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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Oct. 25

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Kathryn Brady, Village Clerk | Village of Wheeling Website

Kathryn Brady, Village Clerk | Village of Wheeling Website

Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Oct. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on October 25, 2023. 



Present were Commissioners Kasper, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Myer and Johnson. Also present were Marcy Knysz, Village Planner, Mallory Milluzzi, Village Attorney and Bob Niemiec, Fire Department.





A) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0029

Kids Island Learning Center III

135 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Request for Minor Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval

This project was before the Plan Commission recently for a Special Use which was granted. The Special Use was for a Day Care facility and at that point, they didn’t have the plans ready for the playground. They are returning for the minor site plan and appearance approval for the playground and any exterior changes to the building.

The petitioner wants to add a playground in the open area on the north side of the building and will be installing a new fence around the entire property. Staff was concerned with the fence along Milwaukee Avenue since it is the main corridor in the Village. Village Staff wants to make sure the fence matches the building. One of the conditions relates to adding vegetation in the planters along the Milwaukee Avenue side of the building and matching the columns on the building. Staff recommends that both the utility enclosure on the north side of the property and the trash enclosure on the south side of the property are replaced with the same Trex composite fencing proposed for the rest of the fencing around the playground and north and east sides of the property.

Ms. Knysz noted that one of the conditions is about a fence panel being flush with the building (condition #3). Staff wants the post, if required, to be installed directly to the building so that it can’t be seen from Milwaukee Avenue.

Ms. Knysz read the Staff’s proposed conditions.

1. Flat post caps shall be used on the proposed fence.

2. All planter boxes located along the Milwaukee Avenue frontage (the west side of the building) shall be planted with vegetation by May 15, 2024, for the portion of the building to be occupied by the petitioner.

3. The new fence panel(s) along the Milwaukee Avenue frontage shall be installed flush with the building. If a post is required, it shall be installed (concealed) behind the fence panel.

4. No landscaping shall be removed from the property or the adjacent properties for installation of the fencing.

5. Both enclosures shall be replaced with the same Trex composite fencing.

6. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to construction of the site improvements authorized herein, and all such improvements shall be completed and pass all Village inspections prior to receiving a Wheeling Business License.

Mr. Victor Drapszo, Architect, 2123 North Damen, Chicago, IL, Mr. Krzysztof Szczepaniec, Property Owner and Mr. Krystian Mis, General Contractor were present.

Mr. Drapszo referred to the trash and electric transformer enclosures. He confirmed the existing fence was recently redone, so they do not agree to change it since it’s located in the back of the property and not visible from the street.

Mr. Drapszo referred to the fence post and agreed they could make it work.

Mr. Szczepaniec asked why they can’t receive the permits for remodeling since the playground is separate. Ms. Knysz explained one was not holding up the other and confirmed the permits are still being reviewed. Mr. Szczepaniec asked why it was taking so long. Ms. Knysz believed they were going back and forth with the building inspector. Mr. Drapszo asked if it was tied into this approval. Ms. Knysz confirmed it was unrelated and this is totally separate from the building permit. The building permit has been moving forward and Village Staff has been going back and forth with their outside contractors.

Mr. Drapszo asked if Staff could elaborate if this approval was contingent on the changes even though the vegetation can’t be planted until May. Ms. Knysz confirmed the condition was that the planting needed to be done by May, but it didn’t hold anything up. Mr. Drapszo asked if they would also receive the building approval. Ms. Knysz confirmed this had nothing to do with the building approval.

Commissioner Myer asked if the existing planter in the playground area would remain. Mr. Szczepaniec confirmed it would be removed.

Commissioner Myer asked about drainage issues with the synthetic turf. Mr. Drapszo confirmed it allows the water to drain.

Commissioner Myer would like to see the trash enclosure changed to Trex composite since it is visible from other neighboring properties.

Commissioner Riles echoed what has already been stated. He asked why they believe the trash enclosure should remain as is. Mr. Drapszo felt the existing enclosure must have received the Plan Commission approval in the past and felt it was a hardship and burden on the new tenant to fix what wasn’t addressed with the original permit. Commissioner Riles wants the enclosure changed since it is an eyesore and should be made appropriate for the people they serve and the community. Mr. Szczepaniec agreed to use the Trex material but does not want it to hold up the permitting.

