
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Evanston Administration and Public Works Committee met April 17.

City of Evanston Administration and Public Works Committee met April 17.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:





(A1.1) Contract with Robert Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscaping Company, Inc. for 2017 Dutch Elm Disease Prevention Program Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for the 2017 Dutch Elm Disease Prevention contract to the low bidder, Robert Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscaping Company, Inc. (28877 Nagel Court, Lake Bluff, IL, 60044) in the amount of $693,079.80. Funding for this project will be from the Forestry Inoculation Fund (Account 100.40.4320.62497), which has a budget of $750,000.00. For Action

(A1.2) Contract Extension with Patriot Pavement Maintenance for Crack Sealing Services Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one year contract extension for crack sealing services with Patriot Pavement Maintenance (825 Segers Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016) in the amount of $100,000. This contract award is part of a bid let by the Municipal Partnering Initiative. Funding for this work will from the Street Maintenance Fund (Account 100.40.4510.62509), with a budget of $120,000. For Action

(A1.3) Purchase of Hox Mix Asphalt from Builders Asphalt Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a oneyear single source contract for the purchase of Hot Mix Asphalt with Builders Asphalt (4413 Roosevelt Road Suite 108, Hillside, IL 60162) in the amount of $23,700. Funding will be as follows: $17,300 from the General Fund (Account 100.40.4510.65055) with a budget of $100,000; $4,000 from the Water Fund (Account 510.40.4540.65051) with a budget of $27,600; and $2,400 from the Sewer Fund (Account 515.40.4530.65051) with a budget of $10,000. For Action 

(A1.4) Sole Source Purchase of Water Treatment Plant Turbidimeters from Hach Company Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a sole source purchase of twelve turbidimeters and accessories from Hach Company (P.O. Box 608 Loveland, CO 80539-0608) in the amount of $49,220.55. Funding for this purchase will be split between Accounts 513.71.7330.65515.717014 & 510.40.4220.65085 with allocations of $25,000.00 and $85,000.00 respectively. For Action 

(A1.5) Contract with Joel Kennedy Constructing Corporation for 2017 Water Main Improvements and Street Resurfacing Project Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for the 2017 Water Main Improvements and Street Resurfacing Project (Bid No. 17-03) with Joel Kennedy Constructing Corporation (2830 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657) in the amount of $2,659,267.00. Funding will be provided from the Water Fund (Account 513.71.7330.65515 – 417007) in the amount of $2,110,460.37, the CIP Fund (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 417007) in the amount of $229,850.63, and the Sewer Fund (Account 515.40.4535.62461 – 417007) in the amount of $318,956.00. This project was budgeted at $3,430,000 for FY 2017. For Action 

(A1.6) Contract with J.A. Johnson Paving Company for 2017 Motor Fuel Tax Street Resurfacing Project Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for the 2017 MFT Street Resurfacing Project (Bid No. 17-04) with J.A. Johnson Paving Company (1025 E. Addison Court, Arlington Heights, IL 60005) in the amount of $977,779.00. Funding will be provided from the MFT Fund (Account 415.40.4217.65515 – 417004) with a budget of $1,391,000. For Action

(A1.7) Change Order No. 1 to the Phase III Engineering Services Contract for the Emerson/Ridge/Green Bay Road Project with ESI Consultants, Ltd Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 for the Phase III Construction Engineering Services with ESI Consultants, Ltd., (1979 N. Mill Street, Suite 100, Naperville, IL 60563) in the amount of $92,787.67. This will increase the contract fee from $723,803.89 to $816,591.56. There is no time extension associated with this change order. This change will be funded from the Capital Improvement Fund 2016 GO Bonds (Account No. 415.40.4116.65515-416450). The construction contract is approximately 98% complete and based on actual quantities; staff believes that the final construction contract amount will be approximately $400,000 below the awarded contract amount for items proposed to be funded by GO Bond funds. For Action 

