
North Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

West Northfield School District 31 Board of Education met November 20

Webp hall

West Northfield School District 31 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The Open Session Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President

Melissa Choo Valentinas 7:06 pm.


Board Members:


Robert Resis

Jeffrey Steres

Daphne Frank

Melissa Choo Valentinas

Maria Vasilopoulos

Absent: Laura Greenberg

Nancy Hammer - attended via phone

District Administration:

Present: Dr. Erin K. Murphy, Superintendent of Schools

Catherine Lauria, Asst Superintendent of Finance & Operations, CSBO

Erica Berger, Principal Winkelman Elementary School

April Miller, Principal Field Middle School

A quorum of the Board was confirmed by President, Melissa Choo Valentinas.


● none


● None


● Field -

○ Mike Sackley, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher

● Students - October Student of the Month at Field Middle School

○ Patrick Narvaez

○ Angie Gray

○ Molly Judy

● Board of Education for Board Appreciation Day

PRESENTATION - 2018-2019 School Report Card Superintendent Erin Murphy presented the 2018-2019 School Report Card. School District’s are required to present it at a Board of Education meeting.

● District 31 received the highest rating of exemplary and explained how ratings are determined.

● Dr. Murphy presented comparison data with other township schools for ELA and math in categories such as IEP, EL, low income, etc.

● Member Maria Vasilopoulos thanked Superintendent Murphy for her presentation and voiced concerns over teacher absenteeism and teacher retention.

● Superintendent Erin Murphy stated that the District Leadership Committee (DLT) met to discuss how they can measure climate and culture and identify a tool to use to determine and measure goals specifically around those concerns.

● Member Jeffrey Steres observed that our trend of instructional expense per pupil is increasing at a greater pace than the state and queried as to why that could be happening.

● Superintendent Erin Murphy stated that much of our instructional expense trends has to do with low class sizes and added specialists in different areas.

● President Melissa Choo Valentinas stated that last year there was an anomaly going into the year wherein the projected numbers were off and our class sizes were 12-13 in some classes, which is lower than the class size guidelines. The class sizes for the 2019-2020 school year better match the class size guidelines. Thus it will be interesting to compare the trend lines from 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

● Member Jeffrey Steres questioned the section of the report card reflecting school environment, specifically Winkelman. He observed that the students do not take the 5 essentials survey and 78% percent of teachers took the survey, Member Jeffrey Steres stated that we still have a couple of challenging areas and would like Superintendent Erin Murphy’s perspective. Superintendent Erin Murphy responded that we are hoping for growth this year when it is taken again in January. Currently that is a conversation that is happening with the DLT team wherein they would like to set a goal around that culture and climate. Superintendent Erin Murphy stated that the 5 Essential Survey is not the best because it is taken once a year and the results come during the summer. The DLT is trying to identify a tool which would be best to measure and set a goal and redo at the end of the year to determine where we are, at that time. Superintendent Erin Murphy has examples of the tools and is hoping to identify a tool by January.


Assistant Superintendent, Cathy Lauria reviewed the following donations listed for approval on the consent agenda:

● Parent Teacher Organization donated $149.99 for a magnetic easel, $1,500 for DLW Storytellers for Field as well as $211.78 for Library Books for Winkelman

Member Jeffrey Steres requested to pull item IV.G. Personnel Report to discuss in closed session due to not having enough information on the report.

Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to remove item IV. G. Personnel Report for discussion in closed and approve items A-H. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.


● Superintendent Erin Murphy summarized the 2020-2021 School Calendar wherein she explained that Calendar Committee met today to review the survey results. The FY21 Calendar Survey had more responses than any other calendar survey given over the last several years. Several observations could be drawn from the survey results,

○ Families want the District 31 calendar to be as closely aligned as possible to the District 225 calendar.

○ Due to the large number of working parents, families need the District 31 calendar to be “working family friendly.”

○ Because of our diverse school community, people desire a school calendar that is equitable.

○ District 31 families desire well-placed non-attendance days that allow for strategic long weekends instead of more “random”days off.

○ District 31 families still have questions and concerns about the value and purpose of early dismissal Mondays.

● After reviewing the results of the survey with the Board of Education, Superintendent Erin Murphy reviewed the 2020-2021 calendar by month with the Board of Education. She also stated that the district is committed to studying options for increasing equity in future school calendars in conjunction with the families, staff, Teacher’s Union (WNTA) and the Board of Education.

● Member Jeffrey Steres stated that based on the survey results, the district is off on most requested religious holidays minus Orthodox Good Friday as it was on the calendars in the past and questioned if the committee discussed it. Superintendent Erin Murphy stated that the committee did discuss this holiday and stated that if we want to have a further conversation on equity and taking out all religious holidays from the calendar, the committee did not want to put one back in after it was off the calendar for three years only to possibly take it back out on the next calendar. Member Nancy Hammer stated that as a member of the committee, the group wanted to keep it as fair as possible.

● Member Jeffrey Steres questioned if we have contacted the local park district to find out if their camps schedule has been completed. Superintendent Erin Murphy stated that they do not have their calendars complete however they determined their calendars based on the local school calendars.

Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 school calendar. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Maria Vasilopoulos, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas 

Nay: None. 

Abstain: Jeffrey Steres 

The motion passed 5:0:1.

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria presented the proposed tentative 2019 tax levy and notice of proposed tax increase. Handouts of the presentation were provided. This 2019 levy funds the 2020 calendar year which means it funds the last half of the 2019-2020 school year and the first half of the 2020-2021 school year. In the spring, the District receives receipts of 55% of the amount received the prior year and 45%, or the balance due, is received in the fall. The many factors that go into the estimation regarding how much to levy were explained with a history for each. These items included assuming a change in EAV, the current change in CPI, which for levy year 2019 is 1.9%. An estimate for new property and the current multiplier, also referred to as the equalization factor, are other components taken into account when determining the levy request.

● The revenue sources were discussed which illustrated the importance of property tax receipts, our largest revenue source. CPPRT also assists the district in meeting its expenses and would be a difficult void to fill without it.

● In addition to the historical aspects of the different components involved in the levy determination, the presentation provided a summary report of the levy calculation the amounts requested by fund for the prior year, as well as an anticipated amount by fund for 2019 and the amounts by fund included in the levy request. Estimated tax rates by fund and end of year fund balance were also presented.

● The increase to current taxpayers being requested is the 1.9% CPI factor. The remaining levy request reflects the effort to collect receipts from any new property.

● It was recommended that the Board of Education approved the Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be levied for the year 2019, as well as the Notice of Proposed Tax Increase, in compliance with the Truth in Taxation Act, which sets the Public Hearing on December 17, 2019, at 7:00PM, Field School 2055 Landwehr, Rd, Northbrook.

After further discussion, Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be levied for the year 2019. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Maria Vasilopoulos, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas, Jeffrey Steres 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.

Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the Notice of Proposed Tax Increase, Member Maria Vasilopoulous seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas,Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.

Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to approve setting 7:00pm, December 17, 2019 as the Public Hearing Date for the Tax Levy. Member Jeffrey Steres seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas,Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria presented the Resolution Authorizing a Supplemental Tax Levy to pay the principal of and interest on outstanding limited bonds of the District wherein she stated the regular levy increasing by CPI applies to all operating funds. In order to get the CPI increase on debt service, there is a need for a Supplemental Levy request. She presented the bond repayment schedules which illustrate the calculation to determine the amount. Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria reviewed the charts with the Board of Education in order to provide a understanding of the process.

Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing a Supplemental Tax Levy to pay the principal of and interest on outstanding limited bonds of the District. Member Jeffrey Steres seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas,Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria presented the proposal for approval for the safety laminate. She stated that changes were made to the Requests for Proposals to increase coverage of additional areas, such as the Learning Center and Makerspace at Winkelman. Two of the three companies that had been responding, did provide a proposal for the last RFP. The product offering was similar in regards to “mils” or thickness of the laminate. Alan and Associates offers 3M 14 mil window film and TruArmor, also known as Clear-Armor, offers a 15 mil product which is manufactured and patented by their company. This company presented at a safety symposium attend last year by Board Members Robert Resis and Jeffrey Steres, as well as Principal Berger. This company offers trainings as well as products and four hours of training within the school setting and was included in their quote.

The two quotes received for the labor and material costs involved for the project, using calculations based on 2,085.82 square feet are:

Clear-Armor LLC $46,930.96 (includes four hours of training) Alan & Associates $34,682.00

After further discussion in regards to the placement of the laminate, it was agreed that the company which provided the training, and had numerous course available, would be the better choice but requested we receive recommendations on where the laminate should be applied. It was suggested that Tru-Amor and local officials have a part in evaluating the buildings to determine best locations for this safety improvement.

Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the proposal for safety laminate with adjustments, provided by Clear-Armor LLC, also known TruArmor. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution: 

Aye: Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas,Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0.


Administrative Sharing:

● Math Coordinator, Julie Stone presented an update on math wherein she explained the materials that are being used in the classroom and what does the day of a coordinator look like. At Winkelman, both the ELA Coordinators and Julie have each lead separate half day professional development at each grade level.

Office of the Chief School Business Official

● Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the October Monthly Budget reports, as follows:

○ Treasurer’s Report - reflects an ending fund balance of just under $21.2 million for all funds, which is a reduction of $1.5 million from last month.

○ Investment Summary - reports $16.4 million of investments which do not include the dollars invested from the tax exempts bonds. Recent spending shows that we have exhausted the tax exempt money.

○ Budget Summary - A formula correction was pointed out in revenues under capital projects for 18-19. This change does not change the graph for the month since it represents operating funds. The expenses in the Education Fund appeared much lower than the prior year. This was due to an October payment to NSSED last year while the payment for this year was being made in November. Depending on a schedule of progress for the Winkelman site project, some of the remaining expense allocations for Capital Projects may not be spent until next year.

○ Bid opening for transportation scheduled for November 21st. After further discussion regarding the status of service from First Student, Member Jeffrey Steres questioned why the email messages from their app continue to show the message coming from the district, as he requested it be changed to First Student. They are responsible for this service, not the District. First Student representatives at the last meeting had conflicting views on if that could be done. Member Jeffrey Steres stated he would like to have a healthy separation from the bus company.