Commissioner Sprague agreed with the Commissioners about the enclosures. He mentioned there was a lot of trash inside the utility enclosure and asked if they would clean it up. Mr. Szczepaniec agreed to remove all the debris and to clean up the ivy that was growing on the fence.

Commissioner Hyken concurred about the trash enclosure.

Commissioner Hyken asked about the bollards in front that were mentioned at the last meeting. Mr. Szczepaniec mentioned that the Village didn’t want them. Ms. Knysz explained that Staff was fine with the bollards along the west side along Milwaukee Avenue, but they would need to be concealed with additional landscaping. Staff did not require the bollards.

Commissioner Kasper understood both sides of the issue regarding the enclosures. He asked for the cost of redoing the enclosures. Mr. Drapszo stated it would be between $15,000-$20,000.

Chairman Johnson agreed not to hold up the petitioner for the enclosures. He suggested that they don’t need to install them before the final permit. He suggested replacing them by next summer. Mr. Szczepaniec agreed to replace them by May.

Chairman Johnson concurred with the other Commissions that the enclosures need to be replaced.

Mr. Szczepaniec asked if the permit would be temporary. Ms. Knysz confirmed it would be a temporary CO until everything is finished. The final CO is not issued until the landscaping is finished.

Mr. Szczepaniec asked if the Village could trim the line of tall trees between Milwaukee Avenue and the building because they were leaning on his building, and he wanted to make the building more visible. Ms. Knysz agreed to reach out to Public Works because they were Village trees.

Commissioner Kasper moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to Approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0029, granting minor site plan and appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, located at 135 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Project Description Letter Cover Letter received by the Village on 9/27/2027; Cover Sheet T1, prepared by RED Architects, last revised 9/22/2023; Site Plan Sheet T2, prepared by RED Architects, last revised 9/22/2023; Playground Equipment Exhibit; Artificial Turf Specifications by Artificial Turf Supply; and subject to the following conditions:

1. Flat post caps shall be used on the proposed fence.

2. All planter boxes located along the Milwaukee Avenue frontage (the west side of the building) shall be planted with vegetation by May 15, 2024, for the portion of the building to be occupied by the petitioner.

3. The new fence panel(s) along the Milwaukee Avenue frontage shall be installed flush with the building. If a post is required, it shall be installed (concealed) behind the fence panel.

4. No landscaping shall be removed from the property or the adjacent properties for installation of the fencing.

5. Both enclosures shall be replaced with the same Trex composite fencing by May 15, 2024.

6. The petitioner shall apply for and receive a building permit from the Community Development Department prior to construction of the site improvements authorized herein, and all such improvements shall be completed and pass all Village inspections prior to receiving a Wheeling Business License.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Kasper, Myer, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

B) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0030

900 W. Milwaukee Avenue

Public Storage

Request for Minor Appearance Approval to Permit Exterior Modifications to the Existing Self-Storage Buildings

Staff did not have any proposed conditions.

Mr. Van Chou, Asset Manager, Public Storage was present.

Mr. Chou explained they were trying to update the aesthetics of the property. They will be painting using the corporate colors. The paint will be for the striping on the front of the building and the office elevations. They will not be painting the doors since they were in good condition.

Commissioner Kasper had no questions.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions.

Commissioner Sprague asked if the painting had already been completed. Mr. Chou confirmed the painting had not been done. Commissioner Sprague asked if the painting of the units had been done. Mr. Chou confirmed they had not been painted. Commissioner Sprague mentioned there had been a purple stripe down the trim. Mr. Chou didn’t think the painting had been done. Commissioner Sprague visited the site, and all the painting had been done. Mr. Chou was not aware of it and apologized for the mistake. Commissioner Sprague explained the petitioner should always come in prior to doing the work.

Commissioner Riles had no questions.

Commissioner Myer had the same comments as Commissioner Sprague.

Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0030, granting minor appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, to permit exterior modifications to the existing self-storage buildings located at 990 S. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by Randall Mezger dated 10/18/2023 and the Signage Package prepared by IDENTITI dated 2/14/2023.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Myer, Kasper, Hyken, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

C) Docket No. PSPMIN23-0034

Slide Products

430 Wheeling Road

Request for Minor Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval for the

Installation of a New Aboveground Storage Tank

Slide recently consolidated their two parcels which went to the Village Board. There are two buildings on the property, so they combined the two properties to one large property. There is an existing tank farm, and they would like to add a new aboveground storage tank in the open area.

