
North Cook News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Village of Wheeling President Board of Trustees met July 15

Webp 43

Ray Lang, Trustee | Village of Wheeling Website

Ray Lang, Trustee | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling President Board of Trustees met July 15

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

A. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

A. Roll Call led by Clerk Brady

4. Approval of Minutes

A. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of June 17, 2024

5. Changes to the Agenda

A. Changes to the Agenda

6. Proclamations

7. Appointments and Confirmations

A. Appointments and Confirmations

8. Administration of Oaths

9. Citizen Concerns and Comments

A. Citizen Concerns and Comments

10. Staff Reports

A. Staff Reports

11. Consent Agenda-All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other Agenda items.

A. Resolution Extending an Existing Agreement with Lauterbach & Amen, LLP for Interim Accounting-Related Staffing Services in an Additional Amount Not to Exceed $11,000

B. Resolution Approving Previously Bid Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Contract #230 with Al Warren Oil Co., Inc. for the Purchase of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel in the Amount of $300,000

C. Ordinance Amending Title 17 “Planning, Subdivisions and Developments,” Chapter 17.20 “Procedure,” Section 17.20.030 “Preliminary Plat Approval” to Clarify Waiver of Preliminary Plat Requirements

D. Ordinance Amending Chapter 4.32 of the Village of Wheeling’s Municipal Code, “Alcoholic Liquor Dealers,” Specifically Section 4.32.085, to Increase the Authorized Number of Class N Liquor Licenses

E. Consent Vote on Items

12. Old Business

A. Old Business

13. New Business - All Listed Items for Discussion and Possible Action

A. Ordinance Granting Major Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval for a Building Addition, 430 Wheeling Road (Slide Products, Inc.) [Docket No. PSPMAJ24-0001]

14. Official Communications

A. Official Communications

15. Approval of Bills

A. Approval of Bills for June 27-July 10, 2024

16. Executive Session

A. Executive Session

17. Action on Executive Session Items

A. Action on Executive Session Items

18. Adjournment

A. Adjournment
