
North Cook News

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Bernas blames state's poor business climate on political culture and tax burdens


Jillian Rose Bernas

Jillian Rose Bernas

Illinois repeatedly has been ranked low in business friendliness and compatibility for small businesses, facts that Jillian Rose Bernas, Republican candidate for the 56th House District is committed to changing. 

"Small businesses are responsible for creating half of the jobs in our state; yet, lawmakers take advantage of small businesses," Bernas told North Cook News. "Instead of applauding small businesses for their achievements, they treat them like piggy banks, turning them upside down to shake out every penny in taxes."

In a recent survey conducted by Thumbtack, an online services company, Illinois was given an F-rating for small business owners, according to the Illinois Policy Journal. 

Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg)

Bernas' opponent, incumbent state Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg) has failed to support small businesses, despite her claims otherwise, Bernas said.

"She goes to Springfield to destroy small business with her votes for tax hikes and legislation that cripples small business," Bernas said. "Make no mistake about it, she is not at the service of small business. In her mind, small businesses are there to serve her."

Bernas believes that there are several issues contributing to the poor business climate in the state, including the political culture and tax burdens felt by the residents. 

"Instead of passing legislation that helps grow the economy in Illinois to generate revenue, lawmakers like my opponent seized small business resources passing a 32 percent increase in income taxes and increasing the corporate tax from 5.25 percent to 7 percent to fund their spending habits," Bernas said. 

The spending habits of the Illinois government are shameful, to say the least; and the government has rarely, if ever, been able to curb their spending long enough to aid their citizens, forcing residents to move to neighboring states to be able to keep their heads above water, or in the case of the Illinois government, taxes, she said. 

"Other states in the Midwest welcome business by passing business-friendly policies," Bernas said. "These in turn grow the economy and generate revenue that funds the state."

If elected, Bernas pledged to improve the business climate for small business owners by bringing reform to the taxation system.

"I recently received the endorsement of the Illinois chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) because I am going to Springfield to pass reforms in taxes and costs to business, all things Illinois received an 'F' on from entrepreneurs," Bernas said. 

The 56th House District covers all or part of Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Roselle and Hanover Park.