
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Dec. 12

Webp 25

Northbrook Village Hall | Village of Northbrook Website

Northbrook Village Hall | Village of Northbrook Website

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Dec. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




A. November 28, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Approval



A. Consideration and Approval of the Village President's Appointment to Fill a Vacancy in the Office of Village Trustee

With the Board’s consideration and approval, Michelle Kohler will fill the Trustee vacancy with the resignation of Trustee Collison. 



Please Note - Members of the public wishing to respectfully share thoughts about any matter concerning the Northbrook Board of Trustees may do so by coming to a meeting and speaking during the "Public Comment" time on general matters, or by speaking if and when comment is called during debate on a specific matter that is listed on the agenda. Members of the public can also submit a written comment via the Village's website. Each written comment submitted on the website will be delivered to each member of the Village Board prior to the meeting but will not be read out loud at the meeting unless specifically requested. Please note that while the Village Board will not immediately respond to public comments at the meeting, or engage in a back and forth discussion during the meeting, we are of course actively listening to all comments, thoughts, and suggestions. Thank you for your understanding and taking the time to contribute to the success of our community.



A. Review and Approval of Payments to be Made for November 16 - November 30, 2023

B. Review and Approval of Escrow Deposit/Performance Bond Refund List Dated November 29, 2023


Community Moment

A. A Resolution Recognizing Debbie Ford for 23 Years of Service

B. A Resolution Recognizing Judy Butch for 18 Years of Service

C. A Resolution Approving a Pre-Development Agreement with GA Northbrook LLC (Green Acres Redevelopment)

Staff has prepared with the Village Attorney a non-binding Pre-Development Agreement which identifies specifics of a public-private partnership to be discussed in the coming months in support the redevelopment of the former Green Acres Country Club. 

D. An Ordinance Approving a Second Amendment to the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement

An Ordinance has been prepared to approve a Second Amendment to the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement for Village owned property commonly known as 1657 Shermer Road and comprised of approximately 10.3 acres and extend the closing date by 120 days. 


The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are matters that appear to have the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. The Village President will review, designate the resolution or ordinance number for passage and then inquire if any member of the Board or member of the public objects to any item on the Consent Agenda. If any objections are raised, the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and relocated to a location on this agenda for consideration during the appropriate Board Committee report. If no objection is voiced, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all items listed. The resultant roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each individual agenda item.

A. A Resolution Approving the Annual Renewal of Cybersecurity Systems Maintenance from GHA Associates

This is a renewal of an annual maintenance, support, and subscription agreement for various cybersecurity systems from Barracuda Networks. 

B. A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Bulk Rock Salt for Roadway De-Icing from Morton Salt, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois.

This resolution authorizes the purchase of up to 3,828 tons of rock salt from Morton Salt, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $292,727 for use in roadway de-icing for the 2023-24 winter season. 

C. A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Microsoft License Agreement from Dell Marketing L.P.

This is the approval of a three-year subscription agreement for Microsoft software in use by all Village Departments. 

D. A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Organic Liquid De-Icer for the 2023/24 Winter Season from SNI Solutions, Inc. of Geneseo, Illinois

Public Works Staff is seeking to waive the competitive bidding process and the approval to purchase Biomelt S7 from SNI Solutions in Geneseo, Illinois as needed in 4,500 gallon shipments at a unit price of $1.95 for the Village's snow and ice removal program. This product is a proprietary formulation for which SNI is the sole source vendor. 

E. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Section 2-785 of the Northbrook Municipal Code, as Amended, Regarding Public Comment and Participation

Following the Committee of the Whole discussion on November 14, 2023, the attached ordinance was prepared to modify the Municipal Code regarding public comment and participation at public meetings. If adopted, the proposed changes will go into effect January 1, 2024. 

F. A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois for Engineering Plan Review Services for FY 2023/24 This agreement will provided for contractual professional services with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, for the remainder of FY 2023/24 in order to support staff in conducting engineering plan reviews within the established private development review timelines. G. A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Special Permits for the Operation of a Nursing and Personal Care Facility by New Operator (4101 Lake Cook Road) (BOT-23-08).

The Applicant requests approval for a special permit transfer of a previously approved Nursing and Personal Care Facility to a new owner/operator of the facility. Section 11-602 I of the Zoning Code requires approval of such transfer by adoption of a resolution by the Village Board of Trustees. No public hearing is required. 

H. An Ordinance Providing for the Disposal of Surplus Vehicle and Purchase of New Command Vehicle and Equipment

This Ordinance provides for the disposal of a 2007 Chevrolet 2500HD pickup that serves as a fire investigation vehicle for the Fire Department and the replacement of the vehicle with a 2024 Ford Expedition Max XL 4x4. 

