
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Nov. 1

Webp 43

Ray Lang, Trustee | Village of Wheeling Website

Ray Lang, Trustee | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Nov. 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on November 1, 2023. 



Present were Commissioners Kasper, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Myer and Johnson. Also present were Marcy Knysz, Village Planner, Mallory Milluzzi, Village Attorney and Robert Niemiec, Fire Department.





A) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0027

Super Save Car Wash

11 E. Dundee Road

Request for Minor Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval for Site Improvements

The petitioner is present for minor site plan and building appearance approval that includes two parts to the project. The first part is exterior building modifications. They will replace the top portions of both the Super Save Mart and the Car Wash with aluminum red and white panels with a yellow vinyl stripe. The second part relates to the south side of the property and adding three pay stations to the existing car wash lanes.

Staff proposed conditions that relate to the pay stations. There are currently three existing vacuums on the island, they are adding parking spaces on the north side of the island to use for the vacuums. The other conditions relate to the neighbor to the south. Staff would like a couple of new bushes added to either side of the existing large tree to help buffer the increased traffic that will be seen. The applicant has agreed and has submitted a new site plan but it was received after the agenda had been sent out so the conditions will remain since it was not part of the formal packet. The conditions will be addressed when they come in for permitting.

Following are Staff’s proposed conditions.

1. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the above identified building and site modifications, the permit plans shall include the following:

a. The existing vacuums shall be reoriented to face north and include concrete landing pads for customer access to the vacuum stations.

b. The landscape island dividing the parking area and the car wash vehicle stacking area shall fill in missing or dead areas with in-kind plantings.

c. A landscaped hedgerow shall be established along the south property line to begin where the existing wood fence terminates and shall extend towards Wolf Road to provide additional screening of the car wash vehicle stacking area.

2. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, Pursuant to Section 19.11.020(c)(2), fiscal security either by bond, certificate of deposit or letter of credit shall be provided to Community Development to ensure compliance with the landscape installation requirements. The fiscal arrangements shall reflect the cost of required landscaping, both plants and labor. All site landscaping shall be installed by May 15, 2024.

Mr. Paul Kolpak, Attorney, 6767 North Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, IL, Mr. Khalil Abdulla, property owner, Mr. Nick Scarlatis, Architect and Mr. Peter Tapia, Sign designer, 3645 W. Irving Park, Chicago were present.

Mr. Kolpak explained they want to make the business more efficient, and the sign is to make their brand more apparent to customers. They agreed to all suggestions and conditions from Staff.

Commissioner Myer referred to the two strong proposed colors (green, red with gold and black). She asked for an explanation about the variation since it was such a visible corner in the Village. She appreciates the need for better signage, but felt it was too much color. Mr. Tapia explained it was the Super Saver brand colors. She asked if it was separate from the BP gas station and the reason for having two competing brand colors. Mr. Abdulla confirmed it was a brand and he had other locations (BP, Shell, Citgo, Marathon) with Super Saver stores. Commissioner Myer referred to the green canopies over the fuel pumps and then a vibrant brand image for the mini mart and car wash. She expressed concern that it would look busy and suggested using less wording on the car wash entry. Mr. Abdulla confirmed they had compromised and added white stripes to the bottom, and everything was made smaller. Mr. Abdulla confirmed he owned the entire property. Commissioner Myer politely suggested reducing the number of words in the car wash area.

Commissioner Riles agreed the two brands were busy. He asked the property owner about the response and success with using the contrasting brand colors. Mr. Abdulla reconfirmed he had multiple locations and a website/app for the car wash using the same colors, menu and pricing. Commissioner Riles asked how the community responded to the branding. Mr. Abdulla received good comments and no negative comments.

Commissioner Riles asked how long they had been at the other locations. Mr. Abdulla stated he has had the brand for more than 10 years. He has locations in the City of Chicago, Maywood and Evanston.

Commissioner Sprague agreed the colors clashed. He asked if they could change the canopies over the pumps to the same color scheme. Mr. Abdulla explained the brand stays the same and cannot be changed. He must use the brand BP over the pumps and the branding for the car wash needs to remain and can’t be changed. This is the first time he is using BP with his image. Commissioner Sprague asked if BP required that the canopies use their colors. Mr. Abdulla confirmed they required it.

Mr. Kolpak mentioned the branding helps people recognize how the business treats their customers. Mr. Abdulla confirmed it was the main reason. He is trying to be different with their customer service and what they offer. He confirmed his business would be completely different than other BPs.

Commissioner Hyken concurred with the other comments about the colors clashing.

Commissioner Hyken asked how the customers will access the vacuums. Mr. Abdulla explained the proposal had a separate parking area and the vacuums will be turned.

