
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Aug. 29

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Aug. 29

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



Attendee Name 




Kathryn Ciesla

Village President


Bob Israel



Muriel Collison



Heather Ross



Johannah Hebl



Dan Pepoon



Joy Ebhomielen



ROLL CALL Plan Commission:

Attendee Name 




Steven Elisco



Mark DeBartolo

Plan Commissioner


Keri Halperin

Plan Commissioner


Jeremy Melnick

Plan Commissioner


Allen Morgen

Plan Commissioner


Jeff Sandler

Plan Commissioner


Eric Schwager

Plan Commissioner


Amy Torf

Plan Commissioner


Ken Walden

Plan Commissioner

A quorum of the Village Board and the Plan Commission was present.



President Ciesla noted the public can make comments by emailing publiccomments@northbrook.il.us. Email responses must be under 200 words in length.




President Ciesla opened the Public Hearing.

The Applicants were sworn in.

Trustee Collison began by providing an outline for presentations and comments at tonight’s meeting. She stated there will be no final vote this evening as this is only a Public Hearing.

Jonathan Mendel, Director of Development and Planning Services, discussed an application submitted by Northbrook Court Newco, LLC, for the 97.2-acre property commonly known as Northbrook Court. The applicant is requesting relief to allow a long-term comprehensive redevelopment. He provided a brief overview of the following: application history, partnership, zoning, and site plan. He noted the requested relief/primary issues the Village Board and Plan Commission should consider.

Village Attorney Stewart Weiss spoke on the planned development concept.

Mr. Mendel stated the Zoning Code includes FAR over one. Furthermore, the zoning will not change for the properties located on the westside. He clarified the zoning impact with Trustee Israel.

Attorney Weiss citied the new development regulations.

Attorney Rich Klawiter, DLA Piper Law Firm, stated he is representing the applicant. He noted they held several meetings to discuss the redevelopment project. Furthermore, he thanked Village staff and the Village Board for considering the application.

Ben Freeman, Senior Vice President, Brookfield Properties, he discussed the high-quality redevelopment project. The property is the single largest tax generator in the Village, which has greatly benefited school districts and sale tax collections. The project will reinvigorate Northbrook, and the project received great feedback from the community. He provided a brief overview of the following: community outreach, community feedback, and plan adjustments.

Louie Abona, Principal, KLA, spoke on the traffic study and road improvements. Furthermore, the Village's third-party traffic consultant agrees with the traffic study's methodology and recommendations.

Mr. Freeman provided a brief overview of the following: occupancy challenges, mall operations, principals, and sustainability.

Berry Long, President & Principal, Urban Design Associates, spoke on the Master Plan. The plan utilized smart growth principals to create a mixed-use destination. He provided a brief overview of the following: project phases, access points, trails, design guidelines, and heights.

Mr. Freeman stated the project creates a great multitude of community benefits. He explained the redevelopment benefits and 10-year timeline. Furthermore, Neiman Marcus favors the redevelopment plan.

Mr. Abona and Mr. Freedman explained how market trends influence development.

Attorney Weiss stated the 1988 Techny development project is very similar to the proposed redevelopment project.

Mr. Freeman confirmed retail will open in year 2026. He clarified the timeline methodology with the Board. Furthermore, they recruit the best construction contractors in the business to manage development projects.

Mr. Weiss confirmed the Village will establish regulations to manage construction traffic. Mr. Abona clarified the traffic study methodology and road improvements.

Village Manager Cara Pavlicek stated at the Joint Review Board meeting Cook County and school districts along with other taxing bodies present support the TIF redevelopment project to revitalize Northbrook Court.

Mr. Abona confirmed the plan is to create a flat site with 120-foot bands.

Ms. Pavlicek confirmed the 1-acre parcel will be donated to the Village for potential future development of a Fire Station.

Mr. Klawiter spoke on involving partners to manage affordable housing.

Mr. Weiss stated the Village will not grant relief for the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Mr. Abona confirmed the design guidelines include streetscape design.

Ms. Pavlicek recommends utilizing the subdivision standards for the streetscape design. Mr. Clouder spoke on the sustainability initiatives, such as green elements.

Ms. Pavlicek spoke on the Villages budget process for high level development projects.

Mr. Freeman clarified the site plan with the Board. He provided a brief overview of the following: transit accommodations and project phases. He noted the sustainability plan supports biking.

President Ciesla noted the Village received several letters from the public.

Mr. Freeman confirmed the entitlement math is correct.

Robert Gordon, President for Condominiums of Northbrook Court stated they generally support the project. They have some concerns with residential density, building heights and the relative lack of open space. They are concerned that Rudolph Road is their sole access point.

Howard Rector, a condominium resident, spoke in opposition of the redevelopment project. He expressed concern regarding traffic impacts (Randolph Road). He suggested the Village widen Randolph Road to remedy traffic impacts.

