
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Bartlett Planning & Zoning Commission met March 7


The Bartlett PD Crime Prevention Unit recently presented the Village of Bartlett with its second NNO Award. | Village of Bartlett - Illinois/Facebook

The Bartlett PD Crime Prevention Unit recently presented the Village of Bartlett with its second NNO Award. | Village of Bartlett - Illinois/Facebook

Village of Bartlett Planning & Zoning Commission met March 7

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

M. Werden, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call

Present: B. Bucaro, C. Deveaux, J. Kapadoukakis, G. Koziol, J. Miaso, M. Sarwas, J. Battermann,

M. Werden

Absent: None

Also Present: Kristy Stone, Planning & Development Services Director, Andrew Barna, Associate Planner

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made to approve the February 1, 2024 meeting minutes.

Motioned by: G. Koziol

Seconded by: C. Deveaux

Roll Call

Ayes: C. Deveaux, J. Kapadoukakis, G. Koziol, J. Miaso, J. Battermann, M. Werden

Nays: None

Abstain: M. Sarwas, B. Bucaro

The motion carried.

Public Forum

M. Werden opened the public forum. No one from the public came forward. M. Werden closed the public forum. 

(#24-04) Get Fresh – 1397 Schiferl Road

Variation – Fence


The following exhibits were presented:

Exhibit A – Picture of Sign

Exhibit B – Mail Affidavit

Exhibit C – Notification of Publication

A. Barna stated that the petitioner is requesting a variance to allow an 8’ fence within the required 40’ front yard. The subject property is located in the Brewster Creek Business Park. The petitioner applied for a fence permit and that permit was approved. Our inspectors noticed that the fence was located in the front setback once it had been built. The applicant submitted a request for a variation after they were notified. B. Bucaro asked, has this fence been completed? K. Stone yes, we only require final inspections for fences. G. Koziol asked, did the applicant have any problems with theft that would require a fence to make this area more secure? K. Stone stated, their facility is not open yet. They want to have the trucks and loading enclosed. Several other businesses also have their trucks enclosed. G. Koziol it does make sense. It is better to be safe than sorry.

M. Werden opened the public hearing. No once from the public came forward.

G. Koziol made a motion to pass along a positive recommendation to the Village Board to approve case (#24-04) Get Fresh for a variation for a fence subject to the findings of fact outlined in the staff report.

Motioned by: G. Koziol

Seconded by: B. Bucaro

M. Werden closed the public hearing portion of the meeting.

Roll Call

Ayes: B. Bucaro, C. Deveaux, J. Kapadoukakis, G. Koziol, J. Miaso, M. Sarwas, J. Battermann,

M. Werden

Nays: None

The motion carried. 

Old Business/ New Business

K. Stone there will be a meeting next month with 2 public hearings. M. Werden stated that Mark Hopkins has resigned as he is moving out of town to be near his grandchildren. K. Stone the Village Board will be recognizing Mark Hopkins for his years of service on the Plan Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission at their March 19 meeting. G. Koziol the Aldi parking lot has a sewer drainage cover with a terrible depression and it is sinking. It seems rather dangerous. There is also a drain cover in front of the post office with same kind of problem. Who is responsible for that? K. Stone we can have Public Works do an inspection there to see if the drain covers meet our requirements. If there is an issue, Public Works can contact the developer.

M. Werden asked if there was a motion to adjourn.

Motioned by: M. Sarwas

Seconded by: J. Miaso

Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 pm. 