Commissioner Kasper expressed concerns about the cars coming out of the pay station lanes going from three lanes narrowing down to one lane. He also expressed concerns about the staging area at a busy intersection with limited in and out access. He expressed concern about it backing up onto Wolf Road when busy. Mr. Kolpak mentioned they have stacking for at least 9 cars. Mr. Abdulla agreed with Commissioner Kasper’s comments but explained that by adding pay stations, the lines will go much faster. His intention is not to stack on the street and would stack around the station. Commissioner Kasper asked about cars exiting the car wash on a busy day, and someone decides to make a left turn on Dundee Road with a lot of traffic. He expressed concern about backing up into the carwash. Mr. Abdulla felt there was a way to do both. Their focus is on monthly memberships which helps move the line faster using a sticker on the windshield. The gate will open automatically with no waiting time.

Commissioner Kasper asked if the carwash dries the car electronically. Mr. Abdulla confirms the carwash dries the cars using conveyers. The average time for a car to get washed and dry is about 3 minutes.

Ms. Knysz mentioned there were improvements proposed in the carwash tunnel to make the carwash process go faster.

Mr. Abdulla spoke with the owner and tenant of the house next door, and both are OK with the proposal. Mr. Kolpak noted they had a letter of support from the neighbor.

Chairman Johnson asked if they would offer hand drying. Mr. Abdulla confirmed they will offer a full service, but it would be done on the other side that is strictly used for the service and would not be done in front of the carwash. He confirmed there will be no hand drying in front of the carwash.

Ms. Knysz read the proposed conditions.

1. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the above identified building and site modifications, the permit plans shall include the following:

a. The existing vacuums shall be reoriented to face north and include concrete landing pads for customer access to the vacuum stations.

b. The landscape island dividing the parking area and the car wash vehicle stacking area shall fill in missing or dead areas with in-kind plantings.

c. A landscaped hedgerow shall be established along the south property line to begin where the existing wood fence terminates and shall extend towards Wolf Road to provide additional screening of the car wash vehicle stacking area.

2. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, Pursuant to Section 19.11.020(c)(2), fiscal security either by bond, certificate of deposit or letter of credit shall be provided to Community Development to ensure compliance with the landscape installation requirements. The fiscal arrangements shall reflect the cost of required landscaping, both plants and labor. All site landscaping shall be installed by May 15, 2024.

Chairman Johnson asked if they were changing anything on the sign that shows the gas prices. Mr. Abdulla confirmed they were not.

Commissioner Myer asked if the BP franchise had an expiration date. Mr. Abdulla confirmed it was usually a long-term contract and not easy to cancel.

Commissioner Hyken moved, seconded by Commissioner Riles to approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0027, granting minor site plan and building appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, associated with site improvements located at 11 E. Dundee Road, in accordance with the Elevations prepared by On Taps Ltd. received by the Village on 9/13/2023, Site Plan for the Façade Changes received by the Village on 9/13/2023, New Canopy Design prepared by On Taps Ltd. received by the Village on 9/13/2023, Site Plan and Details prepared by Nick Scarlatis & Associates, Ltd. last revised 10/19/2023, and subject to the following conditions:

1. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the above identified building and site modifications, the permit plans shall include the following:

a. The existing vacuums shall be reoriented to face north and include concrete landing pads for customer access to the vacuum stations.

b. The landscape island dividing the parking area and the car wash vehicle stacking area shall fill in missing or dead areas with in-kind plantings.

c. A landscaped hedgerow shall be established along the south property line to begin where the existing wood fence terminates and shall extend towards Wolf Road to provide additional screening of the car wash vehicle stacking area.

2. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, Pursuant to Section 19.11.020(c)(2), fiscal security either by bond, certificate of deposit or letter of credit shall be provided to Community Development to ensure compliance with the landscape installation requirements. The fiscal arrangements shall reflect the cost of required landscaping, both plants and labor. All site landscaping shall be installed by May 15, 2024.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Hyken, Riles, Sprague, Johnson

NAYS: Commissioners Kasper, Myer



There being four affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

B) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0028

406-432 Diens Drive

Venture One

Request for Appearance Approval for a Freestanding Sign

Ms. Knysz explained this would normally be under the consent agenda for a proposed freestanding sign. They usually include a recommendation for a brick stone or composite base that matches the façade of the building for all new signs or signs being refurbished. The petitioner wants to move forward with an aluminum base sign with tenant panels which requires Plan Commission approval by vote.

Mr. Mike Farb, Venture One Real Estate, 9500 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Rosemont was present.

Mr. Farb understands that the Village has an aesthetic they are looking for, but explained the proposal is their standard company program. They are happy to partner with the Village to improve the appearance and agreed to continue with the masonry base if required.

Commissioner Kasper had no questions.

Commissioner Hyken thought it looked good and had no questions.

Commissioner Sprague had no questions.

Commissioner Riles asked what the change would do for their business. Mr. Farb explained it gives their portfolio a recognizable image.

Ms. Knysz clarified that the petitioner wants to keep the aluminum, so it is not Staff’s recommendation. The Plan Commission can approve it or remove the condition and then decide if they’ll leave it for Staff to review or if they want the petitioner to return with a new design.

Commissioner Myer would like to see a compromise. She referred to the standards in the Village and explained they were there for a reason. She would like the petitioner to work with Staff.

