
North Cook News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Village of South Barrington Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 16

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Joseph Abbate, Village Trustee | Village of South Barrington Website

Joseph Abbate, Village Trustee | Village of South Barrington Website

Village of South Barrington Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 16

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Meeting Minutes

A. Review and Approve Regular Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2024

B. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Accountant’s Report

A. Review and Approve Monthly Financial Reports for March 31, 2024, April 30, 2024, and February 29, 2024

1) Approve Additional Bills

2) Approve Trustee Training Registration Fees and Reimbursement Requests, if Any

B. Review & Approve Year End Close Adjustments as of April 30, 2024

7. Investment Report

A. Review IPOPIF’s Monthly Investment Reports through May 2024

1) Participant Fund Monthly Statements through May 2024

8. Cash Management

A. Review Cash Flow Projections and Discuss Cash Management Needs

B. Amend Cash Management Directives and Update eCFM Form, if Needed

C. Approve Bank Corporate Resolutions and Bank Signers, if Needed

D. Add/Remove Authorized Agents and/or Account Representatives by Resolution, if Needed

1) Approve Resolution Appointing Pension Fund Authorized Agents, Secretary’s Certificate, and Addendum, if Needed

9. Actuary’s Report

A. Review and Approve GASB 67 & 68 Actuarial Report as of April 30, 2024

10. Attorney’s Report

A. Review and Approve 2024 Pension Board Rules and Regulations

11. Membership Updates

A. Applications for Membership to the Fund

1) Joseph Lukowski - Update

B. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits

C. Withdrawals from the Fund/Contribution Refunds

1) Matthew Fauth

2) Joseph Lukowski

D. Deceased Members/Applications for Surviving Spouse Benefits

12. Old Business

A. 2024 Training Opportunities

13. New Business

A. 2024 Affidavits for Certifying Pension Eligibility

B. IPOPIF Board Nominations

C. Proposed 2025 Meeting Dates

D. Discussion and Potential Action on Recently Negotiated and Completed CBA Salary Increases for All Affected Retired Officers

14. Closed Session, if Necessary

15. Adjournment
