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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Bartlett Committee of the Whole met Aug. 20


Village of Bartlett - Illinois | Village of Bartlett - Illinois/Facebook

Village of Bartlett - Illinois | Village of Bartlett - Illinois/Facebook

Village of Bartlett Committee of the Whole met Aug. 20

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


President Wallace called the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 20, 2024, of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bartlett to order on the above date at 7:52 p.m.


PRESENT: Chairmen Deyne, Gandsey, Gunsteen, Hopkins, LaPorte, Suwanski, President Wallace


ALSO PRESENT: Village Administrator Paula Schumacher, Assistant Village Administrator Scott Skrycki, Assistant to the Village Manager Sam Hughes, Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance, Economic and Development Coordinator Tony Fradin, Finance Director Todd Dowden, Assistant Finance Director Matt Coulter, Director of Public Works Dan Dinges, Assistant Public Works Director Tyler Isham, Public Works Engineer Nick Talarico, Planning & Development Director Kristy Stone, Assistant Golf Professional Paul Galvan, Chief Geoff Pretkelis, Deputy Chief Rob Sweeney, Deputy Chief Will Naydenoff, Village Attorney Kurt Asprooth, and Village Clerk Lorna Giless.

3. TOWN HALL: None



1. Tod Plan Review/Update

Trustee Gunsteen stated that the Village received a Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) grant in 2015, which led to the completion of a downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan in October 2016. The TOD’s objectives are to create a vibrant downtown with mixed-use buildings, expand the local tax base, and enhance public transit options to reduce congestion and improve walkability. An updated implementation checklist has been prepared and is attached.

The current cost in total premiums for medical insurance is $3,911,880. Last year the Village experienced a 5% increase, in medical insurance premiums. The proposed rates from IPBC create a cost savings in overall premiums for all benefit programs, essentially equal to $200,000 for the initial year.

Director of Human Resources Janelle Terrance stated that this is a partnership that involves many entities throughout the State of Illinois. She went on to say the goal is to remain fiscally responsible but also offer competitive services and rates in order to recruit and generate opportunities within the Village of Bartlett. Executive Director of IPBC Dave Cook went over a presentation detailing what IPBC entails and covers. 

President Wallace asked if there were any instances where IPBC would not renew with a Village or organization.

Executive Director Dave Cook stated that once an organization is a member of the IPBC, unless there’s a violation of the bylaws of IPBC there is no ability for them to expel a member.

Trustee Suwanski asked when the Fiscal year begins for IPBC. Executive Director Cook stated July 1st. He went on to say that rates are set in March, allowing 9 months for an organization to review the rates for the upcoming fiscal year.

Mayor Wallace asked when the Village’s current plan ends. Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance stated at the end of this calendar year.

Trustee Suwanksi asked when the last time dividends were generated. Executive Director Cook stated that while some might’ve been small, there’s been a dividend every year. Trustee Suwanski asked if we needed to maintain fund balances for administrative benefit and wellness. Executive Director Cook stated the only requirement is that after 6 years in IPBC, we would need to have a two-month reserve which we can use the first 6 years to build. Trustee Suwanski asked if there’s a possibility to be in a deficit. Executive Director Cook stated it is possible although he’s never seen that in his years at IPBC.

Trustee Suwanski asked if it would be beneficial to set up an account for that. Mayor Wallace stated that he recommends creating an account to put the yearly dividends that they would receive in a funds balance in case the need arises.

Trustee Suwanski asked Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance what kind of plans we would be offering. She stated that the first year it would be the same plan that we are offering now per IPBC’s suggestion. Currently we have 3 PPO plans and one HMO plan.

Trustee Gunsteen asked if HR reached out to other towns to get feedback from other HR colleagues and received wonderful feedback. One of the cons that were referenced was as an organization sees growth, they need additional customer support to accommodate that growth. She went on to say that after discussing it further with Mr. Cook, she doesn’t foresee this being a concern.

