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Monday, December 23, 2024

Park Ridge committee provides police body camera updates

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The city of Park Ridge Committee of the Whole met Dec. 12 to provide an update on police body cameras.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:



THE CITY OF PARK RIDGE will provide reasonable auxiliary aids or services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and facilities. Persons requiring assistance are requested to notify the City of their needs well in advance to provide sufficient time for the City to make an accommodation. Requests for accommodation should be made by calling 847-318-5200, TDD 318-5252, or in the Administration Department at City Hall, 505 Butler Place.



MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.


I. Roll Call

Acting Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

City Clerk Henneman read the roll call and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence at the meeting: Aldermen Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Mazzuca and Acting Mayor Maloney. There was a quorum.

II. Citizens Wishing to be Heard on a Non-Agenda Item


VI. Procedures and Regulations

Acting Mayor Maloney asked to move Procedures and Regulations to the first item on the agenda. No objections.

A. Action Items None.

B. Discussion Items None.

C. Upcoming P&R Items

1. Future P&R agenda recommendations Alderman Mazzuca asked to forward any additional agenda recommendations to him due to the quick turnaround time from the last P&R meeting to this meeting.

D. Department Head Report

1. CP&D Activity Report for the Month of November 2016 Acting Director Brown stated the heart of the report is the graphs and building activity, which is now tapering off. Data for this year for single family permits and total permits is basically the same as last year. CP&D will now be taking steps to improve administrative procedures.

III. Public Safety

A. Action Items – Police

1. Approve a Purchase Order for North East Multi Regional Training (NEMRT), 355 Smoke Tree Plaza, North Aurora, Il 60542 in the amount of $15,000

Motion by Alderman Milissis, seconded by Alderman Moran

Chief Kaminski stated in order to complete the 40–hour Crisis Intervention Team training (CIT), which was a direct goal of the Mental Health Grant awarded to the Police Department, this purchase order will pay for the 40-hour CIT training hosted in September. This completes CIT training for Park Ridge Police Officers related to the grant. The training is a direct goal of the grant and, as a result, the cost is DOJ approved and thus fully reimbursable as part of the grant.

Motion carried, 6/0 by roll call vote

B. Discussion Items – Police

1. Department of Justice Grant Chief Kaminski provided information on the newly awarded Department of Justice micro grant. This grant is a $45,000 grant for one year. This is a demonstration grant to test a concept and report on it. UIC approached the department as a result of the connection with them from the previous mental health grant which ended on December 3, 2016. The grant is an academic exercise to cover the 6 pillars of the 21st Century Policing Project. The requirements of the grant include holding two informational sessions related to forming a Community Advisory Board (CAB). One session was held on Friday, December 9 and the next session is tomorrow, December 13 at 7:00 pm at Prospect Park. The Community Advisory Board should represent all sectors of the community. Chief Kaminski asked for council participation.

Questions and discussion took place regarding the details of the grant, expectations, outcome, resources governance for installation and operation. Chief Kaminski addressed the questions and stated it is outside the governance for existing boards or task forces. Chief Kaminski provided information on how the grant will proceed. Meetings will be run by UIC and he offered to provide the monthly minutes. The one year duration of the grant was reiterated.

Alderman Milissis asked for Chief Kaminski’s update on body cameras. Chief Kaminski stated he supports body cameras, but the Illinois training board has not finalized the guidelines and the potential for grant funding by the State is still unknown. He has been working with IT and the Department regarding storage and types of cameras The cost of equipment and staffing are issues. He noted, that Elgin has a pilot program and that was recapped. There are additional concerns regarding battery life of the camera for a 12 hour shift, impact on staff, increased amounts of FOIA requests and redacting of information. Additional Records staff would be needed.

Alderman Mazzuca asked why Elgin went forward with the cameras. Chief responded they were part of grant and again noted guidelines would be necessary. Discussion on moving to body cameras sooner then later took place. Chief stated cameras are not a panacea for the behavior of officers. Alderman Schubert stated too many processes and procedure are still open and more information is needed. Alderman Milissis agreed with Alderman Schubert and this will be discussed in the future.

C. Department Head Report – Police

1. Monthly Report – November 2016 Alderman Milissis highlighted Officer LaFrancis receiving the award of Valor and Officer Juarez receiving the Lifesaving award and thanked them.

2. Complimentary Letters – November 2016

3. Red Speed Monthly Report – November 2016 Alderman Milisiss highlighted the that 175 citations were approved, a rate of 66%.

4. Citizens Corp Volunteer Report – November 2016 Alderman Milissis highlighted the volunteer hours and thanked them. Chief Kaminski added the volunteer appreciation dinner and service awards dinner is scheduled for January 26th and will provide more information. All are invited.

