
North Cook News

Sunday, March 30, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 25

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 25.

Here are the agenda provided by the committee:

Call to Order 

Roll Call 

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – October 11, 2023 

Public Comments 

Items on Both Agendas 

A. Jack Cook Playground Equipment – Agreement with Game Time c/o Cunningham Recreation with the OMNIA Partners Purchasing Cooperative ($525,570) 

Objective: Provide a playground structure at Jack Cook Park.

B. Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Grant Ac ceptance and Agreement ($1,270,699 Grant Revenue) 

Objective: Accept a $1.2 million grant award from the Supporting Municipalities for Asylum Seekers (SMASS) Grant.

C. Purchase of Service Agreement for Temporary Overnight Shelter Services ($188,200) Objective: Enter into a purchase of service agreement with One Collective and The Business Nonprofit Development Center at First for hosting and operating a temporary emergency warming shelter.

Initiatives and Other Items 

D. Acceptance of Public Improvements and Easement within the Site Located at 2440 Alft Lane (No Cost) 

Objective: Fulfill the city’s obligation to maintain reliable infrastructure for serving businesses and residents.

E. Acceptance of Public Improvements and Right-of-Way Dedication within the Site Located at 2440 Alft Lane (No Cost) 

Objective: Fulfill the city’s obligation to maintain reliable infrastructure for serving businesses and residents.

F. Agreement with Cyclomedia Technology, Inc. for ADA Ramp Enhanced Asset Collection ($74,652) 

Objective: Extract data from the city’s 360-degree street-level imagery system to obtain side walk ramp dimensions and attributes necessary to determine compliance with the ADA requirements for infrastructure within the public right-of-way.

G. Acceptance of Sidewalk Easement on Lots 595, 596, 597 & 600 within the Highland Woods Neighborhood B Subdivision (No Cost) 

Objective: Fulfill the city’s obligation to maintain reliable infrastructure for serving businesses and residents.

H. Fire Department Administration Vehicle Purchase (Not to Exceed $50,000) Objective: Purchase a staff vehicle to ensure a reliable emergency response vehicle for a chief officer position.

I. Nadler Golf Cart Purchase Agreement ($100,598) 

Objective: Replace leased golf cars that are beyond their useful life with purchased cars that will improve the golf car fleet and maintain customer service standards.

J. Change Order No. 1 and Final to the 2023 Pavement Marking Program – Bid 23-023 ($42,000) 

Objective: Authorize additional funding to provide for bike lane pavement marking enhance ments along N. Edison Ave and Wing Park Blvd under the terms of a pilot marking program which aims to enhance awareness of bike facilities within the community.

K. Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for Design Services Re lated to Corrosion Control System Design ($106,900) 

Objective: Provide engineering services to design corrosion control systems for the city’s two water treatment plants.

L. Amendment No. 3 to Engineering Services Agreement with Engineering Enterprises, Inc. for Additional Work Associated with a Corrosion Control Study ($82,977) 

Objective: Provide engineering services to analyze the city water supply to ensure optimal corrosion control treatment prior to pumping water out to the water distribution system.

Announcements from Council 

Announcements from Staff

