City of Prospect Heights Fire/Police Commission met June 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
CALL TO ORDER - At 7:05 AM, Chairman Hoffman called to order the Special Meeting of the Fire/Police Commission at City Hall, 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.
ROLL CALL- Roll was called. There was a quorum.
COMMISSIONERS IN ATTENDANCE- Chairman Hoffman, Commissioners- Meyer, Fiorito
OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - Police Chief Zawlocki, Community Liaison Officer Batten
CLOSED SESSION - Personnel Matters - Police Interviews - At 7:05 AM, Commissioner Meyer moved to go into closed session to conduct Police candidate interviews; seconded by Commissioner Fiorito. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Fiorito, Hoffman, Meyer
NAYS- None
Motion carried 3 - 0
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION - At 11:43 AM, Commissioner Meyer moved to end closed session and go back into open session; seconded by Commissioner Fiorito. There was unanimous approval.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Fiorito, Hoffman, Meyer
NAYS- None
Motion carried 3 - O
ADJOURNMENT - At 11:44 AM, Commissioner Meyer moved to Adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Fiorito. There was unanimous approval.
VOICE VOTE: All Ayes, No Nays
Motion carried 3 - 0.
Approved by the Fire Police Commission on this the 24th day of June, 2020.
Chairman Hoffman