
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met Oct. 18

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Village of Buffalo Grove and Two Employees Receive American Public Works Association Awards | Village of Buffalo Grove

Village of Buffalo Grove and Two Employees Receive American Public Works Association Awards | Village of Buffalo Grove

Village of Buffalo Grove Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities met Oct. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Welcome & Call to Order at 7:04pm 

II. Roll Call 

a. Commissioners Present: Chair Judy Samuels, Vice Chair Marty Sussman, Commissioners Lexi Robinson, Avi Samuels, Mark Weiner, Dean Klassman, Amy Parker, Beth Shapiro, Jack Shapiro, Allie Zalay, Donna Garfield

b. Commissioners Not Present: Commissioners, David Morton, Gowri Magati, Matthew Dragon, Leo Njongmeta

c. Trustee Liaison Present: Andy Stein

d. Staff Liaison Present: Evan Michel

III. Approval of Minutes: September 27, 2023

a. Motion: Commissioner Lexi Robinson

b. Second: Commissioner Dean Klassman

c. In Favor: All Present

d. Oppose: None

e. Abstain: None

f. Motion passes 

IV. Chair report (Judy Samuels)

a. New Commissioner – Welcome to new Commissioner Amy Parker!

V. Trustee(s) report (Andy Stein)

a. Trustee Stein and Trustee Weidenfeld have been keeping an eye on new developments in the Village in terms of ensuring ADA accessibility and handicap parking spots.

i. Trustee Stein and Trustee Weidenfeld identified that a plan for a new development in Buffalo Grove only had 2 handicap spots included in their plan (1 of which was in the 5-minute take out spot).

ii. Trustee Stein and Trustee Weidenfeld worked with the new business to ensure there would be 4 handicap spots rather than 2.

VI. Staff Liaison Report (Evan Michel)

a. Staff Liaison Michel has been in talks about a Buddy Baseball partnership with the Village, RK-CRD, BG Park District, and NWSRA. Initial conversations have occurred and further discussion and updates will be provided to the Commission when available.

i. Commissioner Klassman envisions a spring league with one game per week for roughly ten weeks. This would be an RK-CRD Commission League where Commissioner Klassman would take the lead and be supported by the Commissioners.

VII. Sub-Committee report 

a. Buddy Bowling (10/25) (Commissioner Weiner)

i. Our Buddy Bowling event is next Wednesday, October 25th from 6-8pm at Bowlero in Buffalo Grove.

ii. Commissioners and volunteers should arrive as close to 5:00pm as possible.

iii. There will be 3 tables for check-in starting at 5:30pm.

● There will also be 1 table with giveaways and brochures.

● Each check-in table will have an alphabetical list by name.

● Commissioners at the registration table will give each participant a card with an ally assignment and a wristband that gives access to free shoes and dinner.

a. If parents want to purchase dinner for themselves, we ask for a $10 cash or check donation.

b. Group home staff should not be charged for food, they should  be provided wristbands at no charge.

c. After checking in participants, Commissioners at the check-in tables will thank them for attending and point them to the shoe maven (Commissioner Verson).

d. No one should be attending the event unsupervised; we need to ensure there is supervision for each participant.

iv. There are currently 101 participants registered.

v. The following Commissioners have volunteered to support in various roles throughout the event:

● Check-in Table 1 → Vice Chair Marty Sussman, Commissioner Allie Zalay, and Commissioner Avi Samuels

● Check-in Table 2 → Commissioner Dean Klassman and Chair Judy Samuels

● Check-in Table 3 → Commissioner Lexi Robinson and Commissioner Matthew Dragon

● Safety and Greeting → Commissioner Leo Njongmeta

● Shoes and Walking Around → Commissioner Debbie Verson

vi. Dinner will be served as a buffet starting at 6:45pm, there will be three tables with food and serve the following lanes:

● Food Table 1 for Lanes 1-9 → Commissioner Donna Garfield

● Food Table 2 for Lanes 10-20 → Commissioner Jack Shapiro

● Food Table 3 for Lanes 21-30 → Commissioner Beth Shapiro and Commissioner Lexi Robinson

vii. Lanes 31-32 will be open for overflow for anyone who arrives without having pre-registered or thought they had registered.

● Check-in Commissioners should let Commissioner Weiner, J. Shapiro, B. Shapiro, or Garfield know so they can complete the waiver.

viii. The Commission will pass out trophies to each participant.

ix. If any participants need a ramp they will be available on lanes 1-4 and lanes 18-22. This was asked as part of the registration form.

VIII. Unfinished Business 

a. Commissioner Verson and Commissioner Klassman will provide sponsor information to Staff Liaison Michel for thank you notes from Fun & Food.

IX. New Business 

a. Buddy Baseball Program through the Village with the support of RK-CRD. 

i. See Staff Liaison report above.

X. Good and Welfare 

XI. Comments from the Audience 

XII. Adjournment at 7:49pm 

a. Motion = Commissioner Weiner

b. Second = Vice Sussman

c. In Favor = All present

d. Opposed = None

e. Abstain = None

f. Motion passes 

Next Meeting: Wednesday November 15, 2023 

The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at (847) - 459-2525 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons.
