Village President Kathryn Ciesla swore in long-time Village public servant A.C. Buehler as the new Village Clerk | Village of Northbrook / Facebook
Village President Kathryn Ciesla swore in long-time Village public servant A.C. Buehler as the new Village Clerk | Village of Northbrook / Facebook
Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees will meet March 11
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A. February 25, 2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Approval
This agenda item is reserved for members of the public who desire to address the Village Board on a topic that is within purview and jurisdiction of the Village Board, but that is not listed in another location on the agenda. If you would like to speak about a matter that is listed on the agenda, we ask that you wait until that agenda item is called, and we will give you an opportunity to speak then. If your matter is on the “Consent Agenda”, please let us know if you would like us to remove that matter so that you can speak about it.
Anyone desiring to speak should fill out a written speaker form (located in the back of the Board Room) and submit it to the Village Clerk. “Public Comment Time” is not a forum for open dialogue or engagement with members of the Village Board. Rather, it is intended as an opportunity for you to make comments to the Village Board. While the Village Board will not immediately respond to public comments at this meeting, or engage in a back and forth discussion during the meeting, please be assured that the Board is actively listening to all comments, thoughts, and suggestions.
All speakers will be limited to a total of three minutes. We request that everyone be respectful, civil, and non-repetitive; and we ask that members of the audience refrain from applauding or making any other comments during or after any speaker. Thank you for your understanding and taking the time to contribute to the success of our community.
A. A Public Hearing for BOT-25-06: 1515-1775 Lake Cook Road - Northbrook Court Redevelopment
An application was submitted by Northbrook Court Newco, LLC and Northbrook Anchor Acquisition, LLC, affiliates of Brookfield Properties, together as owners of the approximately 96.42 acre property commonly known as the Northbrook Court Shopping Center (1515-1775 Lake Cook Rd), for the purpose of an amendment to the Northbrook Court Planned Development approved by Northbrook Ordinance No. 2023-66 (titled “An Ordinance Granting Special Permits for a Mixed Use Planned Development (including Combined
Development Concept Plan and Final Plan Approval) and for Certain Specified Uses in the C-4 Regional Shopping District” and adopted on October 30, 2023) in order to allow for a change in the sequence of the contemplated development of the “Subareas” within the Planned Development, specifically to allow for certain Subareas to be developed prior to or concurrent with the retail development required to be developed as part of Subarea NE-1.
B. A Public Hearing for BOT-25-04: 4201 Lake Cook Road - High Performance Learning LLC
An application by High Performance Learning LLC as lessee of a portion of the property commonly known as 4201 Lake Cook Road, which is owned by Crossroads Northbrook LLC, for the purpose of authorizing the following zoning relief: (A) Special Permit for Schools and Educational Services, Not Elsewhere Classified in excess of 2,500 square feet in O-2 Limited Office District (SIC No. 8299.01); and (B) Approval of any other such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.
A. Review and Approval of Escrow Deposits/Performance Bond Refunds Processed Between February 16, 2025 - February 28, 2025
B. Review and Approval of Payments Processed Between February 16, 2025 - February 28, 2025
Community Moment
A. A Proclamation Declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month
B. A Proclamation Declaring April as Fair Housing Month
The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are matters that appear to have the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. The Village President will review, designate the resolution or ordinance number for passage and then inquire if any member of the Board or member of the public objects to any item on the Consent Agenda. If any objections are raised, the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and relocated to a location on this agenda for consideration during the appropriate Board Committee report. If no objection is voiced, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all items listed. The resultant roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each individual agenda item.
A. A Resolution Authorization the Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for Continued Participation in the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN).
An updated Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network, Inc. has been prepared for Village approval as part of continued participation by Northbrook to provide and/or receive emergency assistance in the event of a natural or man-made disaster or other situations that require action or attention beyond the normal capabilities of any single agency.
B. A Resolution Approving a Contract with Interstate Power Systems, Inc. for the Installation of a Diesel Generator at Crestwood Senior Living Facility at a Not-to Exceed Amount of $94,305
The current generator at Crestwood Place requires replacement for reliability and a new generator has been competitively identified through Sourcewell which secures the lowest prices for municipalities on a national scale, thus satisfying the Village's purchasing policy.
C. A Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Contract with Miller Pipeline, LLC of Mount Prospect, IL for the 2025 Landwehr Road Sidewalk Improvements Project
The Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways intends to make improvements to Landwehr Road from Willow Road to Dundee Road. Sidewalk and ramp removal and installation and miscellaneous drainage work at various locations along Landwehr Road is not included with the County improvements and will be constructed under a separate Village contract and reimbursed under an Intergovernmental Agreement previously approved.
D. A Resolution Approving Membership Renewal in the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy (NIPSTA)
NIPSTA provides a cost-effective training venue for multi-jurisdictional, cross disciplinary training events, in addition to maintaining strong strategic alliances among neighboring communities in Northeast Illinois. Northbrook has been a member since the creation of NIPSTA.
