
North Cook News

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met May 28

Webp 31

Village President Kathryn Ciesla swore in long-time Village public servant A.C. Buehler as the new Village Clerk | Village of Northbrook / Facebook

Village President Kathryn Ciesla swore in long-time Village public servant A.C. Buehler as the new Village Clerk | Village of Northbrook / Facebook

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met May 28

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




A. May 14, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Approval 


Please Note - Members of the public wishing to respectfully share thoughts about any matter concerning the Northbrook Board of Trustees may do so by coming to a meeting and speaking during the "Public Comment" time on general matters, or by speaking if and when comment is called during debate on a specific matter that is listed on the agenda. Members of the public can also submit a written comment via the Village's website. Each written comment submitted on the website will be delivered to each member of the Village Board prior to the meeting but will not be read out loud at the meeting unless specifically requested. Please note that while the Village Board will not immediately respond to public comments at the meeting, or engage in a back and forth discussion during the meeting, we are of course actively listening to all comments, thoughts, and suggestions. Thank you for your understanding and taking the time to contribute to the success of our community. 


A. Review of Proposed Business License and Registration Fees 

A draft Ordinance to update the Village of Northbrook Annual Fee Ordinance related to business license and registration fees will be presented for review and public comment in advance of being presented at the June 11, 2024 Village Board meeting for adoption. 


A. Review and Approval of Escrow Deposit/Performance Bond Refund List Dated May 14, 2024 

B. Review and Approval of Payments to be Made for May 1, 2024 - May 15, 2024


Community Moment 

A. A Proclamation Recognizing June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month 

B. A Proclamation Recognizing June 2 - 8 as National Garden Week 

C. A Proclamation Recognizing June 7 as National Gun Violence Awareness Day

D. A Proclamation Recognizing June 9 as Race Amity Day 

E. Commission Reappointments 

Reappointment of current commissioners to the Board of Fire and Police, Disability Inclusion, Senior Services, Stormwater Management, and  Sustainability Commissions. 


The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are matters that appear to have the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. The Village President will review, designate the resolution or ordinance number for passage and then inquire if any member of the Board or member of the public objects to any item on the Consent Agenda. If any objections are raised, the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and relocated to a location on this agenda for consideration during the appropriate Board Committee report. If no objection is voiced, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all items listed. The resultant roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each individual agenda item. 

A. A Resolution Waiving the Bidding Process and Approving a Sixty-Three Month Lease with Quadient Leasing USA Inc. for Postage Meter and Mail Processing Equipment at a Total Cost Not to Exceed $35,025, and Authorizing Execution of the Lease Agreement 

The Village Hall's mail equipment including the postage meter, envelope feeder/sealer into the meter, and folder/envelope inserter is obsolete. The recommended lease option will include a fixed monthly fee of $555.95 which covers the postage meter, feeder/sealer, and folder/inserter equipment. 

B. A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for Asphalt Street Crack Sealing Services with Patriot Pavement Maintenance Inc. of Wheeling, Illinois 

The Village of Northbrook utilizes crack sealing services to improve the service life of asphalt roadways. 

C. A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement for the Treatment of 48 American Elm Parkway Trees 

The Public Works Department treats specimen American Elm trees with trunk diameters of 20 inches or greater with Arbotech® fungicide. 48 specimen parkway American elms have been selected for treatment to prevent Dutch Elm Disease. 

D. An Ordinance Providing for the Disposal of Surplus Vehicle 

This Ordinance declares Unit #223, a 2008 International dump truck with snow plow, surplus and authorizes its disposal via trade-in. 

E. Motion to Approve the Senior Services Commission Recommendation for Crestwood Place Rent Increase, as modified by staff 

The Senior Services Commission is tasked with overseeing the operations (in conjunction with the Management Company) and providing recommendations for capital projects, debt issuances, rent increases, and other pertinent matters for Village Board consideration and approval. The proposed modifications impact rent structure over calendar years 2025 and 2026. 

F. A Resolution Approving a Five-Year Agreement with MissionSquare Retirement for Internal Revenue Service Code Section 457 Plan Administration, Advisory, and Investment Services 

The Village utilizes the services of MissionSquare Retirement (previously ICMA RC) to provide 457 Plan Retirement Services to employee and retiree plan participants. The current five-year Agreement was executed on August 13, 2019 and will expire on August 13, 2024. 

G. Motion to Select a Preferred Vendor for Village Gateway Sign Design, Fabrication, and Installation 

Following an RFQ and interview process, staff recommends selecting Right Way Signs as the preferred vendor for designing, fabricating, and installing Village gateway signs. 

H. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of the Northbrook Municipal Code as Amended, Regarding Business Licensing and Registration 

As presented to the Village Board at the May 14, 2024 meeting and reviewed at the April 9, 2024 Committee of the Whole, amendments to Chapter 15 of the Municipal Code have been prepared to streamline the business license categories and application/renewal procedures for impacted businesses.

I. Motion to Approve the April 15, 2024 Closed Session Minutes 


A. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Approximately $9,000,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2024, of the Village of Northbrook, Cook County, Illinois for the Purpose of Refunding Certain Outstanding Bonds of said Village, Providing for the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax for the Payment of the Principal of and Interest on said Bonds, Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Letter Agreement and Authorizing the Sale of said Bonds to the Winning Bidder. 

The Village, in conjunction with its financial advisor Speer Financial, Inc., conducted a competitive bond sale for the issuance of G.O. Series 2024 to complete a partial refunding of previously issued G.O. Series 2013A (Village) and 2013B (Library). 

Since the Library is a component unit of the Village, the Village must act on its behalf to issue bonds. However, the Library will be responsible to pay the debt service for its share of the 2024 refunding issue which will be determined and calculated by Speer Financial. 


A. Preliminary Review of a Request for Zoning Relief for a Racquet Sports Facility at 2985 Shermer Road 

The Applicant requests a consolidation of parcels, rezoning, special permit, parking variation, and site plan approval for a racquet sports facility. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 


A. A Resolution Approving an Agreement for Residential Solid Waste, Organic Materials, and Recycling Materials Collections with Lakeshore Recycling Systems, LLC 

As discussed at the May 14, 2024 Village Board meeting, the Village currently contracts with Waste Management (WM) to provide refuse, recycling, and compost (organics and/or landscape waste) collection for all single-family and some multi-family properties within the Village of Northbrook. The current six year contract expires August 31, 2024. The Resolution presented approves a new five-year franchise agreement with Lakeshore Recycling Services (LRS) with their services to begin September 1, 2024. 