D. Action Items - Fire

1. Approve the purchase order for new security doors at both fire stations to Anderson Lock, Des Plaines, IL in the amount of $19,631.63

Motion by Alderman Milissis, seconded by Alderman Van Roeyen

Executive Officer Lisowski stated as part of the approved FY17 Capital Budget, the Fire Department is seeking approval to replace multiple security doors at the two fire stations. Some of the metal doors and frames are warping due to age and unable to be repaired permanently

Motion carried, 6/0 by roll call vote.

E. Discussion Items – Fire None.

F. Department Head Report – Fire

1. Complimentary Letter – November Executive Officer Lisowski highlighted the complimentary letter received from the Chicago Fire Department for covering the Cubs parade and rally.

IV. Public Works

A. Action Items

1. Approve a contract for the Masonry Repair Project, PW-FY17-18, with W. J. McGuire Company of Northbrook, Illinois in the amount of $28,900.00

Motion by Alderman Schubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

Director Zingsheim stated staff issued an Invitation to Bid for the Masonry Repair Project, PW-FY17-18, on November 10, 2016 in the Pioneer Press and the City website. Thirty-three (33) firms registered via the City web site. At the public bid opening on December 6, 2016, six (6) bids were opened and read aloud. This project is for the repair of the northwest and southwest corners of the Public Works Service Center, located at 400 Busse Highway. The structure has cracking and movement at the corners and needs to be rebuilt.

Motion carried, 6/0 by voice vote.

2. Approve a contract for Parking Lot Lighting Replacement, PW-FY17-17, with Utility

Dynamics Corporation of Oswego, Illinois in the amount of $170,224.00

Motion by Alderman Schubert, seconded by Alderman Milissis

Director Zingsheim stated that staff issued an Invitation to Bid for Parking Lot Lighting Replacement, PW- FY17-17, on November 10, 2016 in the Pioneer Press and the City website. Twenty-eight (28) firms registered via the City web site. At the public bid opening on December 6, 2016, two (2) bids were opened and read aloud. The statement of work includes the removal and replacement of parking lot lighting on the City Hall campus.

Alderman Muzzuca asked if this was the same vendor that did on the streetscape project. Director Zingsheim stated it is a different vendor and product with warranties.

Motion carried, 6/0 by voice vote.

3. Approve a contract for City Hall HVAC Cooling Tower Replacement, PW-FY17-20, with Kroeschell Engineering Co. Inc. of Arlington Heights, Illinois in the amount of $171,003.00

Motion by Alderman Schubert, seconded by Alderman Milissis

Director Zingsheim stated that the first part of the City Hall HVAC refurbishment project, Henneman Engineering has provided its recommendation to staff that the indoor cooling tower should be replaced due to the equipment’s age and condition. Staff issued an Invitation to Bid for City Hall HVAC Cooling Tower Replacement, PW-FY17-20, on November 17, 2016 in the Pioneer Press and the City website. Twenty-nine (29) firms registered via the City web site. At the public bid opening on December 6, 2016, three (3) bids were opened and read aloud. The statement of work includes the removal and replacement of the City Hall indoor closed circuit cooling tower. Staff recommends that a 5% contingency be included in the purchase order approval to cover any necessary overtime or other unforeseen issues that may be indicated for this project, bringing the total amount for approval to $171,003.00

Motion carried, 6/0 by voice vote.

4. Approve a five-year Agreement/Contract with Goodmark Nurseries, LLC, for tree purchases

Motion by Alderman Schubert, seconded by Alderman Moran

City Forester Naser stated at the October 24, 2016 Committee meeting, consensus was reached for staff to develop a multi-year planting contract to begin with the Spring 2017 planting. City Forester Naser reviewed the benefits of a multi - year program. The City approached Goodmark who had won a significant amount of the City’s seasonal nursery spend through competitive bidding over several seasons, for the development of a multi- year contract. Staff has supplied Goodmark with a list of 81 tree varieties with canvassed quantities to be planted over the next three to five years. The actual purchase will be based on what is available from Goodmark’s inventory. Discussion ensured on the benefits of 3 year or 5 year agreement and the benefits of working with Goodmark.

Alderman Moran asked about tagging trees earlier. City Forester Naser responded they can be tagged ealier. Goodmark can also set aside trees for the City. Discussion continued regarding what benefit Goodmark would get with this contract and the this pricing schedule. The contract and price schedule will be provided when it goes to Council. This is a sole source contract requiring 2/3 approval.

Motion carried, 5/1 by voice vote.

B. Discussion Items None.

C. Department Head Report

1. Stormwater Master Plan Update Director Zingsheim stated Christopher Burke will be setting up an online survey in the next few days which includes basic flooding questions and an opportunity to provide comments. A link to the questionnaire will be on the City’s website. Christopher Burke is currently doing modeling. Director Zingsheim stated a press release will go out and email data will be collected as part to the survey.

2. Bike Task Force Update Alderman Schubert provided an update on the Task Force with its next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2016. The Task Force is finalizing recommendations to go before City Council on December,19 2016.

3. Rain Barrel Update Director Zingsheim stated that the MWRD free rain barrel program will be discontinued with final orders taken thru December 19, 2016. MWRD will then resume their program to purchase rain barrels.

