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Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 15

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Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chair Mitchell Weinstein

Public Hearings/Items For Consideration 

1. Consider a Amendment to the Special Use to Allow Torah Academy to Modify the Conditions of Approval Set Forth in Ordinances 2014-052 and 2015-043, Which Limit the Maximum Enrollment of Students Until Certain Improvements to the Parking Lot at 720 Armstrong Drive. (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

Petitioners were sworn in. 

Binder, Associate Planner, provided a background on the subject property and the request. 

Lawrence Freedman and Rabbi Steven Zehnwirth, spoke on behalf of Torah Academy, and discussed the overall request to amend the Special Use Ordinance. 

Freedman indicated that while the school has expanded their enrollment, it is not to the extent they originally anticipated. He stated many of the students arrive by van, which only takes up one parking space. 

Freedman further noted that the parking lot was expanded by 50% a few years ago and the petitioner feels that the parking lot is adequate as improved. He noted that staff observed the traffic conditions and on-street drop-off was the only concern. He stated the conditions of approval address this concern and the petitioner fully agrees to the condition. 

Com. Spunt inquired about the playground open space next to the parking spaces. Binder responded that it is an open field, and the staff is not concerned about safety issues. 

Zehnwirth indicated that there is a chain link fence between the play area and the parking lot. 

Com. Davis asked with the increase in students, will there be an expected change in parking spaces. The petitioner responded that the student increase would not pose an impact to parking spaces, as they anticipate the same ratio will carpool. 

Com. Richards asked the petitioner to explain the traffic flow of pickups and drop offs. The petitioner indicated that those coming to drop-off will use the closest spaces, while those that are coming to stay will park further away. 

Com. Richards asked if the internal facilities are large enough to accommodate 60 students. 

The petitioner indicated that they will continue to build out classroom, bathroom and kitchen areas to accommodate additional students. 

Com. Richards indicated that the original parking lot had a turnaround area, and the parking lot is now straighter. He asked the reason for the change. 

The petitioner verbalized that he doesn’t want the playground area impacted for parking and such a low volume of traffic. 

Com. Richards asked if there is any issue with the layout of the parking lot for fire trucks. 

Binder noted that emergency vehicles have a safe pathway to the school and its students. 

Chairman Weinstein asked with an increase in student to employee ratios, would that require additional parking. The petitioner clarified that students come in groups, by van transport. 

Chairman Weinstein asked what would happen if 60 people arrived in 60 cars. 

Freedman responded, in the unlikely event that would be the case, the condition recommended by staff would address the concern. Drop off and pick up would not be able to take place within the parking lot, and the Village could request additional improvements. 

Com. Worlikar asked if there would be a stacking issue. Binder confirmed it would not be an issue based on staff’s observations of the traffic performed prior to the meeting. 

The public hearing closed at 7:50 PM. 

Com. Richards made to make a positive recommendation to the Village Board to allow an amendment to Ordinance No. 2014-052, as amended by Ordinance No. 2015-43, which approved a Special Use to allow Torah Academy to operate a childcare facility and preschool/elementary school in the industrial district at 720 Armstrong Drive subject to the following conditions: 

1. Condition 2 of Ordinance 2015-43 is hereby amended and replaced with the following new condition 2: 

“A maximum of sixty (60) students are allowed on the Property. The revised parking lot layout labeled ‘Proposed Torah Academy Parking Lot Striping Plan - dated 9/12/2022”’ shall be implemented with parking lot signage and/or paint. Prior to the start of each school year, the petitioner shall provide the Village with the projected enrollment for the upcoming school year.” 

2. Drop-off/pick-up operations shall solely take place on the subject property. If at any time, enrollment reaches a point where traffic operations cannot be accommodated on site, additional improvements to the parking lot may be required at the Village’s discretion. 

3. Except for those conditions specifically amended as part of this request, all other conditions of Ordinances 2014-52 and 2015-43 shall remain in full force and effect. 

Com. Spunt seconded the motion. 

Com. Worlikar spoke in favor of the motion and indicated that he does not want kids being dropped off on Armstrong Drive, but that with the number of kids carpooling, the request makes sense. 


AYES: Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis, Saxena

ABSENT: Adam Moodhe, Amy Au

2. Consider an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1998-14, as Amended through Ordinance No. 2021-53, to Expand the Uses Permitted Within the Golf Dome Facility to Include the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol at 801 McHenry Road (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

Chairman Weinstein stated that his firm represents the Buffalo Grove Park District on many matters but is not associated or working on the subject project. He indicated, as such he does not feel that a conflict exists and will not be recusing himself. 

The petitioners were sworn in. 

Binder, Associate Planner, provided a background on the subject property and the petitioners’ requests. 

Joe Zimmerman, spoke on behalf of the Buffalo Grove Park District, thereby discussed the need to allow alcohol sales and that the service would enhance and provide additional revenues to the facility. 

Com. Richards asked for a forecasted amount of revenue expected to be brought in. Zimmerman did not have an estimate at this time. Zimmerman discussed other park district events and facilities that serve alcohol. 

Com. Richards inquired about the staff training plan. The petitioner said the training covers over consumption recognition, patron service, ride offerings, and summarized TIPS training information. 

Com. Davis asked serving ages and the petitioner responded that the Buffalo Grove ordinance requires you to be 21 to serve. 

Com. Worlikar inquired whether customers are asking for this. He asked if it was for service enhancements or purely for revenue means. 

Zimmerman responded the idea, change, and added service was based on where the trends are going for similar golf facilities. 

Com. Saxena asked what the last serving time is, and the petitioner confirmed it was at 7:30pm. 

