Village of Winnetka
Recent News About Village of Winnetka
Winnetka Zoning Board of Appeals met August 14.
Winnetka Zoning Board of Appeals met at 7 p.m. Monday, August 14.
Winnetka Village Council met July 11.
Winnetka Village Council met Tuesday, July 11.
Winnetka Village Council met July 18.
Winnetka Village Council met Tuesday, July 18.
Winnetka Village Council will meet August 15.
Winnetka Village Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 15.
Winnetka Firefighters Pension Board met August 9.
Winnetka Firefighters Pension Board met at 3 p.m. Wednesday, August 9.
Winnetka Design Review Board will meet August 17.
Winnetka Design Review Board will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 17.
Winnetka Landmark Preservation Commission met August 7.
Winnetka Landmark Preservation Commission met at 7 p.m. Monday, August 7.
Who are the Village of Winnetka's highest-paid employees?
Here are the 50 highest-paid employees of the Village of Winnetka, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
Here are the 50 former employees of the Village of Winnetka receiving the highest annual pension payouts
Here are the 50 former employees of the Village of Winnetka receiving the highest annual pension payouts, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
The price of local government: Village of Winnetka
The village of Winnetka budget was $59.87 million for its 2015 fiscal year, or $13,501.36 per household.
Winnetka firefighters pension debt soars; average firefighter earned $150K last year
The pension fund for Winnetka firefighters is now underfunded by more than $12 million, nearly double the deficit of 10 years ago, according to a report released by the Illinois Department of Insurance.