Joseph Abbate, Village Trustee | Village of South Barrington Website
Joseph Abbate, Village Trustee | Village of South Barrington Website
Village of South Barrington Architectural Control Commission met Jan. 30
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Chairman Rafferty called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Commission Chairman Rafferty Absent: Commissioner Baldino
Commissioner Bodkin
Commissioner Crosby
Commissioner Kwasek
Commissioner McCombie
Commissioner Saller
Board Members Present: None.
Staff present: Village Administrator Dropka
Others present: Members of the Public at Large
Motion was made by Commissioner Bodkin to approve the minutes from the July 16, 2024, meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Saller. On a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously.
1) Kamil Witkowski and Rafael Plavalca presented the application for wall signage at SIM Racing located in the Arboretum of South Barrington. Chairman Rafferty asked for an explanation on the concept of SIM Racing, and what kind of business it was. Discussion revolved around different options concerning the signage, and the feasibility of changing the proposed design of the logo from "S. Barrington" to "South Barrington". It was explained that efforts were made to address this, however due to sizing and spacing, "S. Barrington" was chosen. Discussion ensued, and Kamil and Rafael answered further questions that the Chairman and Commissioners had.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kwasek, seconded by Commissioner Crosby to recommend approval of the proposed signage for SIM Racing located in the Arboretum of South Barrington. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved unanimously.
2) Peter Perisin presented the application for temporary signage at Dunteman Park. Chairman Rafferty asked for an explanation as to the purpose of the sign. It was explained that the sign is meant to get residents excited about the remodeling of the park. Discussion ensued and Peter answered further questions that the Chairman and Commissioners had.
Motion was made by Commissioner Saller, seconded by Commissioner Bodkin to recommend approval of the proposed temporary signage for Dunteman Park. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved unanimously.
3) An application was submitted for a monument sign for Chicago Institute of Plastic Surgery and Med Spa located at 39 South Barrington Road in South Barrington. Discussion ensued regarding the application. Nobody was present from Chicago Institute of Plastic Surgery and Med Spa to answer any questions that the Chairman and Commissioners had.
Motion was made by Commissioner Bodkin, seconded by Commissioner Saller to refer the matter to the Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals on February 20, 2025 as a variance is needed. The Architectural Control Commission will then take up the matter after a variance is decided. On a roll call vote, the motion was approved unanimously.
At 7:45 p.m., Chairman Rafferty called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Kwasek, seconded by Commissioner Saller. On a voice vote, the motion was approved unanimously.