
North Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove President & Board of Trustees met July 17

Village of Buffalo Grove President & Board of Trustees met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. 


Roll call indicated the following present: President Smith; Trustees Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld.

Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; Patrick Brankin, Village Attorney; Chris Stilling, Deputy Village Manager; Mike Skibbe, Deputy Village Manager/Director of Public Works; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Molly Gillespie, Director of Communications; Chris Black, Director of Finance; Nicole Woods, Director of Community Development; Kyle Johnson, Assistant Director of Public Works; Jim Warnstedt, Assistant Director of Public Works; Brett Robinson, Administrative Services Director; Fire Chief Baker; and Police Chief Budds.


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Cesario, to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2023, Regular Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Moved by Johnson, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2023, Regular Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

WARRANT #1357 

Mr. Black read Warrant #1357. Moved by Pike, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve Warrant #1357 in the amount of $4,607,048.37 authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


President Smith read a Proclamation honoring Zill Khan for his dedicated service on the Planning & Zoning Commission for over 22 years. Mr. Khan’s service to Buffalo Grove has been invaluable as he played a key role in shaping the future of the Village and contributed many notable recommendations to the Village Board on a variety of projects. Mr. Khan was also praised by Board members that were fortunate to serve along with him on the Planning & Zoning Commission.


FF/PM Phil Schroeder presented a recap of the Fire Up Food Truck Festival, which was held on May 13, 2023. The event was a huge success and raised over $11,000.00 to support the efforts of Project Fire Buddies. The BGFD was thanked for their efforts to support this worthwhile project.


Moved by Weidenfeld to open the Public Hearing for the Proposed 2023 Buffalo Grove Dundee Road TIF District. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

President Smith opened the Public Hearing at 7:41 P.M. Notices of this Public Hearing were published in the Daily Herald on June 20, 2023, June 30, 2023, and July 9, 2023.

Roll call indicated the following present: President Smith; Trustees Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike and Weidenfeld.

President Smith noted the purpose of the Public Hearing. Pursuant to the TIF Act, the Village Board must wait at least 14 days from the close of the Public Hearing before introducing or taking action on the Ordinances establishing the 2023 Buffalo Grove Dundee Road TIF District. Said Ordinances are currently scheduled for consideration at the August 21, 2023, Village Board meeting. On May 15, 2023, the Village Board approved Ordinance No. 2023-73 setting the public hearing date for the proposed TIF on July 17, 2023, at 7:30 P.M. Prior to the public hearing, the TIF Act also requires that the Village hold a Joint Review Board (JRB) meeting with all affected taxing bodies. The JRB meeting was held on June 20, 2023, and the JRB voted unanimously to approve Resolution No. 2023-01 recommending approval of the proposed 2023 Buffalo Grove Dundee Road TIF District.

President Smith swore in Geoffrey Dickinson of SB Friedman Development Advisors and Nicole Woods to give testimony.

Ms. Woods reviewed the Proposed 2023 Buffalo Grove Dundee Road TIF District, details of which are contained in Mr. Stilling’s memo to Mr. Bragg of July 13, 2023.

Referring to a PowerPoint presentation, consultant Geoffrey Dickinson reviewed key points & methodology used in this process, after which he and staff answered questions from the Board.

President Smith swore in Joanne Almerigi, 951 Old Arlington Court, to give testimony. Ms. Almerigi stated that she is concerned about the property maintenance of the former auto dealerships on Dundee Road and does not believe that Napleton has thus far been a good neighbor. Mr. Stilling stated that staff will address the issue with the property owner.

President Smith then swore in Ashely Kiddle, 1101 Beechwood Road, who asked about the impact on nearby homeowners. Mr. Stilling responded to Ms. Kiddle’s questions.

There being no further questions from Board members or the public, it was moved by Ottenheimer and seconded by Cesario to close the Public Hearing. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

President Smith closed the Public Hearing at 8:06 P.M.


Trustee Johnson reported on several events happening with another successful Farmer’s Market.

Trustee Johnson also reported on several aspects of 2023 Buffalo Grove Days, including the return of the parade on Sunday, September 3, 2023, at 11:00 A.M.

