Village of Schaumburg
Recent News About Village of Schaumburg
Schaumburg board reviews Olde Schaumburg Centre status report
The Village of Schaumburg board gathered for a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 19.
Schaumburg Township District Library board reviews reports at meeting
The Schaumburg Township District Library board met Monday, May 23.
Schaumburg Health and Human Services Committee meeting focuses on subordination request
The Village of Schaumburg Health and Human Services Committee recently met to recommend the approval of a subordination request for 1327 Fairlane Drive.
Schaumburg Zoning Board of Appeals details regular meeting
The Village of Schaumburg Zoning Board of Appeals held a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 27.
Retiree pensions, not public works the priority for Schaumburg village budget
Schaumburg taxpayers will spend nearly as much on pensions of retired employees in 2016 as they will repairing and maintaining village streets.
Schaumburg's FLAGG committee to hear update on Trickster Gallery activities
The Trickster Gallery will present an informational update on its activities to the Schaumburg FLAGG committee at 6 p.m. today, March 22.
Schaumburg Environmental Committee to meet, discuss recycling
The 2016 Recycling Event is on the agenda for the Village of Schaumburg Environmental Committee meeting tomorrow, March 3.
Schaumburg health board gathers to hear presentation on Domestic Violence Response Team
Social Worker Kristen Jordan and Police Officer Kendra Ziebell gave a presentation on the Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) to the Schaumburg Board of Health on Jan. 4.
Schaumburg Community Development Block Grant Subcommittee to hear presentations from CDBG recipients
Four recipients of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Community Development Block Grants will attend the Schaumburg Community Development Block Grant Subcommittee meeting at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
Schaumburg Septemberfest Committee continues planning for 46th annual event
The Septemberfest planning was in full swing at the Schaumburg Septemberfest Committee meeting on Feb. 1.
Schaumburg Pilots Technical Advisory Committee to hear procedural, administrative updates at meeting
The Village of Schaumburg Pilots Technical Advisory Committee will meet and review updates on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual and hear the airport management update at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 10.
Schaumburg Committee on Aging to discuss Septemberfest, Alzheimer's grant
The Schaumburg Committee on Aging will continue the discussion about the purchase of Septemberfest literature bags at its 7 p.m. meeting tomorrow, Feb. 3.
Schaumburg Transportation Committee to meet, discuss IL Route 72 safety improvement project
The Schaumburg Transportation Committee expects to hear recommendations and updates on transportation projects at tonight's meeting.
Schaumburg Engineering and Public Works Committee to discuss various contracts at upcoming meeting
The Schaumburg Engineering and Public Works Committee will discuss a variety of contracts at its 7 p.m. meeting today, Jan. 21.
Schaumburg Board of Fire and Police Commissioners meets to discuss hiring, police eligibility
Employment is on the agenda at the Schaumburg Board of Fire and Police Commissioners' Jan. 21 meeting.
Olde Schaumburg Centre Commission to meet, review variation for Waterbury rowhomes
M/I Homes will request approval for a vinyl cedar shake product at the OSCC meeting tomorrow.
Schaumburg zoning board set to delay Sleepy's hearing at meeting tonight
The Schaumberg Zoning Board of Appeals will meet at 7 p.m. today in Russ Parker Hall for a public hearing on the proposed Sleepy's mattress showroom retail building at 2 W. Golf Road, which was continued from the Jan. 20 meeting.
Village of Schaumburg seeks public input on transportation needs
The Public Transportation Survey is available to the residents of Schaumburg.
CALEA re-accreditation review of Schaumburg Police Department next month
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) will review the Village of Schaumburg Police Department next month, and residents, including department employees, are invited to comment on the review at a public information meeting on Nov. 2.