by Gene Marks, who used to be village president,” he said. “He’s got a slate of three running for trustee. They have a few issues and one is the affordable housing ordinance passed a couple months ago requiring 15% of all new developments to have affordable housing.”

Consolidated elections are set to be held across the state on April 6.