(A1.8) Agreement Renewal with Express Press to Supply Clothing for the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Summer Programs Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the renewal option of the agreement with Express Press (18560 E St. Louis Street, Springfield, MO, 65802) for the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department (PRCS) 2017 summer clothing, in an amount not to exceed $26,400. PRCS operates a number of summer programs, which clothing is provided to both employees and participants for identification purposes. The intent of the 2016 bid was to combine all the department’s purchases in one request for obtaining pricing from qualified clothing apparel vendors for jackets, hats and camp shirts. Funding will be from thirteen business units, which can be found on the corresponding transmittal memorandum. For Action 

(A1.9) Agreement with Evanston Township High School to Supply Breakfast and Lunch Meals for 2017 Summer Food Service Program Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Evanston Township High School (1600 Dodge Avenue, Evanston 60201) to provide breakfast and lunch meals for the 2017 Summer Food Service Program in the not-to-exceed amount of $1.50 for breakfast and $3.25 per lunch. This is a reimbursement program in which the total amount of reimbursement the City will receive is solely dependent upon the number of meals served and varies depending on the levels of participation. Funding for this program is budgeted in the Recreation Outreach Program business unit where program expenditures are charged back and revenue credited. The projected food cost is $126,000 (expense Account 100.30.3050.65025) and the estimated revenue reimbursed is $146,983 (Account 100.30.3050.53565). For Action

(A1.10)Change Order No. 2 to 2016 Contract with SP Plus Corporation for Management and Operations of Three Self-Park Facilities Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to the contract for the 2016 Management and Operations of Three Self-Park Facilities to SP Plus Corporation (200 East Randolph Street, Suite 7700, Chicago, IL, 60601). This Change Order will cover additional expenses incurred in 2016 for the management and operations of the facilities. Funding for the project will be provided by the Parking System Fund ($31,099.05 for Church Street Garage from Account 505.19.7025.62400, $70,380.00 for Sherman Garage from Account 505.19.7036.62400, and $62,196.00 for Maple Garage from Account 505.19.7037.62400), with a total budget of $1,672,588.00. The FY2016 budget was $1,672,588. Combining this change order in the amount of $163,675.05 with the original 2016 contract amount of $1,508,500 results in total costs of $1,672,175.05 a contract increase of 10.8%. The 2017 not-toexceed contract amount is $1,490,925. For Action 

(A1.11)One-Year Contract Renewal for Testing, Repair & Certification of Fire Apparatus and Aerial Devices Staff recommends City Council approval of a one year contract extension (RFP 15-30) to Global Emergency Products (1401 N. Farnsworth Avenue, Aurora, IL 60505) in the amount of $72,300.00, to provide the required annual inspections and repairs for heavy fire apparatus vehicles assigned to Evanston Fire Department. Funding will be from the Fleet Services Fund (Account 600.19.7710.65060), with a budget of $1,050,000.00 For Action 

(A1.12)Adoption of Entrepreneurship Support Program Staff and M/W/EBE Development Committee recommend adoption of program guidelines for creation of the Entrepreneurship Support Program. Funding will be from the Economic Development’s Business Retention/Expansion Fund (Account 100.15.5300.62662). The approved Fiscal Year 2017 Budget allocated a total of $250,000 for this account. To date, $28,311 has been spent from this account, leaving $221,698 available for expenditure. During the 2017 Budget Review this program was discussed for final approval in 2017 with an estimated expense of approximately $50,000. For Action 

(A2) Resolution 37-R-17, Resolution 37-R-17, Acceptance of Public Art Donation from the Irvine Company The Arts Council recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution 37-R-17 and accept two pieces of artwork by Keith Tyson entitled “Up Down East West (Wacker Lobby Molecule)” and “Up Down East West (South Franklin Molecule)” into its public art collection. One piece will be installed on the rear of the Maple Ave. Parking Garage. The other piece will remain in storage until a suitable space has been identified for it. For Action

