
North Cook News

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of South Barrington Board of Trustees met Aug. 10

Village of South Barrington Board of Trustees met Aug. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor McCombie called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.


Deputy Clerk Hrynko called the roll, and a quorum was noted present.

Officials Present: 

President: Paula McCombie

Trustees: Joseph Abbate, Edgar Alvarado, Stephen Guranovich, Dr. Hina Patel, Dr. Anthony Stagno

Absent: Dr. Kanu Panchal 

Staff Present: Director of Finance Wayde Frerichs, Chief of Police Thomas Roman, Deputy Chief Michael Garrison, Building & Zoning Officer Damian Michalski, Village Engineer Natalie Karney, Village Administrator Robert Palmer, Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Ashley Hrynko

Others Present: Village Attorney James Vasselli


President McCombie led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor McCombie asked for a motion to take items listed later on the agenda at the present time. Trustee Abbate made a motion to take agenda items 6A and 6B out of order. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Approval of a Resolution in Appreciation of Police Sergeant Samuel Lopez and Recognition of Retirement from the South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Abbate made a motion to approve a Resolution in Appreciation of Police Sergeant Samuel Lopez and Recognition of Retirement from the South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Guranovich seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal – Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno- Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Approval of a Resolution in Appreciation of Police Officer Gregory Dubinski and Recognition of Retirement from the South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Abbate made a motion to approve a Resolution in Appreciation of Police Officer Gregory Dubinski and Recognition of Retirement from the South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate- Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.


Mayor McCombie swore in Officer Edward Mohn to the Village of South Barrington Police Department.

Mayor McCombie swore in Officer Aleksandra Sakowska to the Village of South Barrington Police Department.

Mayor McCombie swore in Sergeant Kevin Doyle to the Village of South Barrington Police Department.

After a brief recess, Mayor McCombie called the meeting to order. Deputy Clerk Hrynko called the roll, and a quorum was noted as present.


Trustee Abbate made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of July 13, 2023, the Special Village Board Meeting of July 17, 2023, and the Special Village Board Meeting of July 27, 2023. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Trustee Guranovich made a motion to approve Warrant Run #1 for $70,050.40. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Trustee Patel made a motion to approve Warrant Run #1 for $215,615.39. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried. 

Trustee Abbate made a motion to accept the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures v. Annual Budget as of July 31, 2023. Trustee Patel seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.

Trustee Abbate made a motion to approve the Detailed Balance Sheet as of July 31, 2023. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.


Mayor McCombie invited members of the public to address the Board. There were no comments.

Mayor's Report: Mayor McCombie reviewed the following items:

• Mayors' Caucus and other mayors' meetings

• Changing STP funds to address dangerous intersections with state money


Approval of a Resolution to Appoint Daniel Walenda from Temporary Records Clerk to Full-Time Operations Associate for the South Barrington Police Department: Trustee Abbate made a motion to Approve a Resolution to Appoint Daniel Walenda from Temporary Records Clerk to Full-Time Operations Associate for the South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Alvarado seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Approval of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance O-2023-1374 entitled "An Ordinance to waive bid and accept a proposal from Axon Enterprise, Inc. and authorize the purchase of Public Safety equipment and supporting hardware and licensing for the Village of South Barrington, Illinois": Trustee Abbate made a motion to table the Approval of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance O-2023-1374 entitled "An Ordinance to waive bid and accept a proposal from Axon Enterprise, Inc. and authorize the purchase of Public Safety equipment and supporting hardware and licensing for the Village of South Barrington, Illinois". Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich- Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried. 

Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 3-2-8 Entitled "Number of Licenses: License Fees:" of Chapter 2 Entitled "Liquor Control" of Title 3 Entitled "Business Regulations of the Village of South Barrington Code of Ordinances”: Trustee Patel made a motion to adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 3-2-8 Entitled "Number of Licenses: License Fees:" of Chapter 2 Entitled "Liquor Control" of Title 3 Entitled "Business Regulations of the Village of South Barrington Code of Ordinances". Trustee Alvarado seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Administrative Consulting Specialists, LLC Regarding Grant Writing for the Village Of South Barrington: Trustee Abbate made a motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Administrative Consulting Specialists, LLC Regarding Grant Writing for the Village Of South Barrington. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno- Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.