The storage tank would be a 10,000-gallon double-walled aboveground storage tank that will be about 10’ high. A picture was provided of how it would look from the road. There is an existing fence, so Staff is fine with the existing screening and does not think any additional screening is required. Staff had no proposed conditions.

Mr. Michael Muth, President, Slide Products was present.

Chairman Johnson noted that the writeup mentioned four tanks, but they have about twelve existing tanks. Mr. Muth confirmed they currently have eleven tanks which include four solvent tanks and then they have propellent gas tanks. All the tanks have the same footprint.

Mr. Muth mentioned they were growing and needed to expand. The property consolidation was one part of it and the addition of the tank is another part. They need to expand to keep servicing their customers.

Commissioner Myer had no questions.

Commissioner Riles had no questions.

Commissioner Sprague asked if there was a need for bollards on the north side. Mr. Muth confirmed they have four concrete filled 5’ tall bollards.

Commissioner Sprague asked if the Fire Department was satisfied with the safety protocols with the hazardous materials. The Fire Department confirmed they visited the facility and felt it was a well-run organization. The plan review has also gone to the State of Illinois, the State Fire Marshall, and a third-party review and all meets Code.

Commissioner Hyken had no questions.

Commissioner Kasper had no questions.

Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Hyken to Approve Docket No. PSPMIN23-0034, granting minor site plan and appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval Requirements, for installation of a new aboveground storage tank within an existing fenced enclosure area located at 430 Wheeling Road, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by Sydney Green with Endpoint Solutions dated 10/11/2023 and the Plan Set prepared by Endpoint Solutions dated 6/6/2023.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Myer, Hyken, Kasper, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.

D) Docket No. PSPMAJ23-0004

Northwest Abatement District

147 W. Hintz Road

Request for Major Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval for Construction of a New Building and Related Improvements

Ms. Knysz provided an overview of the proposal. They currently have four buildings onsite. The front office and the maintenance building will be demolished and replaced with a new building. They will have a new parking lot on the east side of the building and new parking lot out front. Staff worked with the petitioner and the only condition was the plan for a sidewalk to extend across the property. There is a sidewalk on the property to the east and a sidewalk across the street to the north, but no sidewalk on this property and no sidewalk on the property to the west which is ComEd property. It is up to the Plan Commission to decide if they want to keep the condition. Staff has a proposed condition that a public sidewalk shall be required and included within the scope of the proposed site improvements. The other condition was related to the irrigation plan, which is standard with any commercial development.

1. A public sidewalk shall be required and included within the scope of the proposed site improvements. Said sidewalk shall be constructed in compliance with Wheeling standards and shall extend across the entire property frontage along W. Hintz Road.

2. An Irrigation Plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval with the Building Permit application.

Mr. John Swierk, architect, president, DDCA, Mr. Tim Larkin, project manager, DDCA, Mr. Jim Thennisch, Northwest Mosquito Abatement District and Ms. Rosemary Swierk, general contractor, Direct Steel.

Mr. Swierk confirmed they will demolish the existing building and rear maintenance garages. The back building will remain.

Mr. Swierk reviewed the site plan. Along Hintz Road, there are currently three driveways. They will remove one of the driveways since there is not a lot of public access to the building except for deliveries. The existing building has a basement which they will keep as storage and mechanicals. A rendering of the new building was provided. The new building will include a couple of parallel parking spaces for visitors and a main building entrance and office space. The building materials will be stone material on the bottom with hardy board and architectural flat metal panel on the top (samples were provided). The stone is a mix of a couple different blended colors of stone, and the fascia panel is grey. The hardy board is green, and the architectural corrugated panels are crème.

The back of the building includes an employee entrance and is basically garage doors with interior parking.

Mr. Swierk referred to the sidewalk and explained it was a little bit of a cost issue, but felt it was more of a safety issue. If a sidewalk was added, there is a 120’ ComEd easement before the tracks and there is no crossing across the track. He felt it was a dangerous spot so they would prefer not to add a sidewalk. They agreed to the irrigation condition.

Commissioner Kasper asked if they would need to relocate the operation during construction. Mr. Swierk confirmed they have temporarily relocated to Rolling Meadows and the construction will take approximately 18 months.

Commissioner Hyken would like to see a sidewalk since it continues to the other side. Mr. Swierk explained across the street the sidewalk goes over the tracks and continues. He explained if they added a sidewalk now, there would be a 4-5’ drop to the ComEd property.