Finally, Trustee Johnson reported that the Village is in the process of creating a Communitywide Calendar in order for residents to publicize specific events, as well as for residents looking for events to attend in the community.


President Smith explained the Consent Agenda, stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion; there were no such requests. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda.

Resolution No. 2023-19 – FOIA 

Motion to pass Resolution No. 2023-19 amending the Village of Buffalo Grove Illinois Freedom of Information Act Directory. The FOIA Directory has been simplified to a more concise and efficient format to provide needed updates and to minimize duplication.

Resolution No. 2023-20 – Closed Session Minutes 

Motion to pass Resolution No. 2023-20 relating to the Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes. The Corporate Authorities of the Village determine that the need for confidentiality still exists with regard to the following approved minutes: October 17, 2022; November 7, 2022; January 3, 2023; February 6, 2023; March 6, 2023; April 3, 2023.

Ordinance No. 2023-86 – 1650 Leider Lane 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-86 authorizing payment of an amount of $56,525.00 to Lake County for Connection Fees for the new Public Works Facility located at 1650 Leider Lane, Buffalo Grove, IL.

Ordinance No. 2023-88 – Prairie Grove Park 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-88 authorizing approval of the Development Improvement Agreement for Prairie Grove Park located between Olive Hill Drive and Hoffmann Drive subject to the receipt of the letter of credit, required fees, and Village Attorney review.

Ordinance No. 2023-89 – Guzman Y Gomez 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-89 amending Chapter 5.20 - Liquor Controls reserving a Class B liquor license for Guzman Y Gomez Restaurants, LLC at 120 McHenry Road. This reservation is subject to the applicant completing Village requirements for said license on or before October 16, 2023.

Ordinance No. 2023-90 – Ricky Rockets 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-90 authorizing execution of a Certificate of Initial Acceptance and Approval for Ricky Rockets Development Improvements located at 700 E. Lake Cook Road.

Ordinance No. 2023-91 – Municipal Code 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-91 amending Chapter 10 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code proposing updated or new traffic ordinances due to the completion of the Rickey Rockets development project.

Ordinance No. 2023-92 – Chastain & Associates 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-92 authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement with Chastain & Associates LLC time & material contract for development review services for an initial limit not to exceed $50,000.00.

Ordinance No. 2023-93 – Bridge Painting 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-93 authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Buffalo Grove Park District relating to the Pedestrian Bridge Over Route 83 Painting.

Ordinance No. 2023-94 -Truck Purchase 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-94 approving the waiver of competitive bidding and authorization for the Village Manager to purchase one 2023 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Pickup Truck from Castle AutoPlex in an amount not to exceed $46,480.26.

Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Stein, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-82, authorizing execution of a Contract with Martam Construction, Inc. for Quiet Zone Modifications, in accordance with materials contained in Board packets and pending review and approval by the Village Attorney.

Mr. Johnson reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in his memo to Mr. Bragg dated July 13, 2023.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Cesario, to pass Resolution No. 2023-21, approving the Revised 2023 Pay Ranges for Village of Buffalo Grove Employees, in accordance with materials contained in Board packets.

Mr. Malinowski reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in the memo of July 13, 2023, that he and Ms. Golbach sent to Mr. Bragg, after which he answered questions from the Board.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


President Smith reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight’s agenda.

Scott Moran, attorney representing Kimberly Hauber, noted that he is seeking to have Ms. Hauber’s property taxes abated. Mr. Brankin will follow up with Mr. Moran.


Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Johnson, to move to Executive Session to discuss: Section 2(C)(21) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed Under This Act, Whether for Purposes of Approval by the Body of the Minutes or Semi-Annual Review of the Minutes as Mandated 

by Section 2.06, and Section 2(C)(11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: Litigation, When an Action Against, Affecting or on Behalf of the Particular Public Body Has Been Filed and is Pending Before a Court or Administrative Tribunal, or When the Public Body Finds that an Action is Probable or Imminent, in Which Case the Basis for the Finding Shall be Recorded and Entered into the Minutes of the Closed Meeting, Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session from 8:20 P.M. until 8:32 P.M.


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Cesario, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8:33 P.M.