Monthly Report: A Director's Report was included in the Packet.


Trustee Abbate noted that the document destruction event is scheduled for September 9 at Village Hall.


Building & Zoning Committee:

Chairman Guranovich reported there was no meeting. There were no agenda items to consider for the Village Board.

Emergency Management Committee: Trustee Patel reported there was a meeting to review and update the Emergency Management Plan. There were no agenda items to consider for the Village Board.

Finance Committee: Trustee Stagno stated there was no meeting held. There were no agenda items.

Legal & Human Resource Committee: Trustee Stagno stated there was no meeting held. There were no agenda items.

Public Safety Committee: Trustee Abbate gave a brief report.

Approval of a Resolution to Purchase Range Supplies for the Village of South Barrington Police Department: Trustee Patel made a motion to approve a Resolution to Purchase Range Supplies for the Village of South Barrington Police Department. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal - Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Adoption of an Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Person Property (Consisting of a Radar Trailer) from the Village of South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Abbate made a motion to adopt an Ordinance a Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Person Property (Consisting of a Radar Trailer) from the Village of South Barrington Police Department. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Public Works Committee: The meeting scheduled for this month was cancelled due to no quorum being present.


Architectural Control Commission

Acceptance of a Recommendation by the Architectural Control Commission for Approval of Temporary Signage for Spirit Halloween Located in the Former Home Goods store in The Arboretum of South Barrington, South Barrington: Trustee Patel made a motion to accept a Recommendation by the Architectural Control Commission for Approval of Temporary Signage for Spirit Halloween Located in the Former Home Goods store in The Arboretum of South Barrington, South Barrington. Trustee Abbate seconded the motion. All in Favor. Motion carried. 

Adoption of an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Final Plan for the Planned Unit Development for the Property Commonly Known as 100 West Higgins Road in the Village of South Barrington, Illinois: Trustee Guranovich made a motion to Adopt an Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Final Plan for the Planned Unit Development for the Property Commonly Known as 100 West Higgins Road in the Village of South Barrington, Illinois. Trustee Patel seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal – Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals:

Adoption of an Ordinance Granting a Variance from the Required Rear Yard Setback for the Property Located at 42 Shenandoah Circle in the Village of South Barrington, Illinois: Trustee Abbate made a motion to Adopt an Ordinance Granting a Variance from the Required Rear Yard Setback for the Property Located at 42 Shenandoah Circle in the Village of South Barrington, Illinois. Trustee Alvarado seconded the motion. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate-Aye, Trustee Alvarado-Aye, Trustee Guranovich-Aye, Trustee Panchal – Absent, Trustee Patel-Aye, Trustee Stagno-Aye. Ayes-5, Nays-0, Absent-1. Motion carried.

Police Commission: Police Chief Roman gave a brief update on police officer interviews and candidates. No agenda items.


Building Officer: Damian Michalski gave a brief report. There were no agenda items.

Village Engineer: Natalie Karney gave a brief report. She provided an update on the Parking Lot Projects and the upcoming pre-construction meeting for the Road Program. There were no agenda items.

Village Clerk: No report. There were no agenda items.

Chief of Police: Thomas Roman submitted a report and gave a brief review regarding recent police activity. A job posting for entry level candidates has been opened. There were no agenda items.

Village Administrator: Robert Palmer gave a brief report on upcoming events and grants received.


There was no Executive Session.


Attorney Vasselli addressed questions asked by the Trustees regarding the proposed development of Area N. The Mayor encouraged the Trustees to attend the Plan Commission Public Hearing scheduled for August 17. There were no additional comments.


There being no further business, Trustee Abbate made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Trustee Stagno seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. 