The petitioner said they would also be serving snacks. 

The public hearing was closed at 8:09pm. 

Com. Richards made a motion to make a positive recommendation to the Village Board to allow an amendment to Ordinance No. 98-14, as amended through Ordinance No. 2021-53, to expand the uses permitted within the Golf Dome Facility at 801 McHenry Road to include the sale and consumption of alcohol, subject to the following conditions: 

1. Section 2. of Ordinance 2021-53 is hereby amended as follows: 

3. C. The Buffalo Grove Park District shall be permitted to sell alcohol for consumption within the Golf Dome Facility. 

3. D The Buffalo Grove Park District shall obtain a liquor license pursuant to the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code prior to selling any alcoholic beverages on the premises. 

2. All references, conditions, and obligations to the Property in Ordinance 2021-53, not otherwise amended by this amendment, shall remain in full force and effect. 

Com. Davis seconded the motion. 

Com. Spunt spoke in favor of the motion noting he had not realized they didn’t offer alcohol now. 

Chairman Weinstein spoke in favor of the motion and indicated that serving alcohol in such an environment is not an unusual thing. 

Com. Worlikar spoke in favor of the motion indicating that other similar venues such as Top Golf serve alcohol, and to maintain fairness the request is warranted. 


AYES: Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis, Saxena

ABSENT: Adam Moodhe, Amy Au

3. Consideration of a Petition for an Amendment to the Park Preliminary Plan Approved by Ordinance No. 1989-017, a Special Use for a Public Park, and a Zoning Variation from the Off-Street Parking Requirements, to Accommodate Proposed Improvements to Parkchester Park, at 851 Weiland Road (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Chairman Weinstein stated that his firm represents the Buffalo Grove Park District on some projects but is not associated or working on the subject project. As such he did not find a conflict with his participation in the discussion. 

The petitioners were sworn in from Buffalo Grove Park District - Laurie Hoffman, Erika Strojinc, Maria Blood (Consultant) 

Purvis, Deputy Community Development Director, presented the background on the subject property and the petitioners’ requests. 

Hoffman, Planning and Development Manager for Buffalo Grove Park District, concurred with Purvis’ presentation and answered questions related to the requested Parkchester Park Improvement Plan. 

Com. Spunt questioned the overflow and asked what options are there for pedestrians. Blood responded that the sidewalk continues to extend into the trail and the Park District will be adding directional signs. 

Chairman Weinstein asked about the reason for the parking lot addition. The petitioner explained it was a request from Buffalo Grove residents and it brings the site into further compliance with the Village Ordinance requirements. 

Chairman Weinstein asked about noise considerations regarding the proposed pickleball courts. 

Blood said there is only one court verses multiple courts so this limits noise concerns, and the location of the one court is furthest from the residents, at about 300 feet.

Com. Worlikar asked about pedestrian access. Sianis showed the crossings and access points near Deerfield Parkway, Newton Drive, and the midblock crossing. Sianis indicated that all pedestrian crossings were designed and completed with the Weiland Road project. 

Com. Worlikar asked about any improvements done to Weiland Road following the pedestrian accident? 

Sianis stated the only improvements were done with the Weiland Road project. 

Com. Richards asked if the East side was the only access with the sidewalk? 

Sianis confirmed it was. 

Com. Richards asked about community input and Purvis responded that one resident asked about the plans, but no other calls or comments were received. 

Chairperson Weinstein asked why there are only two fishing spots? 

Lori Hoffman stated that it was the intent to create specific locations for fishing so that vegetation could be added around the detention pond. 

Public comment 

Buffalo Grove resident from 410 Parkchester, asked to see the location of the parking lot. Purvis responded, showing the approximate location of the lot. He also asked about pickleball court location and if there are lights proposed. 

Strojinc confirmed that there are no lights proposed for the project. 

The public hearing closed at 8:32 PM. 

Com. Richards made a motion to recommend approval of the requested amendment to Ordinance No. 1989-017, a Preliminary Plan, a Special Use for a public park, and a Variation from the off-street parking regulations to accommodate the above-described improvements to Parkchester Park at 851 Weiland Road, subject to the following conditions: 

1. The proposed park improvements shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the plans attached as part of the petition. 

2. The Final Engineering plans shall be submitted in a manner acceptable to the Village. 

3. Any directional or incidental signage added to the site shall be reviewed administratively by staff. 

Com. Davis seconded the motion and spoke in favor of the motion. He indicated he was pleased with the proposed improvements. 

Chairman Weinstein spoke in favor of the motion and thanked the Buffalo Grove Park District for the public engagement with the neighborhood. 

Com. Worlikar spoke in favor of the motion. He liked the changes and updates. He commended the Park District’s efforts and appreciated the placement of the Pickleball court. 


AYES: Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis, Saxena

ABSENT: Adam Moodhe, Amy Au

Regular Meeting 

Other Matters for Discussion 

Approval of Minutes 

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - Oct 18, 2023 7:30 PM


AYES: Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis, Saxena ABSENT: Adam Moodhe, Amy Au

2. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - Nov 1, 2023 7:30 PM


AYES: Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Saxena

ABSTAIN: Jason Davis

ABSENT: Adam Moodhe, Amy Au

Chairman's Report 

Committee and Liaison Reports  

The Committee Liaison indicated that Lazy Dog was approved at the previous Village Board meeting.

Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule 

Staff indicated that two Special Use Amendments are slated for consideration at the 12/6/23 meeting. It is anticipated that the 12/20/23 meeting will be cancelled.

Public Comments and Questions  



The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM
