
North Cook News

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Village of Wheeling Firefighters Pension Fund Board of Trustees met Sept. 20

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Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling Firefighters Pension Fund Board of Trustees met Sept. 20

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

a. June 7, 2024 Regular Meeting

b. June 24, 2024 Special Meeting

c. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes

5. Accountant’s Report – Lauterbach & Amen, LLP

a. Monthly Financial Report

b. Presentation and Approval of Bills

c. Additional Bills, if any

d. Discussion/Possible Action – Cash Management

i. Establish GCM Recurring Withdrawal Instructions for 2025

6. Investment Reports

a. Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC

b. FPIF Monthly Summary – Marquette Associates

c. FPIF Statement of Results

7. Communications and Reports

8. Trustee Training Updates

a. Approval of Trustee Training Registration Fees and Reimbursable Expenses

9. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from Fund

a. Applications for Membership – Michael Martin, Patryk Stanczak and Joshua Urbanski

10. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits

a. Approve Duty Disability Benefit, Dependent Benefit and Retroactive Payment – Pete Contos

b. Review/Approve Written Decision & Order – Pete Contos

c. Status Update – Scott Smith Disability Application

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. Review/Approve – Actuarial Valuation and Tax Levy Request

b. Review/Adopt – Municipal Compliance Report

c. Establish 2025 Board Meeting Dates

d. FPIF Notice of Examination for FYE December 31, 2023

13. Attorney’s Report – Puchalski Goodloe LLC

a. Legal Updates

14. Closed Session, if needed

15. Adjournment
