
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City Of Park Ridge City Council met June 18.

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City Of Park Ridge City Council met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

I. Call to Order

Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Deputy Clerk Peterson read the roll call and the following elected officials indicated their presence.

Ald. Moran, Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce and Mayor Maloney.

Ald. Milissis and Clerk Henneman were absent.

III. Pledge of Allegiance

Attendees of the meeting pledged their allegiance to the United States flag.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Committee of the Whole – June 11, 2018

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

B. Regular Meeting of the City Council – June 4, 2018

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Melidosian.

Ald. Joyce spoke about action that had been taken (426 Talcott) on an item for which the motion has failed and he was not present. He would like to take further action on the item when it is appropriate. City Attorney Simon indicated the appropriate time would be when addressing Planning & Zoning items.

Motion carried; voice vote.

V. Reports of City Officials

A. Mayor’s report

1. Mayoral Veto of the June 4, 2018 approval of the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Professional Office (Ground Floor) at 104 Main Street (18-04-SU)

Mayor Maloney read a statement explaining his reasons for vetoing the Special Use for 104 Main Street. He believes the space could be better utilized for retail or dining, attracting more people to the City. He does not support having the space used for office purposes.

The matter will be addressed by the City Council in two-weeks.

2. Approve the appointment of the following persons to the Library Board of Directors for a three - year term, effective July 1, 2018:

a. Michael Reardon, Re-appointment Term 2

b. Steven Dobrilovic, Re-appointment Term 2

c. Lauren Rapisand, appointment Term 1

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Ald. Melidosian was pleased that the City received a total of nine good candidates for the positions.

Motion carried; voice vote.

3. Recognition of Oakton Community College Baseball Team winning the World Series Championship by the National Championship Junior College Athletic Association Mayor Maloney invited all members of the Oakton Owls Baseball Team to the Podium. He read and presented the team with a Proclamation in recognition of their winning the NJCAA World series Championship with a score of 14-11 and finishing with an overall season record of 44-17.

B. City Council

Ald. Joyce announced that the Community Health Commission is hosting its first annual Health Fair in Hodges

Park this coming Saturday morning.

C. City Attorney

No report.

D. City Clerk

No report.

E. City Manager

No report.

F. Finance Director

1. Warrant report C061418 for the period ending June 13, 2018 Fiscal Year 2018 in the amount of $16,804.98 reviewed by Alderman Melidosian.

2. Warrant report C061518 for the period ending June 13, 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 in the amount of $913,910.00 reviewed by Ald. Melidosian.

Ald. Mazzuca questioned an expenditure of $1,400.00, payable to Across the Street Productions. Executive Officer Lisowski explained that the amount was associated with the Fire Department (an online training module for Fire Department employees).

VI. Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VIII.F.1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Personal Service Use (Ground Floor) at 143 Vine Avenue (18-07-SU)

VIII.I.1. Approve a contract for a bobcat loader and concrete breaker attachment, PW-18-18 to Atlas Bobcat, LLC in the amount of $43,339.00

VIII.I.2. Approve a contract for Flygt Pump Repair at Sibley Lift Station, PW-19-01, to Hydroaire Inc.

VIII.I.3. Approve a purchase order for a fuel monitoring system to Metro Tank and Pump Company in the amount of $24,087.00

VIII.I.4. Approve a one-year extension to the contract for emergency watermain and sewer work services,


VIII.I.5. Approve a contract for the 2018 street resurfacing Program, 19-00000-01-GM with J.A. Johnson Paving Co. in the amount of $1,353,058.55

VIII.I.6. Approve the contract for Thermoplastic Pavement Marking with Superior Road Striping Inc. and a purchase order in the amount of $45,000.00

VIII.I.7. Approve a purchase order for one (1) Elgin Pelican NP Sweeper to Standard Equipment Company of Chicago, Illinois in the amount of $204,306.00

VIII.J.1. Approve a purchase order for Fire Department uniforms to On Time Embroidery Inc. of Elk Grove

Village, IL not to exceed $26,500.00

VIII.J.3. Approve Resolution that amends a Mutual Aid Agreement for the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS)

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Ald. Joyce acknowledged the fine job of City Engineer Mitchell in obtaining a well-priced contract for the street resurfacing contract.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce and Moran (6)

Nays: None (0)

Absent: Ald. Milissis (1)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 6 – 0.

VI. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item Mel Thillens, a representative of the Taste of Park Ridge, spoke about its upcoming event to be held July 12-14. People interested in volunteering can contact the Taste via Facebook.

