
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Schaumburg Village Board met May 23.

Webp meeting 11

Village of Schaumburg Village Board met May 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

I. 7:00 PM

Roll Call:

Approval of Minutes:

I. May 9, 2017

Approval of Expenditures:

I. $4,331,505.11


I. Presentation of the Village of Schaumburg 24th Annual Community Scholarships

II. Presentation of Retirement Plaque / Thirty-Eight Year Service Award to Francis O'Shea, Fire Lieutenant

III. Presentation of Ten Year Service Award to Beth Anderson, Customer Service Center Representative

Liquor License Requests:

Consent Agenda:

I. Correspondence

A. Recommendation to Approve the Request from Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club to Fundraise

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve the request from the Schaumburg-Hoffman Lions Club to fundraise on June 2 and 3, 2017 from sunrise to sunset at the intersections of Schaumburg Road/Meacham Road and Schaumburg Road/Plum Grove Road.

B. Recommendation to Approve the Request from Anointed Word Assembly Outreach to Fundraise

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve the request from Anointed Word Assembly Outreach to fundraise from sunrise to sunset on June 16 and 17, July 14, and August 18, 2017 at the intersections of Mall Drive/Woodfield Road, and Schaumburg Road/Meacham Road, and at Golf Road/Salem Road on June 17, 2017 only.

C. Recommendation to Approve the Request from Bethesda Church of God in Christ to Fundraise

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve the request from Bethesda Church of God in Christ to fundraise from sunrise to sunset on June 24, 2017 at the intersections of Mall Drive/Woodfield Road and Martingale Road/Corporate Crossing.

D. Recommendation to Approve the Request from Bankers Life on Behalf of the Alzheimer's Association to Fundraise

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve the request from Bankers Life on behalf of the Alzheimer's Association to fundraise from sunrise to sunset on June 2 and 3, 2017 at the intersections of Martingale Road/Corporate Crossing and Roselle Road/Valley Lake Drive.

II. Liquor Licenses

A. Recommendation to ratify the request from Prairie Center Arts Foundation for one Class D One Day Liquor License for a reception at the Schweikher House and to waive the fee

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board ratify the request from Ms. Theresa Olvera of the Prairie Center Arts Foundation for one Class D One Day Liquor License for a reception on Thursday, May 18, 2017 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Schweikher House at 645 S. Meacham Road (Waived Fee).

III. Committee of the Whole

A. Recommendation to Proceed with Additional Work on the Proposed Performing Arts Center

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board accept the status report for the Performing Arts Center project and direct the Village Manager to proceed with conceptual drawings, refine the building program and cost estimates, and identify a firm to assist with corporate support.

B. Recommendation to Endorse the Proposed North Schaumburg Master Plan

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board endorse the proposed refined concept plan, direct staff to finalize a Master Plan and Regulatory Structure for the MSI Property, and develop a Master Plan for the east side of Meacham Road.

C. Recommendation to Adopt an Ordinance Implementing a Local Motor Fuel Tax

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board adopt an Ordinance Creating a Motor Fuel Tax at Three Cents per Gallon.

IV. Public Safety Committee

A.Recommendation to Approve an Updated Agreement with Northwest Community Hospital for Field Training Services

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve a Resolution Authorizing Village Manager to Execute an Updated Agreement with Northwest Community Hospital for Field Training Services 2017.

B. Recommendation to Adopt an Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 13, Chapter 133 of the Schaumburg Village Code with Regard to Prostitution

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board adopt an Ordinance amending Title 3 and Title 13, Chapter 133 with Regard to Prostitution.

V. Zoning Board of Appeals

A. Recommendation to Approve a Special Use for a Music Studio for School of Rock / 1409 Wright Boulevard

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve a Special Use for a Music Studio for School of Rock (1409 Wright Boulevard - Z1704-02).

B. Recommendation to Approve a Variation for an Additional Wall Sign and Variation to Increase the Area of One Wall Sign for Whole Foods / 750 Martingale Road

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve a Variation for an Additional Wall Sign and Variation to Increase the Area of One Wall Sign for Whole Foods (750 Martingale Road - Streets of Woodfield Annex - Z1704-05).

C. Recommendation to Approve a Foundation Landscape Variation, Site Plan Amendment for Parking Lot, Landscape Modifications and Parking Deck for Schaumburg Corporate Center / 1501 Woodfield Road

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve a Foundation Landscape Variation, Site Plan Amendment for Parking Lot, Landscape Modifications and Parking Deck for Schaumburg Corporate Center (1501 Woodfield Road - Z1703-06).

D. Recommendation to Approve a Special Use for a Recreational Center and Parking Variation for Play and Thrive / 81 Remington Road

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board approve a Special Use for a Recreational Center and Parking Variation for Play and Thrive (81 Remington Road - Z1703-03).

VI. Award of Bid

A. Recommendation to Award the Wise Road Rehabilitation and Landscape Median Project - Roselle Road to Irving Park Road to A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc.

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board award the Wise Road Rehabilitation and Landscape Median Project – Roselle Road to Irving Park Road to A Lamp Concrete Contractors Inc. of Schaumburg, IL and approve the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $5,219,112.07, contingent on the approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement by Cook County and acceptance of the final median design stipulated by Cook County.

VII. Resolutions

A. Resolution No. R-17- A Resolution Authorizing Village Manager to Execute an Updated Agreement with Northwest Community Hospital for Field Training Services 2017.

VIII. Ordinances

A. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 13, Chapter 133 with Regard to Prostitution [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

B. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Music Studio for School of Rock (1409 Wright Boulevard - Z1704-02) [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

C. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Granting a Variation for an Additional Wall Sign and Variation to Increase the Area of One Wall Sign for Whole Foods (750 Martingale Road - Streets of Woodfield Annex - Z1704-05) [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

D. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Granting a Foundation Landscape Variation, Site Plan Amendment for Parking Lot, Landscape Modifications and Parking Deck for Schaumburg Corporate Center (1501 Woodfield Road - Z1703-06) [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

E. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Recreational Center and Parking Variation for Play and Thrive (81 Remington Road - Z1703-03) [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

F. Ordinance No. 17- An Ordinance Amending Title 3 - Creating a Local Motor Fuel Tax [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

Committee Reports:

I. Plan Commission

A. Recommendation to Deny a Fence Variation (6-Foot Tall Fence) for 100 Dorset Lane / Hahne

- [motion] to recommend the Village Board deny a Fence Variation (6-Foot Tall Fence) (100 Dorset Lane - P1704-01). The Plan Commission motion failed to carry by a 4 - 4 vote. Staff's recommendation is to deny the request.

B. Ordinance No. 17-__________ An Ordinance Granting a Fence Variation (6-Foot Tall Fence) (100 Dorset Lane - P1704-01) [first reading - motion to waive first reading].

Comments from the Audience:

Counsel Report:

The President's Report:

I. Recommendation for the appointment of Mr. Jeff Brim to the Schaumburg Business Development Commission.

The Manager's Report:

New Business:

Unfinished Business:

Trustee Comments / Mentions:


Executive Session:
