
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge City Council met April 16.

Webp meeting 02

City of Park Ridge City Council met April 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

I.Call to order

II.Roll Call

III.Pledge of Allegiance

IV.Approval of Minutes

A.Committee of the Whole - March 26, 2018

B.Regular Meeting of the City Council - April 2, 2018

C.Budget Workshop - April 11, 2018

V.Reports of City Officials


1.Proclamation - Arbor Day

2.Proclamation - 115th Anniversary of Goudy’s Village Press

3.Approve the appointment of Greg Bartoshuk to the Animal Commission for an unexpired term ending 9/30/2019 and full term ending 9/30/2022

B.City Council

C.City Attorney

D.City Clerk

E.City Manager

F.Finance Director

1.Warrant report for the period ending April 15, 2018 in the amount of $5,686,757.24 reviewed by Ald. Moran

VI.Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VII.Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item

VIII.Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A.Community Health Commission - Ald. Joyce

B.Historic Preservation Commission - Ald. Joyce

C.Library Board of Trustees - Ald. Melidosian

D.Liquor License Review Board - Liquor Commissioner/Mayor Maloney

E.O’Hare Airport Commission - Ald. Mazzuca

F.Planning & Zoning Commission - Ald. Wilkening

G.Zoning Board of Appeals - Ald. Moran

H.Procedures and Regulations Committee - Ald. Wilkening

I.Public Works Committee – Ald. Moran

* 1. Approve a purchase order for the repair to Ladder Truck (F45) with Fire Service Inc. in the amount of $17,505.75

* 2. Approve an Illinois Department of Transportation Supplemental Resolution to use Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $200,000 for the 2018/2019 Street Resurfacing Program

* 3. Approve an Ordinance amending Municipal Code 13-16-8 and 13-13-1 for permit parking on Garden Street

* 4. Approve the Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, and the City of Park Ridge

* 5. Approve the Resolution for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Northwest Highway Streetscape Project

J.Public Safety Committee – Ald. Melidosian

1. Approve a design/build contract for the City Hall office remodel, PD18-02, to Efraim Carlson & Sons, Libertyville, Illinois in the amount of $46,800.

K.Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Mazzuca

1.Approve a budget ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 Budget beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019

A.Public Hearing

B.Message from Finance & Budget Chairman, Alderman Marc Mazzuca

IX.New Business – For announcement, deliberation, and/or discussion only; no official action will be taken.