(A3) Resolution 30-R-17, Designating the Portion of Washington Street between Asbury Avenue and Ridge Avenue with the Honorary Street Name Sign, “Pope John XXIII School Way” Staff received an honorary street name sign application from Alderman Brian Miller in honor of Pope John XXIII School. Due to time constraints, he has requested that we bypass the normal process and place the application on the April 17 City Council agenda for consideration of approval. The City Council has never approved an honorary street name sign without going through the formal naming process. Funds for the honorary street name sign program is budgeted in the Public Works Agency, Infrastructure and Maintenance Bureau - Traffic Operations' Materials Fund (Account 100.40.4520.65115). Three street signs are made for the honoree. One sign is installed at each end of the designated one block area and the third sign is given to the honoree. The approximate cost to create all three signs is $200. Resolution 30-R-17 was approved by the Administration and Public Works Committee on March 27, 2017. For Action 

(A4) Resolution 32-R-17, Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Loan Agreement with Fire Chief, Brian Scott Staff recommends adoption of City Council Resolution 32-R-17 approving a loan to Brian Scott, Fire Chief for assistance relocating to Evanston. The terms of this loan to Chief Scott will be $100,000 at 0% and secured by a junior mortgage. For Action 

(A5) Ordinance 27-O-17, To Approve the Construction of a Local Improvement Known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1521 Staff recommends City Council adopt Ordinance 27-O-17 allowing the paving of the alley north of Brummel Street and east of Grey Avenue through the Special Assessment Process. Funding will be from: 2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $115,932.50, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017; Special Assessment funds (Account 415.40.4217.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $115,932.50, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017; and Sewer Fund (Account 515.40.4535.62461 – 417017) in the amount of $61,360.00, which has $150,000 budgeted in FY 2017 for this project. For Introduction 

(A6) Ordinance 28-O-17, To Approve the Construction of a Local Improvement Known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1522 Staff recommends City Council adopt Ordinance 28-O-17 allowing the paving of the alley north of Simpson Street and east of the Union Pacific Railroad Right of Way through the Special Assessment Process. Funding will be from the 2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $157,470, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017 and from Special Assessment funds (Account 415.40.4217.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $81,837, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017 for this project. For Introduction

(A7) Ordinance 31-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 11, Traffic Schedules, Section 18: Residents Parking Only Districts Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 31-O-17, amending City Code Sections 10-11-18(A) and 10-11-18(C) adding: Residents Parking Only on Sheridan Road, both sides, Central Street north to 2815 Sheridan Road. Though the vast majority of the homes on this portion of Sheridan Road have driveways and the resident home owners would be eligible to obtain the proposed permit, the primary purpose of the request is to provide ample parking in Districts 1 and 3 for their visitors based on the visitor pass eligibility. Amending the Evanston Resident Parking Only Districts 1 and 3 will help in providing needed visitor parking when necessary. For Introduction 

(A8) Ordinance 32-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 11, Traffic Schedules, Section 10(C): Limited Parking Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 32-O-17, amending City Code Section 10-11-10(C) adding: Greenwood Street, south side, Grey Avenue to a point 125 feet east thereof. With the increase in commercial activity in and around the 2000 block of Greenwood Street, it has been reported by commercial business owners that it has become increasingly difficult for patrons of their respective businesses to find adequate short term parking in the area. For Introduction 

(A9) Ordinance 33-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 11, Traffic Schedules, Section 18(J): Residents Only Parking Districts Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 33-O-17, amending City Code Section 10-11-18(J), District 11: delete 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and add: Twenty-four (24) hours daily, seven (7) days per week. With the increase in commercial activity in and around the 1100 block of Emerson Street and on East Railroad south thereof, it has become difficult for the residents at the corner of Emerson Street and East Railroad (1122 Emerson) to find parking near their residence. For Introduction

