
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Feb. 28

Webp 39

Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Wheeling Village President Patrick Horcher | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on February 14, 2024.



Present were Commissioners Riles, Myer, Kasper, Sprague, Smart, Hyken, Johnson. Also, present were Marcy Knysz, Village Planner and Mallory Milluzzi, Village Attorney.





A) Docket No. PSPMIN24-0003

Segerdahl, LLC

1351 Wheeling Road

Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Review for the Installation of External Mechanical Equipment within the East Parking Lot

The petitioner wants to install an RTO unit on the east side of the building in the back. There is also a 45’ tall exhaust stack associated with the unit. This requires site plan and building appearance approval. Since it sticks out into the drive aisle, Staff is proposing a series of guardrails and bollards so traffic can’t get through. Some parking spaces will be removed. The bollards are on the right and the guardrail is on the left on the exhibit being presented.

Regarding parking, the property received a variation in 1995 to reduce the number of parking spaces from 259 to 205 but since then they have increased the number of spaces on the site. Even with the removal of the six spaces, they comply with the number of required spaces, so they don’t need a parking variation.

Ms. Knysz read Staff’s proposed condition.

1. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the RTO unit and construction of the concrete pad and bollards.

Mr. Randy Scamacca, VP of Corporate Engineering, SG360, 1351 Wheeling Road was present.

Mr. Scamacca explained they were moving three printing presses from their Broadview facility to the Wheeling facility which will require the addition of an RTO (regenerative thermal oxidizer), a pollution control device. It will burn the exhaust fumes from the printing presses and clean air will come out of the stack. In addition, they will add a baghouse, dust collecting house so when they trim paper in the process it will get collected and bailed. The dust will be collected into the baghouse.

Commissioner Riles asked about the sound level. Mr. Scamacca explained the only moving part was a large fan on a variable frequency drive. The highest level is about 12 or 15 hertz when it is running. The noise coming from it is minimal and given the location at the back of the building he does not think it will be an issue. They have the exact same unit at another location, and it is located much closer to the road and neighbors, and they’ve never had a complaint. Commissioner Riles asked how often it operated. Mr. Scamacca stated it had to run if they were printing. They are typically a 24/7 operation so it would be continuously running. Mr. Scamacca does not see an issue with the noise level since they have never had an issue in the past at their other location. The proposed unit is half the size of their other unit. He offered to provide material on the unit.

Commissioner Myer asked about the high temperatures the device emits. She asked if there were any special considerations or safety precautions for the RTO. Mr. Scamacca explained that per their State operating permit, they must do preventative maintenance annually. During the maintenance, all the safety controls are checked. It is a simple and safe system. The only safety concern is the controls, and it does have gas to heat it up. Per their permit, they all must be checked on a yearly basis.

Commissioner Kasper referred to the report which states it has an approximately 45’ exhaust stack. He asked if it was the length or the height. Mr. Scamacca confirmed it was the height. Commissioner Kasper asked about the building height. Mr. Scamacca believes the height of the one-story building is approximately 25”.

Commissioner Sprague referred to the petitioner’s description letter where it states that it converts pollutants into CO2 and H2O. He asked if the CO2 needed to be monitored since it was a greenhouse gas. Mr. Scamacca explained per their State operating permit, they record monthly and report annually on all emissions from their plant. They stay well within any criteria set by the state.

Commissioner Smart had no questions.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions.

Chairman Johnson had no questions.

Commissioner Hyken moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to approve Docket No. PSPMIN24-0003, granting minor site plan and appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, for installation of external mechanical equipment within the east parking lot with an approximately 45-foot exhaust stack, located at 1351 Wheeling Road, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by Randy Scamacca dated 2/16/2024, Site Plan received by the Village on 2/7/2024, RTO Detail Drawings and Specifications and the Bollard and Guardrail Details, and subject to the following condition:

1. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the RTO unit and construction of the concrete pad and bollards.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Hyken, Myer, Riles, Kasper, Sprague, Smart, Johnson NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

B) Docket No. PSPMIN24-0004

JP Wheeling, LLC

90 Marquardt Drive

Request for Minor Building Appearance Review to Permit Changes to the Building Façade Color Scheme

The petitioner wants to change the overall color scheme of the building from brown/beige to black/gray. They are proposing to paint the metal awnings and brick. Staff has no proposed conditions.

Mr. Dan Foley, building owner, 90 Marquardt Drive, was present.

Mr. Foley explained they were doing a full renovation of the building since it is their headquarters. The doors will have new black doors.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions and welcomed the changes.

Commissioner Smart liked the color scheme and had no questions.

Commissioner Sprague reminded the petitioner that the prep for painting the brick was completely different than painting the metal. Mr. Foley confirmed he was aware, and confirmed they were using paint specifically designed for brick that includes an entire process.

Commissioner Sprague asked if they had plans to refresh the fence. Mr. Foley confirmed the repairs would be done or the fence replaced if needed. They are hoping to stain it.