Commissioner Sprague asked about the odds of ComEd or the railroad adding a sidewalk, Ms. Knysz felt it was slim to none. Commissioner Sprague asked about adding a crosswalk on Hintz Road where the east sidewalk ends to go over the tracks. Ms. Knysz felt it was a possibility but noted that mid-block crossings were not preferable. Commissioner Sprague was not in favor of having them add a sidewalk and then ComEd or the railroad never adding one. He did not see a reason to continue a sidewalk. Mr. Swierk agreed to do it if ComEd or the railroad added it. Commissioner Sprague was more in favor of adding a crosswalk on Hintz Road to connect the north side since the sidewalk goes all the way to the light. Mr. Swierk felt it could be dangerous because of the speed and the four lanes.

Commissioner Riles asked about the foot traffic on a regular basis. Mr. Thennisch confirmed it was very minimal. They had some traffic when the laundromat was there.

In reply to Commissioner Riles’ question, Mr. Thennisch confirmed they had a maximum of fifteen employees during the winter and they are split up between three locations during the summer.

In reply to Commissioner Myer’s question, Mr. Swierk reconfirmed they agreed to add the irrigation plan.

Commissioner Myer noticed the work area in the building did not have a lot of natural light. Mr. Thennisch confirmed it was a mechanics area with a shower room and bathroom.

Commissioner Myer asked if there was consideration for lightning protection. Mr. Swierk confirmed they typically did not have it, but explained the radio antennae was grounded.

Chairman Johnson asked about the history of the building. Mr. Thennisch stated it was built for them in 1956.

Chairman Johnson likes the new design. He does not agree with adding a sidewalk that goes nowhere and felt it was a burden. He was unsure if a crosswalk could be added and thought it might have to be added by the stoplight. He concurred the sidewalk was not necessary, but asked if it would fall in the sidewalk funding. Ms. Knysz confirmed it would not. The Village does sidewalk funding when there are already plans for a sidewalk, so she did not think this would be included in the sidewalk funding which is more for new development. Chairman Johnson took a poll regarding requiring a sidewalk for this project.

Commissioner Myer: not in favor

Commissioner Riles: not in favor

Commissioner Sprague: not in favor

Commissioner Hyken: not in favor

Commissioner Kasper: not in favor

Chairman Johnson: not in favor

The vote was 6:0 not in favor of requiring a sidewalk. The proposed condition was removed.

Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kasper to recommend Approval of Docket No. PSPMAJ23-0004, granting major site plan and building appearance approval, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, for the construction of a new building and related improvements for Northwest Mosquito Abatement District, for the property located at 147 W. Hintz Road, in accordance with the Project Description Letter prepared by DDCA Architects, dated 7/24/2023; Plat of Survey prepared by Sieversten Survey Service, Inc. on 3/23/1988; Landscape and Tree Preservation Plans prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated 8/8/2023; Photometric Plan prepared by DDCA Architects, last revised 9/26/2023; Site Plan prepared by DDCA Architects, last revised 9/26/2023; Floor Plans prepared by DDCA Architects, last revised 9/26/2023; Elevations prepared by DDCA Architects, last revised 9/26/2023; Demolition Plan prepared by DDCA Architects, last revised 9/26/2023; Final Engineering Plans prepared by Haeger Engineering, last revised 8/25/2023; Finishes Exhibit; Generator Specifications; and subject to the following condition:

1. An Irrigation Plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval with the Building Permit application.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Myer, Kasper, Hyken, Sprague, Riles, Johnson 

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.


A) Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 13, 2023 (including the Findings of Fact for PSU23-0010).

Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commissioner Hyken to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 13, 2023 (including the Findings of Fact for PSU23-0010), as presented.

On the roll call, the vote was as follows:

AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Hyken, Kasper, Riles, Myer, Johnson

NAYS: None



There being six affirmative votes, the motion was approved.


Chairman Johnson reminded the public that the Plan Commission has an open seat.

Chairman Johnson reminded the Commission there is a meeting next week due to the holiday schedule.

Ms. Knysz mentioned that people had started to move into Union Apartments. Chairman Johnson would like to schedule a tour. Ms. Knysz felt the property looked very nice.

Mr. Niemiec mentioned the concrete for the new Fire Station has been poured. It should be closed in before winter and open by March.


Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Hyken to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. The motion was approved by a voice vote.




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