I. A Resolution Approving a Contract for the Purchase of Body Worn Cameras, In Car Cameras, and Interview Room Cameras from Axon Enterprises, Inc. of Scottsdale, AZ

The Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity Today (SAFE-T) Act requires municipalities with populations less than 50,000 to implement the use of body worn cameras by January 1, 2025. As a result of this unfunded mandate, the Police Department has explored options to fulfill this requirement and further integrate multiple law enforcement video systems, including in-car video and interview room camera systems, currently utilized by the department under one vendor. Police Department staff is now seeking Village Board of Trustee approval of a resolution for this purchase. 

J. An Ordinance Declaring a Surplus of Tax Increment Financing Funds from the Northbrook Court Special Tax Increment Allocation Fund

The Village Board previously adopted Ordinance 2023-64 terminating the Northbrook Court Tax Increment Financing District (designated on April 23, 2019). Pursuant to the Tax 

Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq., any remaining TIF funds not obligated upon the TIF termination date must be redistributed to all eligible taxing districts. 

K. A Resolution Approving the Release of Certain Written Minutes of Closed Session Meetings of the Village Board of Trustees

The release of certain closed session meeting minutes which the Village Board of Trustees has determined no longer require confidential treatment. 

L. A Resolution Amending and Restating Resolution 2023-101 Authorizing the Purchase of Water Main Tap and Repair Supplies as Needed from Ziebell Water Service Products, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, Illinois; Core & Main LP of St. Louis, Missouri; and Mid-American Water of Wauconda, Inc. of Wauconda, Illinois.

The Village previously adopted Resolution 2023-101 Authorizing the Purchase of Water Main Tap and Repair Supplies as Needed from Ziebell Water Service Products, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, Illinois; Core & Main LP of St. Louis, Missouri; and Mid-American Water of Wauconda, Inc. of Wauconda, Illinois. Village staff recently noted that Resolution 2023-101 only authorized the purchase of Water Main Tap and Repair Supplies in an amount not to exceed $65,000, when the amount should have been stated as $160,000. The attached resolution amends, restates, and replaces Resolution 2023-101 to correct the error and authorize the expenditure in the intended and necessary amount of $160,000. 

M. A Resolution Approving an Professional Services Agreement for Economic Development Consulting Services - Green Acres Redevelopment

The former Green Acres Country Club property located at 916 Dundee Road has been vacant since the club ceased operation in 2016 and the Village is currently in discussions with the owner of the Property regarding possible redevelopment opportunities and the establishment of a TIF encompassing the property. 

N. An Ordinance Amending the Village's Regulations and Restrictions of Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

As reviewed by the Village Board on November 29, 2023, an ordinance amending the Village Code has been prepared for adoption, with an effective date of January 1, 2025. 


A. An Ordinance Adopting the Tax Year 2023 Property Tax Levy

As reviewed by the Village Board as part of the November 14, 2023 Committee of the Whole, the property tax levy ordinance has been prepared. 

B. An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Year 2023 Property Tax Levy for Debt Service

This portion of annual property tax levy pertains to debt service only. The ordinance presented allows the Village to use other revenue sources to partially pay for debt service, by the abatement of a portion of the property taxes as the Village has designated user fees and/or revenue sources rather than property taxes. Such abatement was anticipated at the time of bond issuance. 

C. A Resolution Authorizing the Approval of an Employee Handbook

The attached Village of Northbrook Employee Handbook is being presented to the Village Trustees for consideration with an expected effective date for non-union employees on January 1, 2024. 

D. An Ordinance Regarding the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act

The Paid Leave for All Workers Act, Public Act (P.A.) 102-1143, requires employers, including municipalities to provide 40 hours of paid leave to employees on an annual basis. The Village currently provides paid leave benefits to its employees in multiple forms. The Village also deems it necessary to exercise its home rule authority in order to maintain the status quo with respect to the current level of employee leave benefits before the Act takes effects on January 1, 2024. This ordinance opts-out of the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. 


A. Public Hearing and Consideration of Ordinance for a Wall Sign for Hilco Global at 5 Revere Drive

The Applicant requests approval of a special permit for a wall sign in excess of the maximum permitted sign height in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District. Section 11-104.B. of the Zoning Code allows the Village Board to hold a Public Hearing regarding: An Ordinance Granting A Special Permit Authorizing a Wall Sign in Excess of the District Height Limit of 20 Feet in I-1 District. 

B. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request of a Text Amendment to Permit a Dairy Production Facility as a Permitted Use in the I-1 Zoning District

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 3075 Commercial Avenue for consideration of a Text Amendment to allow a dairy production facility in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 

C. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request for a Wall Sign at 1135 Skokie Boulevard

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 1135 Skokie Boulevard for a Special Permit to exceed the maximum wall sign height in the O-4 Boulevard Office district for Josselyn. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 








The Village of Northbrook is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, are requested to promptly contact the Village of Northbrook at (847) 272-5050, or the Illinois Relay Center at (800) 526-0844, to allow the Village of Northbrook to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.
