
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Northbrook Committee of the Whole met Aug. 8

Village of Northbrook Committee of the Whole met Aug. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Attendee Name 




Kathryn Ciesla

Village President


Bob Israel



Muriel Collison



Heather Ross



Johannah Hebl



Dan Pepoon



Joy Ebhomielen




A. Board of Trustees - Committee of the Whole - Jul 25, 2023 6:00 PM


MOVER: Muriel Collison, Trustee

SECONDER: Johannah Hebl, Trustee

AYES: Collison, Ross, Hebl, Ebhomielen

ABSTAIN: Ciesla, Pepoon

ABSENT: Israel



A. A Presentation on the Engineering Design Standards Update

A Presentation on the Engineering Design Standards Update

Village Engineer Jack Bielak stated he would go over engineering standard specifications for public and private improvements (Green Book) update. The current document is from October of 1990. It has been amended several times. A comprehensive review and update has not been completed since then.

The process began late last year. Staff contracted with an engineering firm to review and recommend design standards to align our standards with neighboring communities and to bring them up to current industry standards. Two rounds of review with staff were completed. The final review was completed by consultants and engineering staff by examining each individual section of the Green Book. There are four points of emphasis for the changes; formatting, reference data update, removing duplicate information and adding information to streamline the process.

Formatting Document - The Green Book has been modified to make the document searchable and readable. Each section is bookmarked and very easy to get to.

Reference Data Update - Our document was from 1990, specifications and data for design minimums are being updated with the most recent information.

Removing duplicate information - Our current Green Book has information that is copied from other design manuals. IDOT comes out with a new book every 4-6 years. Supplements are issued annually. We now reference the manuals versus copying the information.

Information to Streamline the Process - Information has been added in the standards to the appendices on how information has to be submitted during the final review process in order to help cut down the number of reviews.

President Ciesla asked if a check sheet or list would be required. The answer is that it is a bullet point format of what is required. She then asked if there was an online form that utilized checked boxes. Manager Pavlicek answered that the Village utilizes some forms with check boxes. Director Hamill stated that an acknowledgement could be added to the forms stating the individual has read everything and completed it all. President Ciesla asked that this statement be incorporated.

Trustee Hebl asked if preliminary meetings with developers take place. Mr. Bielak answered that he often has preliminary discussions with the larger developers.

Director Hamill stated that some firms are better than others at submitting good plans and hopes that a sign off check sheet will help other firms become better. Trustee Hebl suggested offering a sample set of properly executed rough plans. Mr. Bielak answered that he is able to find some good examples. Director Hamill stated that Mr. Bielak would like to invoke a more digital process and will keep pushing for more digital submittals.

Trustee Pepoon asked about stop orders on residential building inspections. Manager Pavlicek will have a conversation with the (DPS) Department of Development & Planning Services with inspectors before they head out to inspect. She will share information to help keep the work process from being held up and continue to flow. Mr. Bielak answered that staff tries to share feedback on what they are looking for with developers.

President Ciesla asked how long a normal cycle for review of the standards should be. The answer is every ten years with an annual review of the appendices by staff.

This will be placed on the Board’s agenda for September 12, 2023 for final adoption.

B. Discussion Regarding Business and Liquor Licensing

Director Ford provided a quick overview of where we are right now with Business and Liquor Licenses. Director Ford stated in 2021 when the Municipal Code was recodified, Chapter 15: Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulation, was combined with Chapter 13, Food but no substantive changes were made to the structure of the business licensing program. In February, 2023 the Village worked with NIU Graduate students on a Capstone project that analyzed the Village’s business licensing processes. Director Ford stated staff will review best practices and meet with the Chamber of Commerce to gather additional data and get feedback. Staff will review eliminating categories that are obsolete, review reducing the number of required license categories and review a business registration option. Proposed amendments to Chapter 15 will come back to the Board in October. The plan is for 2024-25 fiscal year budget for funding to bring this online and to be automated in January 2025.

President Ciesla noted her disappointment that changes to automate the process have not taken place sooner and emphasized her eagerness in moving these changes forward. She asked how many businesses in Northbrook are licensed. In response, Director Ford stated approximately 480 businesses are currently licensed. Manager Pavlicek stated that currently home businesses are not licensed. Attorney Weiss stated it is appropriate to license home based businesses if we want to address certain types of businesses. Manager Pavlicek answered that this could be addressed in Chapter 15. There are certain categories such as home-based bakers and daycare facilities

that need to follow regulations. There are certain businesses such as Massage that should be regulated. Attorney Weiss stressed the need to look at everything the Village wants to license to see if it’s covered by somebody else. It is important to determine how many businesses the Village wants to license and how many it wants to register.

Manager Pavlicek questioned if it is the Board’s desire to remain revenue neutral or for staff to focus on being more business friendly. Manager Pavlicek stated it was her opinion to not be heavy handed with a registration fee but to focus on how to best improve communications with the businesses. She believes there should only be fees for businesses that require staff’s time. Ones that for example require inspections. Manager Pavlicek does not see any fees attached to registrations.

Trustee Ebhomielen disagreed. President Ciesla stated she would like to find out what other communities are doing and wants nobody to pay a registration fee in the beginning. Trustee Hebl would like to see data analytics gathered.





Trustee Hebl moved, seconded by Trustee Ross to adjourn the meeting at 6:50PM. On voice vote, all were in favor.