E. An Ordinance Amending the Northbrook Zoning Code To Allow Amusement and Recreation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified as a Special Permit Use in O-3 General Office/Techny Overlay District (Plan Commission Docket No. PCD-24- 12)
Hi-Five Sports Clubs Northshore LLC is requesting approval for Zoning Code text amendment to allow Amusement and Recreation Services, Not Elsewhere Classified as special permit in O-3 General Office/Techny Overlay District.
F. An Ordinance Granting a Special Permit for a Child Day Camp Facility and Site Plan Approval (Hi-Five Sports – 1350 Willow Road) (Plan Commission Docket No. PCD-24-12)
Hi-Five Sports Clubs Northshore LLC is requesting approval for Special Permit approval to operate a child day camp facility at Willow Hill. The Board of Trustees will also consider a Zoning Code text amendment request in conjunction with this application to allow the proposed use in O-3 General Office/Techny Overlay District.
G. An Ordinance Granting a Special Permit for a Job Training and Vocational Rehabilitation Services Facility and a Parking Variation (Glenbrook High School District 225 - 1200 Shermer Road) (Plan Commission Docket No. 25-01) Glenbrook High School District 225 is requesting approval of a special permit to allow a job training and vocational rehabilitation services facility for students with varying abilities between the ages of 18-22 years located in a tenant space at 1200 Shermer Road.
H. An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget for the Village of Northbrook, Illinois
On a continual basis, staff evaluates expenditures to ascertain that there are no significant cost increases to planned expenditures which may be due to supply chain issues, unexpected capital costs, etc. and brings forward an Ordinance for amending the adopted budget to appropriate necessary funds, including amendments that consist of carryforward appropriations from the prior year as well as new money requests.
I. An Ordinance Amending the Board of Fire and Police Commission Rules. The proposed amendments revise and update the Board of Fire and Police Commission rules. The updates clarify the Secretary's role with the Commission, are clean-up from law and collective bargaining agreement changes, update eligibility requirements for applicants and improve promotional processes.
J. An Ordinance to Amend the Annual Fee Ordinance to Increase the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses to Enable a License to be Issued to Landmark on the Hill - 1350 Willow Road
MCH Hospitality Inc., d/b/a Landmark on the Hill – 1350 Willow Road has applied for a Class A Liquor License and the Ordinance Amendment will increase available licenses in this class to provide the Liquor Commissioner the ability to issue the license to the applicant.
K. A Resolution Waiving Competitive Bidding and Approving the Purchase of Portable Radio Equipment from Motorola Solutions, Inc. of Chicago, IL
This purchase will supplement the Police Department's current portable radio inventory and resolve radio reception shortfalls in certain locations within and around Northbrook.
L. Motion to Approve the January 28, 2025 Closed Session Minutes from Committee of the Whole
A. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2023-66 Granting Special Permits for a Mixed Use Planned Development (including Combined Development Concept Plan and Final Plan Approval), and for Certain Specified Uses in the C-4 Regional Shopping District (The Northbrook Court Planned Development) (Plan Commission Docket No. BOT-25-06)
Following the close of the public hearing on March 11, 2025, the Board of Trustees may take action on the attached draft ordinance approving the proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 2023-66.
B. An Ordinance Approving a First Amendment to the Redevelopment & Economic Incentive Agreement by, between, and among the Village of Northbrook,
Northbrook Court NewCo LLC, and Northbrook Anchor Acquisition, LLC In conformance with the amendments to Ordinance 2023-66 Granting Special Permits for a Mixed Use Planned Development (including Combined Development Concept Plan and Final Plan Approval), and for Certain Specified Uses in the C-4 Regional Shopping District (The Northbrook Court Planned Development) an amendment to the Redevelopment & Economic Incentive Agreement is recommended.
C. An Ordinance Granting A Special Permit For Schools and Educational Services, Not Elsewhere Classified in excess of 2,500 square feet in O-2 Limited Office District (High Performance Learning, LLC - 4201 Lake Cook Road) (Docket No. BOT-25-04)
Following the public hearing on the application, the Board of Trustees will have the ability to take action on a draft ordinance included with the material from staff.
D. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request by North Shore Transit Inc. & G-2 Real Estate LLC for a Special Permit Amendment for a School Bus Storage & Maintenance Facility at 2045 Shermer Road
This is a preliminary review of an application requesting an amendment to conditions in a previously approved ordinance which contemplated such amendments at the time of approval. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application.
E. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request by Buddha Warrior to amend the Zoning Code to allow an Amusement and Recreation Service (Yoga, Strength Training, and Meditation studio) to operate in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District, and possible additional relief, to operate at 330 Melvin Drive
This is a request by Buddha Warrior to operate a group yoga facility at 330 Melvin Drive which is in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application.