Stephanie Mendoza, City Clerk | City of Evanston Website
Stephanie Mendoza, City Clerk | City of Evanston Website
City of Evanston Planning & Development Committee met Jan. 27
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Those wishing to make public comments at the Administrative & Public Works Committee, Planning & Development Committee or City Council meetings may submit written comments in advance or sign up to provide public comment by phone or video during the meeting by completing the City Clerk's Office's online form at or by calling/texting 847-448-4311.
Community members may watch the City Council meeting online at or on Cable Channel 16.
The City of Evanston is committed to making all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Any citizen needing mobility or communications access assistance should contact 847-866-2919 (Voice) or 847-866-5095 (TTY). Requests for access assistance must be made 48 hours (two working days) in advance. Requests received with less than 48 hours (two working days) advance notice will be attempted using best efforts, but cannot be guaranteed.
Members of the public are welcome to speak at the Planning and Development meetings. As part of the Planning and Development agenda, a period for public comments shall be offered at the commencement of each regularPlanning and Development meeting. Public comments will be noted in the Planning and Development Minutes and become part of the official record. Those wishing to speak should sign their name and the agenda item or non-agenda topic to be addressed on a designated participation sheet. If there are more than five speakers, a period of twenty minutes shall be provided for all comments, and no individual shall speak longer than two minutes. The Chair will allocate time among the speakers to ensure that Public Comment does not exceed twenty minutes. The business of the Planning and Development shall commence twenty minutes after the beginning of Public Comment. Councilmembers do not respond during Public Comment. Public Comment is intended to foster dialogue in a respectful and civil manner. Any person who makes such remarks, or who utters loud, threatening, personal or abusive language, or engages in any other disorderly conduct which disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of a meeting shall, at the discretion of the mayor or presiding officer, be barred from further participation during that meeting. Public comments are requested to be made with these guidelines in mind.
P1. Ordinance 101-O-24, Amending Title 5 – Housing Regulations, Chapter 8, Registration of Rental Residential Buildings
Staff recommends the City Council adopt Ordinance 101-O-24, Amending Title 5, Chapter 8 of the City Code. Two alternative fee structures are proposed that adjust the rental registration fees and establish fees for routine inspections of residential housing units performed by Property Standards staff in the Community Development Department. Approval will result in increased revenues to cover more of the cost of providing these services in 2025, as directed by the City Council on November 25, 2024, and included in the 2025 budget.
For Action
Ordinance 101-O-24, Amending Title 5 – Housing Regulations, Chapter 8, Registration of Rental Residential Buildings