Communist handouts allegedly appeared on campus at New Trier High School today during a controversial day-long seminar on racism that many have accused of spreading left-wing propaganda.
On June 21, 2016, Ashley Brie and Michael Richard Pieczonka purchased a five bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 2320 Indian Ridge Drive, Glenview from Robert E. and Karen F. Cowhey for $690,000.
Settling on a slate of candidates in the upcoming Township District 211 school board elections proved to be a no-brainer for Vicki Wilson and members of her Parents for Privacy (PFP) organization.
One incumbent plus three challengers comprise a four-candidate slate for a total of three current vacancies on the Village of Northbrook’s board of trustees in the upcoming April 4 general election.
On June 21, 2016, Ashley Brie and Michael Richard Pieczonka purchased a five bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 2320 Indian Ridge Drive, Glenview from Robert E. and Karen F. Cowhey for $690,000.
Since 2010, Stand for Children Illinois has lobbied for charter schools, for reforming teacher tenure and ensuring more students take standardized tests.