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Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission reviews recent meeting

Webp meeting 11

The City of Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission met Tuesday, Aug. 9.

"Planning and Zoning Commission - Consists of nine citizen members appointed to four-year terms. The Commission hears and reviews all applications for zoning amendments, planned developments, special uses, pre-annexation agreements, subdivisions, site plans and changes in B-4 Commercial Conservation Districts, and street alley vacations. It also makes recommendations on the adoption of or amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of the month."

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission:



TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2016 AT 7:00 PM

Chairman Baldi called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

I. Roll Call

Present Joe Baldi, Chairman Jim Argionis John Bennett Lou Giannetti Tim Kirkby John Kocisko

Absent Lou Arrigoni Linda Coyle Chris Zamaites

Staff Josephine Faraci, Administrative Assistant

II. Approval of Minutes

III. Development Cases

IV. City Council Liaison Report

V. Other Items for Discussion

Zoning Ordinance Review – B-1 & B-2 District review and District Purpose Statements review

Chairman Baldi offered opening remarks in regards to the purpose of the meeting.

Commissioner Bennett indicated that he believes more defined purpose statements would be helpful, in order to strengthen the definition of the B-1 and B-2 districts. He views the B-1 as the lower density business areas within in a residential area; B-2 has a higher density and storefronts with residential above. Currently the code states B-1 is retail/office and B-2 is general commercial with vehicular access. Examples were explained. In his opinion, the map currently shows spot zoning.


505 BUTLER PLACE PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 TEL: 847-318-5200 FAX: 847-318-5300 TDD: 847-318-5252 www.parkridge.us


Minutes for the Planning and Zoning Commission (Cont.)

Chairman Baldi addressed the zoning map and looked at different areas of the City. The Commissioners reviewed why certain areas were broken up and how they were zoned.

Commissioner Argionis looked at other municipal definitions of its Purpose Statements. Other cities have statements for one and not the other. He concurred with Commissioner Bennett that B-1 should serve as a buffer, abutting single family residential areas. The purpose statement should be clear. Examples of other municipalities were provided. He opined that the City’s code is lacking the intent of the B-1 definition. He sees little difference between B-1 and B-2 as it is currently written.

Commissioner Kirkby compared the requirements of B-1 and B-2. Chairman Baldi discussed the creation of B-4 in Uptown. The Commission also discussed why B-3 was possibly created being along the railroad tracks.

Various areas of the City were discussed relative to particular zoning. The Commissioners speculated as to why and how they were created including the South Park area and Prospect Avenue and Main Street.

Chairman Baldi stated that the general intent statement touches on special uses and permitted uses. He also stated, that they are similarities in each of the districts with slight differentiates.

Commissioner Argionis suggested having specific statements, generally B-1 lower scale density than the B-2 and B-3. Commissioner Argionis refereed to another municipality definition of a B-1 which included clarification of each district. The City’s table must be consistent.

Commissioner Bennett stated that the City needs to be careful changing any requirements in the district. He stated that making changes to the Purpose Statements should not impact existing property. He felt that changing the Purpose Statements should be for future developments. He also stated that putting forth the purpose statements would be helpful.

Chairman Baldi suggested that the Commissioners come up with a purpose statement and City Council will decide whether to apply those districts and change the map. Commissioner Argionis expressed that the Commissioners need to clarify the difference between B-1 and B-2 and not changing the requirements.

Commissioner Kocisko, expressed concern that certain zoning areas which were granted years ago and may have an impact for future development.

The Commission discussed certain zoning areas in the City.

Commissioner Kirby provided examples of how setbacks can affect B-1, B-2 and B-3. He also spoke of character in the districts and felt the need to protect Park Ridge from suburban sprawl. He gave examples in Niles along Touhy Avenue.

Commissioner Argionis stated that it is important that the Purpose Statement have clarity and definition for each district. There should be distinguishes between the districts and also be lay person friendly.

Commissioner Bennett stated that all discussions are good, however he believes a Purpose Statement would be helpful. He discussed B-1 and B-2 with clarification of the Purpose Statement.

Pat Livensparger spoke about past zoning decisions. She discussed the chart and footnotes as to reasons why there is spot zoning. Commissioner Bennett proposed a question to Ms. Livensparger, comparing B-1 and B-2 in her opinion. Ms. Livensparger indicated that B-2 allows one floor of residential and cannot have abutting residential area.

The Commissioners went around and provided additional feedback. They gave examples of B-1 for pedestrian oriented area, retail office or personal service on the first floor and low density residential. For B-2 it would be more vehicular oriented. The Commissioners would like consistency and clarification between B-1, B-2, and B-3. Chairman Baldi was concerned with the similarities between B-1, B-2, and B-3. Commissioner Argionis also agreed and suggested that may be the reason it is difficult to distinguish the difference.

Chairman Baldi refereed to the townhomes on the north side of Northwest Highway zoned as an R-4 and being right on the sidewalk for urban design.

Commissioner Kirby discussed a program called smart code and how it may be useful for the City to look into. He gave examples of the program with regards to frontage requirements.

Commissioner Bennett shared some thoughts and encouraged feedback. He recommended and gave examples of his thought for B-1 and B-2. He expressed concern in seeing a difference between a B-1 or B-2. The B-1 is intended to create a business environment for a variety of commercial uses, as listed in the table, including retail goods establishments, personal service establishments and office uses, designed to provide for the needs of local residents and enhance the economic vitality of the community. Areas within the district should have access to major streets or public transportation facilities. Also, having a low impact on surrounding neighborhoods and roadways and provide a safe environment for pedestrian traffic. The B-2 is intended to create a business environment for a variety of commercial uses, including retail goods establishments, personal service establishments and office uses, listed in the table which are typically oriented toward vehicular access and often located within retail centers. Areas within this district should have direct access to major streets and generally situated in locations removed or buffered from low density residential uses and more vehicular oriented. He provided examples of B-1 and B-2 establishments in Park Ridge.

Commissioner Giannetti expressed concern with the parcel at Dempster and Greenwood and why Bredeman Toyota is zoned as B-1. Chairman Baldi indicated that the parcel was previously a Dominick’s Foods.

The Commissioners discussed emphasizing a “hometown feel”. B-1 should be more residential with first floor commercial. The Purpose Statement for B-1 should include low density with more of pedestrian environment rather than vehicular. The Commissioners agreed that sharpening the difference between the B-1 and B-2 would be very helpful.

Commissioner Argionis stated that City Council and City staff should possibly look at other municipalities as well.

The Commissioners discussed more zoning areas and examples within the Higgins corridor.

Commissioner Bennett agreed to write up preliminary Purpose Statements for B-1 and B-2 and will e-mail staff before next meeting, August 23, 2016.

The Commissioners spoke about what they wished to discuss at the next meeting. Possibly discussing the table for B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4, and possibly going through site plan review.

Alderman Mazzuca expressed concern about the process. He wanted to make sure the Commissioners were receiving ample resources to achieve the list of ten items by November. The Commission expressed that the list was a prioritization rather than elimination, the list of ten is still valid, however, they wished to tackle three items at this time.

VI. Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items

VII. Adjournment

On a motion by Commissioner Kocisko, seconded by Commissioner Bennett, the Commission agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 6 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Argionis, Bennet, Giannetti, Kirby and Kocisko NAYS 0 None ABSTAIN 0 None ABSENT 3 Commissioners Arrigoni, Coyle and Zamaites

The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm

These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting but a summary of the proceedings.