Village Administrator Paula Schumacher stated that she spoke to Fire District Chief Gabrenya since they recently joined IPBC, they stated the transition was smooth and they had no issues implementing it.

Trustee Gunsteen voiced concerns that the lower costs didn’t mean less insurance services provided.

Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance stated she doesn’t see that being a concern. IPBC offers a lot more potential with stability as well as adjustments to plans to benefit the Village and its employees.

Trustee Suwanski thanked everyone for the work that went into this and the research that was conducted. 

Trustee LaPorte asked how many employees the Village currently employs. Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance stated approximately 163 full time employees.

Trustee Gandsey asked if we would consider having someone on the Board of Directors. Village Administrator Schumacher stated it would most likely be Human Resources Director Janelle Terrance.

Trustee Gunsteen and Mayor Wallace stated that this was a great presentation and thanked Mr. Cook for his time.

Village Administrator Paula Schumacher stated that the next step would be to bring a resolution to the next Board meeting for Mr. Cook to present the Village of Bartlett as a candidate for membership with the Board of IPBC.


1. Elected Officials Salary

Trustee Hopkins stated that he would like to present and discuss Elected Officials Salary which had been previously discussed. He went on to say that their discussions included changes to the Clerk, Deputy Clerk positions. He stated the only decision they have to make is whether they want a 2% increase or no increase every year.

Village Administrator Schumacher stated that annual increase or increases at the terms was discussed.

Village Attorney Kurt Asprooth stated that the Illinois Constitution and Illinois Municipal Code, prevents any elected officials compensation from being increased during their term. Any increased adopted now, will only apply to Trustees and elected officials that are elected in 2025. Those elected in 2023, no increases will take place until 2027. He went on to say this is why they need to discuss how they want to structure it and whether they want changes to take place every two years, revisit it, or set it and come back to address it again.

Trustee Suwanski said she would like to revisit it.

Trustee Gunsteen stated the initial conversation was to address the Clerk’s salary.

Trustee Hopkins stated that for the work that the Village President does and the dedication that President Wallace has shown isn’t reflected in the pay.

Trustee Deyne stated that if they take a look at the average salaries, they need to look into that.

President Wallace says an automatic escalator would likely make it easier.

Trustee Suwanski stated that she does not agree and thinks it’s something to review and discuss further. 

Trustee Deyne stated that it’s a nominal amount at 2% which doesn’t amount to much.

President Wallace stated that if a Trustee would like to review it further, then that’s what they should do.

Discussing it further should be in order.

Trustee Gunsteen stated that he agrees with Trustee Suwanski, it doesn’t have to be 2% every term but maybe a certain percentage every 5 years.

Mayor Wallace suggested they should trigger a reminder 180 days before every election and then have a discussion.

Trustee Hopkins stated that if no one had any additional questions or comments, this would move to Village Board for a final vote.


1. RV Amendment

Chairman Gunsteen stated, since 1983, the Municipal Code only permits recreational Vehicles (other than snowmobiles, and snowmobile trailers) to be parked on driveways of single-family or duplex lots between May 1st and October 31st. Recently a resident requested that the start date be moved to allow him to park his boat on his driveway in March or April. Staff drafted text Amendments to change the start date for recreational vehicles to March 1st or April 15th as suggested by the Commission of the Whole.

The Planning and Zoning Commssion held a public hearing at their August 1, 2024 meeting and recommended that the current start date remain May 1st.

Planning And Development Services Director Kristy Stone stated that this was based on one resident’s opinion to change the Ordinance and it hasn’t been an ongoing issue.

Trustee LaPorte stated that he agreed with what Planning and Zoning voted for and recommended on May 1st.

Trustee Gunsteen stated that they were keeping the current Ordinance as is.


Mayor Wallace moved to adjourn the Committee of the Whole meeting. Trustee Deyne moved to approve; the motion was seconded by Trustee LaPorte.


AYES: Chairmen Deyne, Gandsey, Gunsteen, Hopkins, LaPorte, Suwanski

NAYS: None



The Committee of the Whole meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
