Village of Buffalo Grove and Two Employees Receive American Public Works Association Awards | Village of Buffalo Grove
Village of Buffalo Grove and Two Employees Receive American Public Works Association Awards | Village of Buffalo Grove
Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will meet March 17
Here is the agenda provided by the commissioners:
1. Executive Session
A. Oral interview of one or more lateral Police Officer candidates
B. Discussion on one or more Police Officer and/or Firefighter/paramedic candidate(s), if necessary
2. Call to Order
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes - February 3, 2025
5. Chairperson's Report
6. Commissioners' Reports
7. Chiefs' Reports
8. Questions from the Audience
9. Special Business
10. Old Business
A. Approve revised Firefighter/Paramedic eligibility list
11. New Business
A. Discussion and possible action on lateral Police Officer appointments process
B. Discussion and possible action on a specific Police Officer and/or Firefighter/Paramedic candudate(s), if necessary
12. Adjournment