Arlington Heights School District 25 Board of Education met June 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Scott Filipek, Vice President of the Arlington Heights School District 25 Board of Education, called the meeting to order to accept a motion to adjourn into closed session at 6:34 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom.
The meeting was noticed for closed session to discuss: Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees/Independent Contractors/Volunteers of the District, 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1); Review closed session minutes, 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(21); Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
Regular Meeting
Scott Filipek, Vice President of the Arlington Heights School District 25 Board of Education, called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. on June 18, 2020. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom. Roll call was noted and the Pledge of Allegiance said.
Board members present: Brian Cerniglia, Chad Conley, Scott Filipek, Erin Johannesen, Rich Olejniczak, and Anisha Ismail Patel
Board members excused: David Page
Others Present: Dr. Lori Bein, Superintendent; Stacey Mallek, Assistant Superintendent for Business/CSBO; Dr. Brian Kaye, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Planning; Dr. Becky FitzPatrick, Assistant Superintendent for the Department of Student Learning; Dr. Peg Lasiewicki, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services; Chris Fahnoe, Director of Technology and Assessment; Ryan Schulz, Director of Facilities Management; Adam Harris, Head of Communications and Story Telling; Lana O’Brien, Recording Secretary; staff; and community.
Recognitions and Presentations - None
Community Input – None
Brian Cerniglia entered the meeting at 7:36 p.m.
Consent Agenda
Motion: S. Filipek moved and E. Johannesen seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve those items on the Consent Agenda as follows: (A) Personnel Report and Addendum to Personnel Report; (B) Treasurer's Report (C) Fixed Asset Disposal Report; (D) Invoices; (E) Accept Donations to District 25 for 2019-2020; (F) Regular and Closed Session Meeting minutes of May 21, 2020 Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
The following reports were given:
● NSSEO – Ms. Johannesen reported that everyone within NSSEO is working very diligently on remote learning for the summer and fall.
● IASB – Ms. Patel reported that IASB has been working to keep Board members connected. She attended a Conversation and Connection meeting on June 4, which included an open discussion on the need for systemic change regarding racism, and promoting practices and policies about racial equity to benefit all our students. There was a meeting of the IASB book club on June 12 with the discussion on governance mindset and building communication and trust.
● ED-RED – Ms. Mallek reported the meeting was held June 5, and Illinois Senate President Harmon was the speaker. All schools have been held harmless in terms of state funding for next year. The state will receive a federal bridge loan to help fund the schools for the upcoming year. There are too many unknows due to the pandemic.
The following reports were received:
● ATA – Ms. Drevline thanked the Board and Dr. Kaye for allowing the negotiations to proceed remotely during the pandemic. The ATA contract was ratified by the ATA, and they were excited to post it to the members. Mr. Cerniglia thanked the ATA Board, Dr. Kaye and Ms. Mallek, and stated it was a very positive negotiation overall.
There were no reports from the following.
● ABC25
Committee of the Whole Reports
Student Learning – No Report
Student Services – No Report
Business and Finance
Resolution to Approve Abatement of Working Cash Fund
Ms. Mallek stated that the district had anticipated transferring $722,590 of the remaining bond proceeds, after all building additions were completed, to cover some capital projects identified in the 10-year life safety survey. The actual amount spent this year on 10-year life safety work was $684,496, so this will be the total transfer of bond proceeds
for 2019-20. Because interest earnings have accrued against the balance of bond proceeds over the years, this will leave a balance of about $210,100 in bond proceeds remaining to cover projects next year.
Because the Capital Projects Fund is not a statutory fund, the resolution shows the transfer of $684,496 of bond proceeds from the Working Cash Fund to the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Fund, which is a statutory fund. Subsequently, an accounting transfer in the same amount will be made from the O&M Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. This two-step transfer process was anticipated and is reflected in our budget.
Motion: E. Johannesen moved and C. Conley seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Abating the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $684,496.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Resolution Restating and Amending the 403(b) Plan
Ms. Mallek explained that this retirement plan is available to certain employees of District 25, and is no cost to the Board, as a 403(b) plan is for the employees to make contributions. 403(b) plans must follow the rules set forth by the IRS, which are updated almost annually. In order to comply with the latest IRS guideline for the 403(b) plan, District 25’s legal counsel prepared the Resolution that must be in place by June 30, 2020. The resolution allows our plan to continue to meet the IRS rules with no financial impact to the Board.
Motion: E. Johannesen moved and S. Filipek seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Restating and Amending the 403(b) plan.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Facilities Management
Award of District Electricity Contract
Mr. Schulz reported that in an effort to validate electricity costs as a result of current market conditions, the district put out a Request for Proposal for electricity. It is anticipated that market competition for the district contract will provide the most stable, cost-effective solution to the district based on current market trends. Currently, the U.S. Energy Information Administration is projecting modest electricity price increases through 2030. The district is recommending Direct Energy to supply the electricity for 36-months starting in July 2020. This is for the base portion that we can control, and is a 36-month typical blend. Direct Energy has experience with other school districts and corporations. The cost is $0.06160 / kWh, and it is estimated to be $843,227.
Motion: E. Johannesen moved and C. Conley seconded the motion that the Board of Education award the contract for district electricity to the lowest responsive vendor as presented.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Personnel and Planning
Approve the 2020-2022 ATA Agreement
Dr. Kaye reviewed the professional agreement process. The administration and teachers worked collectively during the process, and met eight times throughout the school year, which included three in-person and five remote meetings. The process was extremely positive in nature and there was a common goal to attract and retain high quality staff. The team was complimented for the respectful end result, support of the process, and professional focus between each group.
Dr. Kaye provided highlights of the agreement which include maintaining two salary schedules; a two-year contract proposal; an average salary increase between 1-3.5%; a stipend increase; a salary advancement for teachers who take additional postgraduate courses that are of value to the district; proration of sick leave benefits for less than a full year of service; and a bonus for difficult to fill positions. Dr. Kaye thanked all of the members from both negotiation teams, and Board members expressed thanks to all involved for a job well done.
Motion: E. Johannesen moved and S. Filipek seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the 2020-2022 Professional Agreement between the Arlington Heights School District 25 Board of Education and the Arlington Teachers’ Association.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Administrative Compensation for 2020-2021
Dr. Kaye reported that we have outstanding, dedicated administrators that make a profound impact on our students. The district reviews administrative compensation on an annual basis in order to remain fiscally responsible and ensure that we attract and retain staff. The increase for the next school year is 3.5%, unless otherwise noted.
Motion: A. Patel moved and E. Johannesen seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the contracts and 2020-2021 compensation for all administrators including principals, assistant principals, directors, and coordinators as submitted. Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, no; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 5/1.
Non-Certified Employee Compensation for 2020-2021
Dr. Kaye reported that the district reviews non-certified employee compensation on an annual basis in order to remain fiscally responsible and ensure that we attract and retain staff. The Teaching Assistants will have a wage adjustment to remain competitive with area districts. The other groups will have an increase of 3.5%, which matches the CPI of 2.3%, and allows the district to remain fiscally responsible. Crossing Guard compensation will increase by 2.5%, and is set and reimbursed by the Village of Arlington Heights.
School Board Meeting June 18, 2020 p. 5
Motion: S. Filipek moved and E. Johannesen seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the 2020-2021 compensation for the non-certified employees as submitted.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
2020-2021 Calendar Revision
Dr. Kaye reported that Senate bill 1863 was signed by the governor which makes the upcoming November 2020 general election day a legal school holiday. All school buildings must be closed on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, unless authorized to be used as a location for election day services or as a polling place. The 2020 General Election Day holiday also means that teachers and other school employees, other than non- certificated school employees whose presence is necessary because of an emergency, or for the continued operation and maintenance of school facilities or property, may not be required to work on November 3, 2020. The District Calendar Committee reconvened to discuss the impact on the approved school calendar and made the following recommendations to meet the new requirement. Monday, November 2 will be a School Improvement Day for staff only. Tuesday, November 3 is the 2020 General Election Day and will be a holiday with no student or staff attendance. Monday, February 15 is President’s Day and it will be a student attendance day. A Board member asked how District 214 is handling this change, and it was stated that District 214 is taking November 3 as a holiday, and adding a day at the end of the year.
Motion: E. Johannesen moved and S. Filipek seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the revisions to the 2020-2021 calendar as presented. Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Superintendent Report
Communications Plan Update
Mr. Harris provided a brief history of the communications department and the original communications plan from 2016. He reviewed the changes in the new plan, and stated that the communications plan has transformed from a plan into a guide. The guide brings a person into our district and connects them to what is happening in our district.
