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Saturday, March 1, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met February 26

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City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook

City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met February 26

Here are the agenda provided by the committee:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – February 12, 2025

Public Comment

Items on Both Agendas

A. U.S. Route 20 and Reinking Road Roundabout Project—Facility Relocation Agreement with Northern Illinois Gas Company (NICOR Gas) ($500,000)

      Objective: Reimburse Nicor Gas for statutorily defined expenses attributable to moving its natural gas facilities from within a privately held easement into State of Illinois right-ofway as part of the U.S. Route 20 and Reinking Road roundabout construction.

B. Emergency Medical Service Billing, Collection and Management Reporting—Contract with EMS Management & Consultants, Inc. ($160,000)

      Objective: Minimize the staffing costs associated with emergency medical service billing and maximize collection of transport fees.

Initiatives and Other Items

C. Sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds to Finance Utility Fund Projects (Up to $25,539,300)

      Objective: Provide funding to finance the improvement of underground utilities.

D. Preston Avenue and Cooper Avenue Stormwater Improvements—Design Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. ($250,903)

      Objective: Develop an engineering solution to mitigate recurring on- and off-street storm water flooding at the intersection of Preston Avenue and Cooper Avenue.

E. Lincoln Avenue Stormwater Improvements—Design Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. ($99,995)

      Objective: Develop an engineering solution to mitigate recurring on- and off-street storm water flooding near the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Logan Avenue.

F. Water Pitcher Filter Distribution and Water Sampling—Agreement with 120Water ($309,872)

      Objective: Provide services consistent with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations during the city’s completion and implementation of the optimal corrosion control treatment study.

G. Water System “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition” (SCADA) Upgrade—Agreement with Wunderlich-Malec ($154,200)

      Objective: Provide reliable and adequate water supply by improving control systems and treatment processes.

H. Uniform Building and Life Safety Codes Updates—Adoption by Reference (No Cost)

      Objective: Adopt updates to the uniform building and life safety codes published by the International Code Council, National Fire Protection Association and the State of Illinois to replace existing versions of those codes currently being enforced by the city.

I. Wing Park Master Plan, Inclusive Playground Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd. ($355,740)

      Objective: Complete the final architectural and engineering design elements, prepare construction documents, submit permitting documents, provide bid assistance, and construction management for the master plan, inclusive playground design, and engineering services at Wing Park.

J. Randall Ridge Playground Renovation—Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd. ($44,250)

      Objective: Complete the final architectural and engineering design elements, prepare construction documents, submit permitting documents, provide bid assistance and construction management for the renovation of the playground at Randall Ridge Park.

K. Independent Fitness Contractor Service Agreement ($30,000)

      Objective: Provide patrons of The Edward Schock Centre of Elgin with quality fitness instruction and personal training.

Announcements from Council

Announcements from Staff

Executive Session

L. Collective Bargaining Issues or Deliberations Concerning Salary Schedules for One or More Classes of Employees – Exempt Under Section 120/2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act

M. Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body - Exempt Under Section 120/2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act

