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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village Of Wilmette President And Board Of Trustees will meet June 26

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Village Of Wilmette President And Board Of Trustees will meet at June 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1.0 Roll Call

2.0 Public Comment

3.0 Consent Agenda

Matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are items of routine business that ordinarily are not debated by the Village Board. Routine business may include adoption of ordinances, introduction of ordinances, land use cases with positive recommendations from a public body, minutes, reports, appointments, and contracts. Matters referred to a Village Board committee will not be acted upon until the assigned committee submits its report and recommendation to the full Village Board. Village Board rules (unless waived by majority vote) require that Ordinances not related to land use cases be “introduced” at one meeting and not considered for “adoption” until a subsequent meeting, at which time they may be discussed.

The Village President will inquire if a member of the Board or member of the public wishes to discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. If such a request is made, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and taken up by the Village Board in the order shown. Thereafter, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all remaining items listed. The resulting roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each remaining agenda item. Any item removed from the Consent Agenda is subject to a five-minute time limit. Any agenda item beginning with a 3 is on the Consent Agenda.

3.1 Approval of minutes of the Regular Board meeting held June 12, 2018.

Land Use Committee Consent Agenda

3.2 Presentation of minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held May 16, 2018.

3.3 Presentation of minutes of the Appearance Review Commission meeting held May 7, 2018.

3.4 Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2018-Z-25, 121 Dupee Place regarding a request for a 205.88 square foot (28.5%) front yard impervious surface coverage variation to permit the installation of a new driveway on the legal non-conforming structure in accordance with the plans submitted; adoption of Ordinance #2018-O-51.

3.5 Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2018-Z-26, 106 16th Street regarding a request for a 24.5 square foot (0.78%) total floor area variation, 1.69’ combined side yard setback variation, a 0.41’ combined side yard eave setback variation, a 3.43 square foot (0.55%) rear yard structure impervious surface coverage variation, a 5.0’ side yard air conditioner condenser setback variation, a variation to allow the expansion and relocation of windows in a non-conforming wall, and a variation to the requirement that a new home provide two enclosed parking spaces to permit the construction of a substantial addition and remodel that is classified as a new home and the retention of an existing one-car detached garage in accordance with the plans submitted; adoption of Ordinance #2018-O-52.

Finance Committee Consent Agenda

3.6 Presentation of the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held June 1, 2018.

Administration Committee Consent Agenda

3.7 Reappointment of Pamela Davidson to the Board of Fire and Police

Commissioners from July 14, 2018 to July 14, 2021.

3.8 Recommendation of reappointment of Bob Surman to the Zoning Board of

Appeals from July 23, 2018 to July 23, 2023.

3.9 Notice of vacancy on the Human Relations Commission due to the term expiration of Gerald Smith.

3.10 Notice of vacancy on the Human Relations Commission due to the term expiration of John Thomson.

Municipal Services Standing Committee

3.11 Approval of contract in the amount not to exceed $84,606 with Monroe Truck Equipment Inc., Monroe, WI for outfitting of one large dump truck chassis with a snow plow, dump body, salt spreader, liquid deicer prewetting system and underbody scraper.

Judiciary Committee Consent Agenda

3.12 Presentation of minutes of the Judiciary Committee meeting held February 12, 2018.

3.13 Introduction of Ordinance #2018-O-49 increasing the number of Class I Liquor Licenses (Treasure Island Foods Inc.)

3.14 Introduction of Ordinance #2018-O-50 increasing the number of Class D Liquor Licenses (Wilmette Harbor Association).

4.0 Reports Of Officers:

5.0 Report Of Liquor Control Commissioner:

6.0 Standing Committee Reports:

6.1 Land Use Standing Committee Report

6.11 Remove From Table- Zoning Board of Appeals Report, Case #2017-Z-63, 238 Kilpatrick Avenue regarding a revised request for a 587.21 square foot (7.43%) total floor area variation, a variation to exceed the first floor height limit, a 1.05’ side yard setback variation and a 2.99’ combined side yard setback variation to permit the construction of a substantial addition and remodel that is classified as a new home in accordance with the plans submitted

Time Limit: 30 Minutes

6.2 Finance Standing Committee Report

6.21 Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2017 Comprehensive Annual

Financial Report (Cafr).

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

6.22 Adoption of Ordinance #2018-O-45 repealing Ordinance #2017-O36 identifying Home Rule conflicts with a certain County Ordinance regarding minimum hourly wage.

6.23 Adoption of Ordinance #2018-O-46 repealing Ordinance #2017-O40 identifying Home Rule conflicts with a certain County Ordinance regarding paid sick leave.

Combined Time Limit: 60 Minutes

6.3 Administration Standing Committee Report

All items listed on the Consent Agenda

6.4 Municipal Services Standing Committee Report

All items listed on the Consent Agenda

6.5 Public Safety Standing Committee Report

No Report

6.6 Judiciary Standing Committee Report

All items listed on the Consent Agenda

6.7 Reports From Special Committees

7.0 New Business

8.0 Matters Referred To Standing Committees

8.1 Review adding group homes for private school students as a permitted or special use in the residential zoning districts.

8.2 Review regulation of and application for small wireless facilities as it relates to outside public rights-of-way.

9.0 Adjournment