Mr. Harris reviewed the essence of the guide, as well as defined action steps. He discussed the various ways that he uses to communicate and respond to requests in the district. He explained that brand is more than pictures, colors, and logos, but it’s how we want people to think, and act when they hear, see, or experience District 25. He stated that the media is an asset and should be treated as such, and it is important to develop colleague-type and trusting relationships with reporters. Communications is personal, and this guide will help to keep people on track, and to bring their creativity out to connect with their audience.
Dr. Bein stated that Mr. Harris has become a leader in school communication across the nation, and he is requested by numerous organizations to present across the country.
Board members thanked him for all that he does. Mr. Harris thanked Board members for their continued support.
Planning for the 2020-2021 School Year
Dr. Bein noted that in the Consent Agenda, Mrs. Lindsay Anastacio was approved as the new Principal of Windsor Elementary School. The school community will be notified tonight.
Dr. Bein presented information on the preparations for the 2020-2021 school year. She noted that Illinois is currently in Phase 3, and is expected to move into Phase 4 on June 26. Phase 4 is significant for schools because schools and childcare are able to reopen. When there is a treatment, vaccine, or sustained time with no new cases, the state will move into Phase 5.
District 25 is planning for three possible scenarios, depending on which phase the state will be. We are planning for beginning the year with either remote learning, a hybrid model, or on-site learning with IDPH guidelines. She explained that the original hybrid model, where half of the students would come to school, would be difficult for an elementary district. The district is redefining the hybrid model with most students remote learning, but high-needs students would be in person. With the guidance from the state, we feel will be in person with IDPH guidelines.
The general guiding beliefs include safety of students and staff; a rigorous curriculum; academic and social-emotional connection with teachers on a frequent basis; resources, training, and flexibility for staff; and easy access to technology for students and staff. Dr. Bein also reviewed the guiding beliefs for remote learning, on-site learning, and the hybrid model. She stated that the district must be prepared to transition fluidly between on-site and remote learning.
Dr. Bein explained the action items the district will implement, which includes moving to a 1:1 environment. Chromebooks will be used in grades 3 - 8, and iPads in Kindergarten – 2nd grade. Additional considerations will be made for specific needs in other programs, or for assistive technology. Funds from the CARES Act will be used to purchase technology. The district will also utilize a consistent learning management system for students. Grades K-5 will primarily utilize SeeSaw and middle schools will utilize Schoology, along with Zoom.
Instructional updates include daily live/video instruction whether remote or onsite, and a significant increase in daily experiences between teachers and students for Reading/ELA, math, and other topics. The Department of Student Learning will determine how Creative Arts and PE will be provided if on site, as well as remote. They will also determine how to utilize the library if onsite or remote; how reading and math intervention is provided; and offer professional development that would support staff with remote learning.
Staff who work with special needs students must wear masks and gloves if they are closer than six feet. Nursing staff will need to determine communication to share with parents about the increased need to keep childing home when they are sick. Teletherapy should be provided as much as possible in combination with sending lessons home for practice. This is being implemented in ESY this year.
If learning will be remote, we will need to determine additional remote learning planning days; flexibility for staff who also have children, or family to care for; training for teachers to move from whole to small group instruction; and parent input as options become clearer. If we will be on-site there will likely be no or limited extracurriculars; lunch service will be in classrooms; and middle schools will be without lockers or PE locker room access. We will also need to determine if some families will only want remote learning, how to provide it, and if some staff will need flexibility due to health concerns.
The district is currently in a waiting mode because we are anticipating guidance from the state, but information will be shared throughout the summer. Many districts are leaning towards all in or all out with on-site support. Dr. Bein stressed that we will be reopening schools to the greatest extent that we possibly can.
Board members asked several questions and there was discussion on a variety of topics. If we are in remote learning, teachers will focus on daily reading, language arts, math, and a third experience which is a combination of other subjects. It would be a more typical day, but with a prioritization of reading, language arts, and math. A typical school day is five hours of instruction.
Since lunch will be held in the classrooms there will be a need for additional supervision, cleaning, and disinfecting. The guidance should will tell us what PPE we will need to provide for staff and students. Ms. Hines-Newell has put together a food service plan for students eating in their classrooms, and is within the nutritional guidelines.
Board members thanked Dr. Bein for the detailed information, and for all the thought that is going into the preparations. There are many things to think about to accommodate the various plans. The Board stated that they support Dr. Bein.
Dr. Bein noted that over 600 people signed up to be on the remote learning focus group. She will be providing a report on next steps at the July 16 Board meeting.
The Board did not return to the closed session.
Motion: S. Filipek moved and A. Patel seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
The regular meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.