Commissioner Sprague asked if the Conex box inside the fence was permanent. Mr. Foley confirmed the Conex box would be removed on Friday. All the old doors have been removed and moved to their Rockford facility.

Commissioner Sprague asked if the pile of sand or gravel on the east side would be removed. Mr. Foley explained it was from doing work for adding a trench drain and moving the triple basin but could not be removed until they received approval. They’ll move it once they receive approval.

Commissioner Kasper liked the proposed colors. He asked if they were planning to install a sign. Mr. Foley explained they currently have a permit for the existing sign and will redo it with the same landscaping. In the future, they may apply for something different. Commissioner Kasper reminded the petitioner that they would need approval. Mr. Foley confirmed they were aware.

Commissioner Myer had no questions and thanked the petitioner for improving the aesthetics.

Commissioner Riles asked if the proposed color scheme was part of their company branding. Mr. Foley explained their Rockford, Bloomington and Milwaukee buildings all had similar colors.

Chairman Johnson asked if they were painting the existing awnings. Mr. Foley confirmed they were painting the existing awnings since they were structurally sound. Chairman Johnson noticed a different shape awning on the renderings. Mr. Foley confirmed the awnings would not change.

Commissioner Kasper moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to approve Docket No. PSPMIN24-0004, granting minor building appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, to permit changes to the building façade color scheme, located at 90 Marquardt Drive, in accordance with the Project Description Letter received by the Village on 2/5/2024 and the Elevations prepared by AC Architects dated 2/5/2024.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Kasper, Myer, Riles, Sprague, Smart, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

C) Docket No. PSPMIN24-0005

Korean Cultural Center of Chicago

9600 Capitol Drive

Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval for the Installation of a Traditional Korean Gate

The petitioner is proposing a gate that will go between the two existing approved walls. Staff proposed the following condition.

1. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the gate and concrete pad.

Mr. Joon Kim, Project Manager, PNK Design Build, 1901 Raymond Drive, Northbrook, IL and Mr. Yoon Tae Kim, President of Korean Cultural Center of Chicago was present.

Mr. Kim explained they wanted to add a 10’9” traditional Korean gate. It is a wood structure. Commissioner Riles had no questions.

Commissioner Myer had no questions and thinks the proposed gate looks beautiful.

Commissioner Kasper asked if the existing pavilion would remain. Mr. Kim confirmed it would remain.

Commissioner Sprague thinks it looks good. He asked why they had the sidewalk with the three wood bars to the north blocked off. Mr. Yoon Tae Kim explained it was the traditional way of making gates. The three wood bars indicate there is no one in the house so do not come but if you remove the bars, it means someone is home and you are welcome. It is a very old tradition. The old Pastor brought it from JeJu Island and donated it to the center. It is only used for decoration.

Commissioner Sprague referred to a previous discussion about the trash enclosure. He asked if it was still in their plans to redo the trash enclosure in the parking lot. Mr. Joon Kim explained they have a plan to relocate the trash enclosure but have not yet submitted the plans.

Commissioner Smart had no questions and likes the look of the proposed gate.

Commissioner Hyken echoed the comments from the other Commissioners and thinks the gate looks great.

Chairman Johnson agreed with the other comments.

Commissioner Smart moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to recommend Approval of Docket No. PSPMIN24-0005, granting minor site plan and building appearance approval as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, for the construction of a traditional Korean gate, located at 9600 Capitol Drive, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by PNK Design + Build dated February 13, 2024, Site Plan prepared by PNK Design + Build, and the Gate Floor Plan prepared by PNK design + Build last dated 2/13/2024, and subject to the following condition:

1. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the gate and concrete pad.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Smart, Myer, Riles, Kasper, Sprague, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

D) Docket No. PSU23-0015

Café Parlay

1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue

Request for Special Use Approval to Permit a Gaming Establishment


See Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Docket No. PSU23-0015.

Commissioner Hyken moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to recommend approval of Docket No. PSU23-0015, granting Special Use approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code, Chapter 19-10 Use Regulations, and associated sections, in order to permit a gaming establishment for Café Parlay, located at 1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner's Project Description Letter prepared by Kyle Lazar dated 2/6/2024, Floor Plan prepared by Gillespie Design Group dated 1/30/2024 and the Plat of Survey prepared by Associated Surveying Group, LLC dated 10/5/2023, and subject to the following conditions:

1. The subject property and building shall connect to the Village’s water and sanitary services, at their own expense, within twelve (12) months of the availability of such services, which shall also include obtaining all necessary permits for such connections. Upon the installation and final Village inspection of said utility connections, the existing well and septic sewer systems shall be abandoned at the subject premises.

2. A Wheeling Business License must be obtained from the Community Development Department before the business begins operations.