Steve Rubsam (21 N. Washington), spoke about a proposal brought before the City by the building owner at 304 West Touhy and 301 Grant. On May 22, he and his neighbors attended a Planning and Zoning Committee meeting in which the owner presented a case to construct a 26-space parking lot at the Grant Place address. He opposes the development of the parking lot. He spoke about the traffic congestion in the area during rush hour. He contacted IDOT which suggested that the City send in paperwork to conduct a traffic study.

Director Brown spoke about the Site Plan review of which the Zoning Ordinance has certain thresholds. Some Administrative reviews can be done by staff; those outside of a Special Use approval or Planning and Development approval goes to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final administrative approval authority. If the matter is rejected, the applicant can appeal to the City Council. If approved, the decision of the Planning & Zoning Committee is final; there is no appeal. Director Brown indicated the apartment building has 41-units; there is a 3 unit building that would be demolished; and the owner wants to combine the two lots which would be zoned R-4.

Alderman Melidosian spoke about the disappointment expressed by many property owners that reside in the immediate vicinity. He would like to know if they have any recourse. He questioned any due-diligence on behalf of the City.

City Attorney Simon deferred to Mr. Brown that the proposed use is a permitted use and not a special use. Under state law, a plat of sub-division is not required when adjoining land owners are selling land between themselves. Both lots are required to meet the minimum lot area requirements. Applying for a building permit is the next step. The matter will not come before the City Council. 

Director Brown indicated there will be a loss of 3 dwelling units. The Planning and Zoning Commission already reviewed the landscaping; they will need to have an engineering review and submit building permits for the project. He believes some of the concerns and complaints about parking in the area will be mitigated.

Ald. Melidosian spoke about sight lines and congestion which are concerns of the residents in the area. He did recognize the building owner for turning the building around in a positive way.

Ald. Moran mentioned that there was a three or four car garage that was on the adjacent property that was removed by the owner and constructed into a lot that now exists. He asked if there was any recourse to the owner’s actions if the work was done without any permits.

Joe Pagliari (300 Grant Place) also spoke about the parking lot matter. He spoke about a recent communication that he sent to the Elected Officials explaining the number of vehicles owned by people residing in the building. In 2015, there were 18 tenants with cars; today, there is 28. He went from having 5 illegal spaces to 15. He opposes the parking lot.

Midori Par (7 N. Washington) is a resident in the area. She presented a schematic drawing so that traffic backups could be easily demonstrated visually. She said it takes 15-20 minutes to pull out of her driveway. She asked if there was a way to relocate the driveway to Grant Street.

Mayor Maloney encouraged residents to continue to contact Ald. Melidosian who would communicate with Director Brown.

When asked by Ald. Melidosian in regards to residents taking legal action, Attorney Simon indicated that he was unable to provide any legal advice.

Ald. Wilkening indicated that she has attended the meetings. She believes the owner is doing what he can to try to alleviate any stress to those living in the neighborhood.

Marek Lupinski (550 Busse Highway), a driving instructor from Viking Driving School, indicated that students are facing issues (having difficulty) pulling out of the lot near the Burger King and asked the City for assistance. He was directed to contact Susan Tedeschi, Director Zingsheim’s assistant in the Public Works Department.

A resident from 1529 W. Talcott Road indicated that Park Ridge has a certain amount of land and the population has continued to densify with the addition of multifamily residences. In his opinion, traffic has gotten bad, schools are over-crowded and the quality of life has been lowered. He made a plea that it be discontinued.

VII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A. Community Health Commission – Ald. Joyce

Ald. Joyce reported that the state is also looking into a Tobacco 21 initiative. The Community Health Commission previously spoke before the City Council on this issue. Ald. Shubert reported that the Tobacco 21 passed in the General Assembly and is currently on the Governor’s desk waiting for his signature.

B. Historic Preservation Commission – Ald. Joyce

Ald. Joyce indicated that the Commission will not be meeting until September.

C. Library Board of Trustees – Ald. Melidosian

Ald. Melidosian briefly spoke about the construction at the Library.

D. Liquor License Review Board – Liquor Commissioner/Mayor Maloney

No report.

E. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca

No report.

F. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Wilkening

1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Personal Service Use (Ground Floor) at 143 Vine Avenue (18-07-SU) / Approved by omnibus vote Ald. Joyce spoke about a matter that was brought up at the June 4, 2018 City Council meeting regarding 425 Talcott that was received a failing vote of 3 – 3. According to City Attorney Simon, because the vote failed, the absent member is considered to be part of the vote that failed. A vote to reconsider can be made at the meeting preceding the meeting in which the vote failed. If the vote to reconsider passes, Attorney Simon suggested the item be addressed at the next meeting to allow for review of the documentation and so that proper notice is given to the public.

