Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Facebook
Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Eric Smith - President, Village of Buffalo Grove | Facebook
Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met Feb. 26
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes – January 22, 2025
4. Chair Report (Judy Samuels)
a. Commissioner Anniversaries
b. The next meeting will be Wednesday March 26, 2025.
5. Trustee(s) Report (Andy Stein)
6. Staff Liaison Report (Tyler Ankney)
7. Working Groups Report
a. Ensuring Opportunities for Hands-on Fun(Commissioners Amy Parker and Mark Weiner)
i. Spring Fling (May 17, 2025)
ii. Sponsorships
iii. Buddy Baseball Spring League (April ? – June ?; Sunday 10am)
b. Advocating for Inclusion and Access (Lead: Vice Chair Marty Sussman)
c. Trusted Resource for Accommodations and Services (Sharing of Best Practices and Developing a Resource Guide (Education) (Lead: Commissioner Allie Zalay)
8. Unfinished Business
a. Volunteer / Internship (Commissioner Gowri Magati)
9. New Business
a. None
10. Good and Welfare
11. Public Comment
12. Adjournment