3. A Wheeling Sign Permit shall be required in order to permit any exterior signage to be installed, except for signage pursuant to Chapter 21.6 of the Wheeling Sign Code.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Hyken, Myer, Riles, Kasper, Sprague, Smart, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

E) Docket No. PV23-0009

Café Parlay

1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue

Request for a Variance to Permit a Reduction in the Minimum Required Number of Parking Spaces from 29 Spaces to 18 Spaces


See Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Docket No. PV23-0009.

Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Riles to recommend approval of Docket No. PV23-0009 granting a variation from Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code, Chapter 19-10, Use Regulations, and associated sections, to permit a reduction in the minimum required number of parking spaces from 29 spaces to 19 spaces, for the property located at 1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Kyle Lazar dated 2/6/2024, Site Plan prepared by Gillespie Design Group last revised 2/6/2024 and the Plat of Survey prepared by Associated Surveying Group, LLC dated 10/5/2023, and subject to the following condition:

1. Any approval for the variation to reduce the required number of parking spaces is contingent upon the Village Board’s approval of the request for a Special Use for a gaming establishment (Docket No. PSU23-0015).

2. The petitioner shall submit a revised floorplan to the Community Development Department that reflects a reduction from 23 seats to 18 seats.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Myer, Riles, Kasper, Sprague, Smart, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

Commissioner Kasper moved, seconded by Commissioner Smart to close Docket Nos. PSU23- 0015 and PV23-0009.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Kasper, Smart, Riles, Myer, Sprague, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

F) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0039

Café Parlay

1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue

Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval

Ms. Knysz read the proposed condition for the variation.

1. A minimum of one tree, pursuant to Section 12.08.040 of the Wheeling Municipal Code, shall be planted in the newly created area on the north side of the property subject to the authorization of the Village of Wheeling. Said tree(s) shall be planted no later than six months from the issuance of the Business License for Café Parlay.

Ms. Knysz explained the area for the tree is north of the new ADA space. It is currently asphalt and will be turned into green space. The curb will be redone.

Mr. Kyle Lazar, 2401 US Highway 20, Unit 105, Pingree Grove, IL was present.

Mr. Lazar stated they were adding more windows for the gaming space and painting the awning from white to black with minor changes to the windowpanes as needed.

Commissioner Riles asked if they had considered adding more than one tree in the area. Mr. Lazar agreed to add more if there was enough space.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions.

Commissioner Smart had no questions.

Commissioner Myer had no questions.

Commissioner Kasper had no questions.

Commissioner Sprague wasn’t in favor of adding the tree because of the lack of room and space to grow. He suggested adding decorative plants or flowers. Ms. Knysz noted they were proposing a small ornamental tree. Commissioner Sprague was not in favor of any tree that would create a mess. Ms. Knysz suggested planting a bush or shrub that would not block the vision triangle.

Commissioner Sprague asked if they were planning to do anything with the pine trees in the back. Mr. Lazar confirmed they would maintain them. Commissioner Sprague mentioned they were overgrowing into the storage facility, and some were dying. Mr. Lazar confirmed they would remove the dying trees.

Commissioner Sprague referred to the wood timbers in the grass near the septic area. Mr. Lazar agreed to address it.

Chairman Johnson had no questions.

Ms. Knysz asked if the proposed condition regarding adding a tree should be removed. Commissioner Myer liked the idea of adding a shrub. Chairman Johnson suggested an ornamental planting. The Commission was in agreement.

Ms. Knysz read the proposed condition.

1. A minimum of one ornamental planting, pursuant to Section 12.08.040 of the Wheeling Municipal Code, shall be planted in the newly created area on the north side of the property subject to the authorization of the Village of Wheeling. Said planting shall be planted no later than six months from the issuance of the Business License for Café Parlay.

Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0039, granting Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, for the property located at 1000 S. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Kyle Lazar dated 2/6/2024, Site Plan prepared by Gillespie Design Group last revised 2/6/2024, Landscape Plan prepared by Gillespie Design Group last revised 2/6/2024, and subject to the following condition:

1. A minimum of one ornamental planting, pursuant to Section 12.08.040 of the Wheeling Municipal Code, shall be planted in the newly created area on the north side of the property subject to the authorization of the Village of Wheeling. Said planting shall be planted no later than six months from the issuance of the Business License for Café Parlay.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Myer, Riles, Kasper, Smart, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.


A) Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 14, 2024 (including the Findings of Fact for Docket Nos. PRZ24-001 & PPUD23-001 [1/24/2024 and 2/14/2024], PSU23-0016 and PSU24-0001).

Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Smart to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 14, 2024 (including the Findings of Fact for Docket Nos. PRZ24- 001 & PPUD23-001 [1/24/2024 and 2/14/2024], PSU23-0016 and PSU24-0001) as presented.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Myer, Kasper, Hyken, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.


Ms. Knysz announced the police station is getting a new ground sign in front. It will be similar to the signs around the Village with a red wheel. There will also be a new ground sign at the new fire station and all the stations will eventually get renumbered.

Ms. Knysz announced the next meeting on March 13th.


Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Smart to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