Approve motion to reconsider first reading of an Ordinance granting a Map Amendment for property at 425 Talcott Road from B-1 retail and Office District to R-4 Multi-Family District

Moved by Ald. Joyce. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Moran, Ald. Wilkening, Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Joyce

Nays: None

Absent: Ald. Milissis

Abstain: None

The matter will return before the City Council on July 2, 2018.

G. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran

No report.

H. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Wilkening

1. Approve final reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 6 and 7 of Article 12 regarding alcohol at the Farmers Market.

Moved by Ald. Wilkening. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Director Brown briefly explained the revisions that were requested at the June 4 City Council meeting which have been reflected in the Ordinance presented.

Ryan Tracey, owner of Beer on the Wall, thanked the City Council for working together and coming up with acceptable modifications to the proposed ordinance.

Deanna Madigan of the Farmers Market (1037 Prospect Avenue) also thanked the City Council and mentioned

that the proposed change has resulted in excitement at the Market.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Joyce (4)

Nays: Ald. Wilkening and Mazzuca (2)

Absent: Ald. Milissis (1)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 4 – 2.

According to Attorney Simon, any licensee would need to see Deputy Clerk Peterson to add the Farmers Market endorsement to their license.

I. Public Works Committee – Ald. Moran

1. Approve a contract for a bobcat loader and concrete breaker attachment , PW-18-18 to Atlas Bobcat, LLC in the amount of $43,339.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve a contract for Flygt Pump Repair at Sibley Lift Station, PW-19-01, to Hydroaire Inc. / Approved by omnibus vote

3. Approve a purchase order for a fuel monitoring system to Metro Tank and Pump Company in the amount of $24,087.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

4. Approve a one-year extension to the contract for emergency watermain and sewer work services, PW—FY-17-01 / Approved by omnibus vote

5. Approve a contract for the 2018 street resurfacing Program, 19-00000-01-GM with J.A. Johnson Paving Co. in the amount of $1,353,058.55 / Approved by omnibus vote

6. Approve the contract for Thermoplastic Pavement Marking with Superior Road Striping Inc. and a purchase order in the amount of $45,000.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

7. Approve a purchase order for one (1) Elgin Pelican NP Sweeper to Standard Equipment Company of Chicago, Illinois in the amount of $204,306.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

J. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Melidosian

1. Approve a purchase order for Fire Department uniforms to On Time Embroidery Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL not to exceed $26,500.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve a purchase order for (1) one 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD to Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL in the amount of $27,216.00

Moved by Ald. Melidosian. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Executive Officer Lisowski explained the expenses that resulted in a $2,000.00 difference. Ald. Moran requested additional information at the Committee meeting that was not fully provided. Therefore, he requested that the item be deferred until the July 2, 2018 City Council meeting. According to Executive Director Lisowski, the deferral does not pose any problem. Garage Supervisor McGrath was not fully comfortable with the information that was presented. Therefore, he was in support of deferral.

Approve to defer consideration of the purchase order for (1) one 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD to Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL in the amount of $27,216.00 until July 2, 2018

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Motion carried; voice vote.

3. Approve Resolution that amends a Mutual Aid Agreement for the Northern Illinois Police

Alarm System (NIPAS) / Approved by omnibus vote

K. Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Mazzuca

No report.

VIII. New business

Ald. Shubert spoke about the Taste of Park Ridge. He would like the Aldermen to assist with the opening night as has been a tradition in the past.

He mentioned that the Bike Task Force and City of Park Ridge are signed up for the Bike to Work Commuter Challenge which runs June 18 through June 29. Anyone interested in participating can sign up on a website. The Park District and the Village of Niles are also participating. Trips or meetings to City Hall count as trips for the challenge. Attorney Simon asked staff that are participating to contact the Human Resources Department.

Ald. Mazzuca inquired about the Vine Street Barbeque. City Manager Gilmore indicated the event is approved and planned for Hodges Park (August 18) with additional contestants and judges. Ald. Melidosian questioned the change that moved the event from the Library Lot to Hodges Park; City Manager Gilmore responded. Ald.Melidosian reminded the City Council that it is signed up to participate as a team.

He also inquired about the State of Illinois paying the City its owed funds. Finance Director Lamberg responded that no additional payments have been received by the City since her last report.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