4. Additional information provided by Public Works director Zingsheim Director Zingsheim stated that IDOT will be resurfacing Talcott Road, Sibley to Canfield, this spring. Yardwaste pickup ends this week.

An update on the snow plowing for past weekend was provided. Acting Mayor Maloney asked about plowing of side streets and Director Zingsheim described the process and asked that residents not place garbage cans in front of their driveway. They should be put on the parkway or apron of the driveway.

V. Finance and Budget

A. Action Items

1. Approve a Purchase Order for a Sickle Bar Mower from Skid Steer Solutions Inc., of 2314 East Bakerview Road, Suite 102, Bellingham, Washington 98226 in the amount of $8,195.00

Motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Milissis

Director Zingsheim stated that Public Works has found a unique piece of equipment designed to attach to a bobcat to aid in the maintenance of ditches and alley areas. The proposed sickle bar could be used to keep the Dee Road area cleaned up and aesthetically pleasing, as well as work well in other areas. This piece of equipment has the ability to cut flat, at a goo angle (both upwards and downwards), and to cut vegetation up to 17 feet in height thereby allowing crews to trim more alleys and other areas in a shorter period of time. Other similar pieces of equipment are in the $6,000-$7,000 range but do not have the goo angle cutting ability. Staff has attempted to find multiple quotes for this item, but none are available. Skid Steer Solutions has confirmed that this is a single sourced item and that they believe that they are the only manufacturer for this type of product. The sickle bars are produced in a contract facility and are not available for distribution thru other resellers or dealers.

Alderman Mazzuca asked how notice was executed. Zingsheim responded that was put out on the website 7 or 8 days ahead of time. He also asked if it is used in an urban environment and Director Zingsheim stated it is.

Motion carried, 6/0 by roll call vote.

2. Approve a Purchase Order for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Water Meters to Water Resources Inc., 390 Sadler Avenue, Elgin, Illinois 60120-8027 in the amount of $19,250

Motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Alderman Schubert

Director Zingshim stated that staff has received correspondence from Water Resources, the City’s current provider of automated water meters (AMR) that new developments are issued, agreeing to hold their price for another year. However, the City’s contract has expired. AMR meter are paid for by the developer at the time of construction, with the cost being ‘passed through’ the City, thereby allowing us to control what meters are being installed. This is a sole source purchase vendor.

Acting Mayor Maloney asked if this is a shift to automatic water reads. Director Zingsheim stated it is not, it is continuation. The City is not locked into this vendor, but no other reasonable alternative exists at this time.

Motion carried, 6/0 by roll call vote.

3. Approve a FY17 Purchase Order increase for BKD, LLP

Motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Milissis

Acting Finance Director Lamberg stated in accordance with Article 2,Chapter 9 of the City Code staff is requesting council approval to perform Purchase Order increase in the amount of $1,000 for BKD, LLP.

Motion carried, 6/0 by voice vote.

4. A. Approve a Purchase Order for Resource Management Inc. in the amount of

$11,788.40. B. Approve a budget transfer in the amount of $5,334.20.

Motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Schubert

Manager Suppan stated in accordance with Article 2, Chapter 9 of the City Code, staff is requesting council approval for a Purchase Order in the amount of $11,788.40 for Resource Management Inc. In addition, staff is requesting a budget transfer in the amount of $5,334.20. Every two years the City administers promotional testing for the positions of Fire Battalion Chief and Fire Lieutenant. Last September and October the City conducted promotional testing and assessment centers for the above positions. The vendor, Resource Management Inc., has performed these tests previously and was used for this process again. In preparing the budget for these expenditures the monies for these expenditures were inadvertently left out of that budget line item (HR Recruiting/Testing) creating a shortfall in this budget line item of $2,334.20. Additionally, we estimate that we will need approximately $3,000 more for this line item through the end of the fiscal year. This line item covers background checks, physicals, psychological exams and polygraph examinations for new employees.

Motion carried, 6/0 by roll call vote.

B. Discussion Items

1. Uptown/Summit Parking Acting City Manager Gilmore stated the survey is being finalized for public outreach and it will be open for about 6 weeks. A promo piece will be created and linked to the website. Promo pieces will be in stores, the library, train stations and the Spokesman. Alderman Moran inquired about a direct mailing piece. On December 19, 2016 elected officials can meet with the company for questions.

C. Human Resources Manager Suppan stated there is an employee appreciation luncheon on December 14, 2016 from 11:30 – 1:00. All are welcome.

D. Department Head Report None.

VII. New Business

Alderman Moran asked if something could be planned and budgeted to recognize the long list of City volunteers and has interest in planning an event. City Clerk Henneman noted that in the past February was the month that volunteers were recognized.

Alderman Mazucca noted that the January calendar still has a City Council meeting scheduled for January 16, 2017, Martin Luther King Day. This meeting will be moved to Tuesday, January 18, 2017

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.



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