● The P-Card summaries remain available in the packets for Board review. Please contact her with any questions.

● Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the construction update:

○ The permit has been received for the rest of the cladding for the building at Field. Because of the weather, the company is planning to start staining and cladding on Monday. Their goal is to be done by January as long as it is not 20 degrees or lower.

○ We have not received any bids for landscaping. We are receiving quotes for small projects to be done at the buildings.

○ For the Winkelman site project, we received approval of the plans from the MWRD with the detention area. Since the approval was received, the goal was to complete the trash enclosure, as well as the sidewalk in the field that would be used for egress. Our engineer developed a design for the restrictor in the detention pond to prevent clogging. The water would still have a way to flow out through holes on the sides. Late in the process, the Village decided that they had a design they preferred and wanted us to use. Our engineer’s model provides for a 6 inch wide diameter and the Village model is 3 inches wide. The code would allow the use of the 6” model. The engineer believes that the MWRD may not approve a smaller restrictor in regards to diameter. The changes in design to change to the model being recommended by the Village would create a significant amount of additional expense to this project. Assistant Superintendent Cathy Laura stated that through conversations with a representative from the Village, they agreed to allow the district to choose which model to use as they would not participate in sharing the cost. If we chose our engineer’s model, the Village would require having a Maintenance Plan to have it inspected on a regular basis by a certified engineer. They will be sharing a plan they currently use for some of the projects that we could use for this one. After further discussion, the Board of Education agreed to go with our engineer’s model instead of the one from the Village’s third party engineer.

○ Assistant Superintendent Cathy Laura updated the Board of Education on the traffic study cameras that were installed on Monday. This study is being done per the request by the Village of Northbrook to assist in determining changes to Landwehr Road. Options would be to change the striping to eliminate the left turn lane or to move the left turn lane further south on Landwehr. If the latter, the county is expecting the District to manage this expense. The study will be conducted over three days and the report will be shared with the Board of Education, when available. The cost of the study is $8,800.


● Member Nancy Hammer reported on the PTO. She stated that the Yankee Candle Fundraiser is still happening online through January 28th. The “Sons Sports Night” was received really well and seeing more teacher involvement. Lou Malnati’s raiser is getting a nice response. The Winter Ball is coming soon. The Holiday Shop will be December 4th through the 13th.

● Member Nancy Hammer also reported on the Education Foundation. She stated that the Winter Benefit is scheduled for February 22, 2020. It will be a Trivia Night concept. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd wherein they are still trying to seek out individuals to take positions on the Board.

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria stated that she is part of the financial committee at NSSED. This committee is part of reviewing the financial model which was supposed to go into effect this coming year but with the rate of progress and the work that needs to be done, it will be implemented the following year. Winkelman Principal Erica Berger also stated the NSSED recognized the Kindergarten Team at Winkelman for the awesome work they have been doing with inclusionary strategies in partnership with NSSED occupational therapy.

● Member Maria Vasilopoulos summarized the IASB wherein she reminded the Board of Education that the Triple III conference is this weekend. Member Maria Vasilopoulos also summarized the NSSED Board meeting wherein they discussed the Board of Education Self Evaluation tool. The different districts do this evaluation once or twice a year. The cost is about $400 for two hours. The other discussion at the meeting involved the special education model and how it is evolving where it was pull out versus teaching students inside the classroom and finding the balance between helping kids feel included and getting the academics that they need. NSSED is developing a survey designed to self evaluate. NSSED also talked about the timeline for their superintendent evaluation.


Superintendent Murphy reported on the enrollment.


ssistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the FOIA request for:

1. WLS-TV-Vaping information


Illinois Association of School Boards Proposed Policy Statements

● Superintendent Murphy reviewed with the Board of Education the consensus of the Board of Education regarding the proposed policy statements. The Board of Education decided that Member Maria Vasilopoulos would represent the District. Consensus was for Member Maria Vasilopoulos to vote according to the recommendation of the IASB with variations on three resolutions.

○ School Safety - 

A straw vote was taken: Agree, 2; Not Agree, 4.

○ School Safety Grant Program -

A straw vote was taken: Agree, 2; Not Agree, 4.

○ School Board Member Compensation -

A straw vote was taken: Agree, 0; Not Agree, 6.


President Member Melissa Choo Valentinas reported on the Science Olympiad. A Glenbrook South Senior put together a Science Olympiad Invitational of 12 events that she ran herself. Science Teacher Suejin Moon put together a team. District 31 entered 6 out of 12 events and we received four second place standings, one third place and one sixth place standing.


Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to move into closed session to consider pending litigation, collective bargaining and the iappointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas, Maria Vasilopoulos 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0 at 10:04pm

ACTION ITEMS FROM CLOSED After discussion of item IV.G. of the consent agenda in closed, Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the personnel report as presented. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Melissa Choo Valentinas, Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0

ADJOURN Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to adjourn. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion. Final Resolution:

Aye: Melissa Choo Valentinas, Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank 

Nay: None. 

The motion passed 6:0 at 11:16pm
