
North Cook News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Village of Wheeling Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 29

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Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 29

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Approval of Meeting Minutes

a.) April 29, 2024 Regular Meeting

b.) April 16, 2024 and June 24, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes

c.) Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes

5. Accountant’s Report – Lauterbach & Amen, LLP

a.) Monthly Financial Report

b.) Presentation and Approval of Bills

c.) Additional Bills, if any

i.) Puchalski Goodloe LLC

d.) Discussion/Possible Action – Cash Reserve Balance/Cash Management Policy/Guidelines

6. Investment Reports

a.) Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC Quarterly Report

b.) IPOPIF – Verus Investment Advisory, Inc.

i.) State Street Statement of Results

7. Communications and Reports

a.) Affidavits of Continued Eligibility

8. Trustee Training Updates

a.) Approval of Trustee Training Registration Fees and Reimbursable Expense

9. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from Fund

a.) Applications for Membership – Adrian Gonzalez, Adrian Handzel and Robert Lundgren

10. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits

a.) Discussion/Possible Action – Update of the Application for James Haeger’s Survivor’s Pension Benefit Pursuant to 40 ILCS 5/3-112(a)

b.) Review/Adopt – Written Decision & Order in the matter of James Haeger's application for a Survivor's pension pursuant to 40 ILCS 5/3-112(a)

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a.) Review/Approve – Actuarial Valuation and Tax Levy Request

b.) Board Officer Elections – President, Vice President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary

c.) FOIA Officer and OMA Designee

13. Attorney’s Report – Puchalski Goodloe LLC

a.) Legal Updates

14. Closed Session, if needed

15. Adjournment 