Ed Fadel, Resident, spoke in opposition of the redevelopment project. He expressed concern regarding flooding. He asked if an environmental impact study was performed.

Jessie Essman, Resident, spoke in support of the redevelopment project. She noted the property is vacant and the redevelopment project will support local schools. She suggested the applicant add a walking trail and Dundee connection to promote pedestrian safety.

Commissioner DeBartolo made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Sandler. On voice vote, the motion passed.

Docket PCD-23-08: Northbrook Court Newco, LLC (the “Applicant”) the owner of the property commonly known as Northbrook Court mall (the “Subject Property”) seeking the below approvals to enable a long term comprehensive redevelopment of the Subject Property by requesting a Major Zoning Code Text Amendment to Article V (Commercial Districts), Special Permit for Concept & Final Planned Development, Tentative and Final Plat of Subdivision and Approval of such other zoning relief as may be necessary to accommodate the development of the Subject Property as proposed by the Applicant.

Commissioner Morgen spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project.

Commissioner Melnick spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. He requested the Village evaluate the Randolph Road issue.

Commissioner DeBartolo spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. He requested the applicant build the retail portion in 12-months.

Commissioner Schwager spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. He expressed concern regarding the developments distance from residential and lack of information.

Commissioner Halperin spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. She requested the Village evaluate the Randolph Road issue.

Commissioner Sandler spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. He suggested the applicant modify the plan to include 9-story buildings.

Commissioner Torf spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. She is happy Brookfield is committed to the tenants.

Chairman Elisco spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. He noted the project will improve stormwater management and revitalize Northbrook Court. He discussed how the 1988 Techny development project was a great success.

Commissioner DeBartolo made a motion to approve Docket No. PCD-23-08, Northbrook Court Mall, 1515-1775 Lake Cook Road, as presented by applicant, including the zoning relief and approvals as requested; seconded by Commissioner Halperin. On roll call vote, all were in favor. (8 Yes Votes, 0 No Votes)

Trustee Collison spoke in favor of the proposed redevelopment project. She expressed concern regarding potential school impacts. She suggested the applicant create connectivity and add a park.

∙ Trustee Israel concurs with Trustee Collison. He emphasized the recommendations of the Village Engineer and adds the following recommendations:

o P 132: #4 – Specify the entire pavement section depth in order to assure that the pavement lasts beyond the construction traffic pounding and make sure the pavement is repaired before the final surface course is placed.

o P132: #6 – In addition to the sidepath on Lake Cook Road, make sure that interior circulation addresses walkability/rideability issues and reduce vehicular traffic.

o P133: #18 – I would love to see onsite recycling of materials of the pavement and building materials – this reduces material needs and wastes as well as carbon emissions from transport.

∙ Page 139 – The CBB stormwater management plan references 68 acres. Please note how this number and the resultant detention volume was derived when the development area is approx. 100 acres. Please also describe how the compromise between the MWRD calculated requirements and the Northbrook requirements was reached.

∙ Page 447-448 – Trustee Israel noted that the existing mall is covered with solar panels and has EV charging stations and that it is in the developer’s and the community's best interest to follow the sustainability recommendations.

Trustee Hebl appreciates the investment in the community. She asks that the developer follow the guidelines in the CAP. She wants the developer to do his best. She is very excited.

Trustee Pepoon wants the twelve story buildings to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. He stated Phase 1 is awesome and hopes it continues throughout development. Be mindful of Rudolph Road

Trustee Ebhomielen would like to see bicycle accessibility along Lake Cook Road and wants a better look taken of Rudolph Road.

President Ciesla thanked the developer, the Plan Commission, Village staff, and public. President Ciesla shared updated 2021 revenues assessed for Northbrook Court. 2121 assessed value of Northbrook Court is $72 million. At TIF’s end the estimate is $342 million. In 2021 District #28 received $2.2 million in property tax revenues from Northbrook Court and District #225 received $1.6 million in property tax revenues. By the end of the TIF, District #28 will receive $10.7 million annually and District #225 will receive $7.9 million annually.

President Ciesla agreed with comments from Chair Collison and Trustee Israel. She asked the Village Manager and Attorney Elrod to tighten up some points brought up tonight and address Rudolph Road. President Ciesla asks that the developer address the Macy’s site.

A motion was made by Trustee Collison and seconded by Trustee Hebl to direct staff to prepare the necessary documents, working along with the Village Attorney and Village Manager, taking all comments from tonight into consideration for Docket No. PCD-23-08 Northbrook Court Newco, to be presented as soon as the September 26, 2023 Village Board meeting. The motion passed by roll call.


Commissioner Schwager made a motion, seconded by Commissioner DeBartolo to adjourn. On voice vote, a motion to adjourn passed unanimously. Adjourned at 10:32 p.m.

Trustee Israel moved, seconded by Trustee Pepoon to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 pm. On voice vote, all were in favor.