(A10) Ordinance 34-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 11, Traffic Schedules, Section 10(G): Limited Parking Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 34-O-17, amending City Code Section 10-11-10(G) adding: Green Bay Road, West side, from Emerson Street to a point 44 feet north thereof. With the new roadway construction completed on Green Bay Road, parking has become available on the west side of Green Bay Road from Emerson Street to Asbury Avenue. Hecky’s Barbecue, 1902 Green Bay Road, has requested that two (2) parking spaces be made available for customer use for a period of time not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day for carry-out activity. For Introduction

(A11) Ordinance 24-O-17, Decreasing the Number of Class F Liquor Licenses for Whole Foods Market Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 24-O-17, decreasing the number of Class F Liquor Licenses for WFM-WO, Inc. d/b/a Whole Foods Market located at 1111 Chicago Avenue. This location is closing, and therefore not renewing its liquor license. Staff recommends suspension of the rules for Introduction and Action at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting. For Introduction and Action 

(A12) Ordinance 29-O-17, Decreasing the Number of Class C Liquor Licenses for Hilton Garden Inn Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 29-O-17, decreasing the number of Class C Liquor Licenses for Evanston Lessee, LLC d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn located at 1818 Maple Street. Evanston Lessee, LLC d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn no longer is the owner of the premises as it was sold to a new corporate entity. The new corporate entity submitted an application for a new Class C license under the new corporate ownership. For Introduction 

(A13) Ordinance 30-O-17, Increasing the Number of Class C Liquor Licenses for Hilton Garden Inn Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 30- O-17, increasing the number of Class C Liquor Licenses for MHF Evanston Operating V, LLC d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn located at 1818 Maple Street from twenty-two (22) to twenty-three (23). The Ordinance will permit issuance of a Class C license to MHF Evanston Operating V, LLC d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn, the new corporate owner of the property. For Introduction 

(A14) Ordinance 35-O-17, Decreasing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses for The Barn Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 35- O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6-(D) to decrease the number of authorized Class D liquor licenses. The Barn Investment, LLC d/b/a The Barn located at 1016 Church Street (Rear) has applied for a Class I Liquor License. For Introduction 

(A15) Ordinance 36-O-17, Increasing the Number of Class I Liquor Licenses for The Barn Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 36- O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6-(I) to increase the number of authorized Class I liquor licenses from two (2) to three (3), and permit issuance of a Class I license to The Barn Investment, LLC. d/b/a The Barn located at 1016 Church Street (Rear). The Class I license will permit Company to retail sale of alcoholic liquor in restaurants only to persons of at least twenty-one (21) years of age for consumption both on the licensed premises and off the premises. For Introduction

(A16) Ordinance 12-O-17, Amending City Code Section 3-4-6(K) Allowing On-Site Consumption of Beer and Wine for the Class K Liquor License Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 12- O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6(K) to allow on-site consumption of beer and wine for the Class K Liquor License. This Ordinance updates the liquor code to: include a craft beer definition consistent with the Illinois Liquor Code, 235 ILCS 5/3-12(18)(a); exclude the downtown core area from obtaining a Class K Liquor License; and require Class K Liquor License holders to provide limited food service when providing sale of craft beer and wine for on-site consumption. For Introduction 

(A17) Ordinance 21-O-17, Amending City Code Title 7, Chapter 15, “Board of Local Improvements” Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 21-O-17 amending City Code Title 7, Chapter 15 “Board of Local Improvements.” Following the reorganization of the Public Works Agency, Ordinance 21-O-17 updates the titles of the employees that are members of the Evanston Board of Local Improvements and makes additional minor text amendments to modernize the language of the ordinance to current City standards. For Introduction 

(A18) Ordinance 41-O-17, Authorization of the City Manager to Negotiate a Sales Contract for the City-Owned Real Property Located at 1714-20 Chicago Avenue Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 41-O-17, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a sales contract for the City-Owned real property located at 1714-1720 Chicago Avenue. A two-thirds majority of City Council is required to adopt Ordinance 41-O-17. For Introduction