Chairman Johnson noted that the Sign Code encourages the use of natural looking materials. He agreed it would enhance the look of it but in this case, it is only 28” high before the panels and most of it would be covered up with landscaping. Chairman Johnson does not have an issue with leaving it as submitted since most of it would be covered up.

Chairman Johnson took a poll regarding asking the petitioner to come up with an enhancement using fake wood or stone to cover up the lower section or approving the aluminum. It can be reviewed by Staff and not return to the Plan Commission. Mr. Farb provided a drawing for an option with masonry detail.

Commissioner Kasper – in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed 

Commissioner Hyken – in favor of brick and allowing Staff to review

Commissioner Sprague – in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed 

Commissioner Riles – in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed 

Commissioner Myer – in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed 

Chairman Johnson – in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed

The vote was in favor of the compromise the petitioner proposed.

Ms. Knysz confirmed the proposed enhanced drawing would meet the Village Code.

Mr. Farb asked if the proposed requirements were new to the Village Code. Ms. Knysz confirmed the Sign Code was revised a couple of years ago.

Commissioner Kasper moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to approve Docket No. PCPMIN23-0028 to permit a monument (ground) sign for Venture One, located at 406-432 Diens Drive, in accordance with the Sign Plans prepared by Parvin-Clauss Sign Company last revised 10/18/2023, Landscape Plan received by the Village on 10/18/2023, and the Plat of Survey showing the location of the sign, subject to the following conditions:

1. Prior to the issuance of a Sign Permit, the petitioner shall submit revised sign drawings identifying materials such as brick, stone, wood or composite materials that give the impression of such for the base of the sign.

2. Landscaping shall be installed no later than May 15, 2024. Failure to complete the required landscaping by the stated deadline shall result in a fine of $1,000.00 for each week until the work is completed, pursuant to Section 21.2.F.3.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Kasper, Myer, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

C) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0032

Viant Medical

140 E. Hintz Road

Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval for an Aboveground Storage Tank

Ms. Knysz referred to the existing industrial building looking from Chaddick Drive east with a brick trash enclosure in the parking lot. They are proposing to add a 3,000 gallon aboveground storage tank to be surrounded by a chain link fence and bollards. Staff proposed one condition that a building permit shall be obtained from the Community Development Department prior to commencement of any work associated with this approval.

Mr. Hans Traut, facility engineer, Viant, 140 E. Hintz Road was present.

Mr. Traut confirmed the tank would be hidden behind the trash enclosure and open to the north and east.

Commissioner Myer had no comments.

Commissioner Riles had no comments.

Commissioner Sprague asked if it was oxygen and not compressed air in the tank. Mr. Traut confirmed it was liquid oxygen used for their lasers that need oxygen to enhance the cutting.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions.

Commissioner Kasper asked about overflow parking if they had to add another tank if needed. Mr. Traut confirmed they have three facilities located next door to the building and across the street, so they have enough parking.

The Fire Department confirmed they had no issues with the proposal. He noted the petitioner’s letter referred to a 528-gallon tank and not 3,000 gallons as Ms. Knysz stated. Ms. Knysz confirmed she meant 3,000 liters, which is 792 gallons.

Chairman Johnson had no questions.

Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Hyken to approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0032, granting minor site plan and appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, for installation of a new 10’ tall aboveground storage tank located at 140 E. Hintz Road, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by Hans Traut received by the Village on 10/25/2023 and the Plat of Survey received by the Village on 10/25/2023, subject to the following condition:

1. A Building Permit shall be obtained from the Community Development Department prior to commencement of any work associated with this approval.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Myer, Hyken, Kasper, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

D) Docket No. PSU23-0011

VCA Animal Hospital

751 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Request for Special Use to Operate an Animal Hospital

Public Notice

See Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Docket No. PSU23-0011.

Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner to Kasper to recommend approval of Docket No. PSU23-0011, granting a Special Use as required in Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code, Chapter 19-05 Mixed Use and Overlay Districts, Chapter 19-10 Use Regulation, and associated sections, to permit an animal hospital for VCA Animal Hospitals located at 751 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Priscilla Ritchey dated 8/8/2023 and the Site Plan prepared by WD Partners last revised 10/9/2023, subject to the following condition:

1. The Petitioner shall coordinate with staff to finalize the screening method and materials for the proposed pet relief station located south of the building. The final screening details shall be included with the plan sets accompanying a Building Permit Application prior to construction of the site improvements authorized herein.

2. A Wheeling Business License must be obtained from the Community Development Department before the business operations can begin at the subject site.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Myer, Kasper, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to close Docket No. PSU23- 0011.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Myer, Kasper, Hyken, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.



Commissioner Myer announced that Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend and Veterans Day is on November 10th.

Commissioner Sprague asked about the holiday lighting ceremony. Chairman Johnson announced the date was the weekend before Thanksgiving. Ms. Milluzzi announced November 19th as the date for the lighting ceremony.

The Fire Department announced the fire station was moving along and interior work was being done at Rosebud.


Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Sprague to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
