
North Cook News

Monday, June 17, 2024

Village of Wheeling President and Board of Trustees Met Jan. 18


Village of Wheeling President and Board of Trustees Met Jan. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Horcher

President Horcher stated that we are conducting this meeting tonight by zoom in light of the ongoing pandemic and continuing declaration of disaster by the Governor. I have determined that in person meetings are not practical or prudent at this time due to the ongoing public health emergency.

3. Roll Call - Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson called the roll:

Present: Pat Horcher, Clerk Simpson, Village Manager Jon Sfondilis, and Joe Vito.

Present via Electronic Means: Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Dave Vogel

Also Present via Electronic Means: Police Chief Jamie Dunne, Director of Community Development Ross Klicker, and Village Attorney James Ferolo.

4. Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 4, 2021

Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Mary Krueger to approve Minutes as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

5. Changes to the Agenda - None

6. Proclamations, Congratulatory Resolutions & AwardsA. George Hieber Citizenship Award

Clerk Simpson read the Resolution granting the Award to Mike and Kathy Burns. President Horcher thanked the Burns' and read a statement highlighting some of their contributions. Mr. Burns thanked the Board and the volunteers who assist them in their efforts. Several Trustees thanked the Burns' for their work in the Village.

B. Proclamation: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Clerk Simpson read the Proclamation into the record. President Horcher read a statement encouraging people to serve, especially during this time and, provided information on ways to find opportunities to serve including Americorps.gov and the Village website. President Horcher further stated that "we are all capable of that simple greatness."

7. Appointments and Confirmations - None

8. Administration of Oaths - N/A

9. Citizen Concerns and Comments (via previously recorded voicemail)

Steve Neff commented on continuing to prevent runway expansion at Chicago Executive Airport, and comments made by a citizen at the last Board meeting.

10. Staff Reports

Police Chief Jamie Dunne gave an overview of some new laws including Use of DNA for Missing Persons Cases, Survivors Confidentiality Act, Price Cap on Insulin, and Minimum Wage Hike. Chief Dunne stated that he would provide more information on the Law Enforcement Reform Act (related to trailer bills), at a future meeting. Chief Dunne further stated that body-worn cameras should be in the field by the end of February.

11. Consent Agenda-All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other Agenda items.

Clerk Simpson read the titles into the record.

A. Resolution 21-006 Granting the 2021 George Hieber Citizenship Award to Mike and Kathy Burns

B. Resolution 21-007 Rejecting All Bids for Large Meter Testing and Approving Rebid per the Request of Participating Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) Communities C. Resolution 21-008 Approving a Bond Record-Keeping Report

D. Resolution 21-009 Authorizing Acceptance of the Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Previously-Bid Contract with CallOne, Inc. Related to Professional Telecommunication Services in the Amount of $42,602.40

Motion by Mary Krueger, second by Dave Vogel to approve Consent Agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

12. Old Business - None

13. New Business - All Listed Items for Discussion and Possible Action

A. DISCUSSION: Major Site Plan Concept Review for FedEx Ground Parking Lot (1101 Chaddick Drive)

Clerk Simpson read the Discussion title into the record. Manager Sfondilis read the standard language regarding concept reviews.

Community Development Director Ross Klicker gave a project overview. Petitioners Chris Miller, Kathryn Talty, and Brett Duffy were present via electronic means and answered questions related to internal fencing, landscape plans, and security.

In response to a question from Trustee Lang, Attorney Ferolo stated that there is no impact fee associated with this development.

Director Klicker stated that staff has concerns regarding the extensive amount of ornamental metal fencing proposed throughout the site. Petitioner confirmed they will work with staff on this issue.

President Horcher asked if the Board is in favor of the concept plan for the proposed FedEx major site plan redevelopment as presented.

Final Resolution: Consensus Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

14. Official Communications

President Horcher thanked the Park District for allowing food pickup at Chevy Chase.

Trustee Vito clarified comments he made at the previous meeting related to the Village Manager.

Trustee Papantos wished Trustee Vito a Happy Birthday, and stated that the Village will try and get as much information out as possible related to the COVID vaccine.

Trustee Ruffatto shared information on a law previously passed regarding smoke alarms. By January 1, 2023, all Illinois residents will be required to replace their old smoke detectors with the type that has a long-term 10-year sealed battery.

15. Approval of Bills

Approval of Bills for December 31, 2020 – January 13, 2021, in the amount of $9,355,326.96¢ Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Dave Vogel to Approve Bills as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

16. Executive Session & Adjournment

President Horcher asked for a Motion to recess to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the review of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, and pending, probable and/or imminent litigation, and to adjourn the meeting from Executive Session.

Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Mary Krueger to recess into Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting directly from Executive Session.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved, the open meeting recessed at 7:18 p.m.

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
