
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Village Board met May 15

Village of Buffalo Grove Village Board met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 


President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. 


Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman; Trustees Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, and Pike.  

Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; Patrick Brankin, Village Attorney; Chris Stilling, Deputy Village Manager; Chris Black, Director of Finance; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Evan Michel, Management Analyst; Brett Robinson, Director of Purchasing; Nicole Woods, Community Development Manager; Jim Warnstedt, Assistant Director of Public Works. 


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Smith, to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2023, Regular Meeting. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, Pike 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2023, Special Meeting. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, Pike 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

Moved by Johnson, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2023, Committee of the Whole Meeting. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, Pike 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

WARRANT #1355 

Mr. Black read Warrant #1355. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve Warrant #1355 in the  amount of $4,636,582.68 authorizing payment of bills listed. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, Pike 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Mr. Brankin reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview prepared by Jessie Brown.

Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Stein, to pass Resolution No. 2023-11, accepting the Canvass of Votes from the April 4, 2023, Consolidated Election as it relates to the office of Village Trustee and Village President. 

Upon  roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson, Smith, Pike 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

Before stepping down from the dais, President Sussman made a statement summarizing her years of service to the Village of Buffalo Grove and thanking everyone who made this service possible and contributing to making the Village of Buffalo Grove a premier community. 


Judge Charles Johnson of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Lake County noted that he is honored to be in attendance this evening and wished those taking office a successful term in serving their constituents. Judge Johnson then administered the Oath of Office to Village President Eric Smith, after which he administered the Oath of Office to Trustee Weidenfeld, Trustee Pike and Trustee Cesario. 

Roll call indicated the following Board members present: President Smith, Trustees Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike and Weidenfeld. 

President Smith read a Proclamation recognizing Beverly Sussman’s exceptional service, dedication and commitment to the Village of Buffalo Grove, presenting the Proclamation to Beverly Sussman as she was congratulated by the audience and the Board. 


President Smith noted that a President Pro Tem needs to be chosen. Typically, the Trustee with the longest tenure as Trustee is designated to be President Pro Tem. Since there are currently two Trustees with equal length of tenure serving on the Board, a drawing must be held to determine the position of President Pro Tem. Trustees  Ottenheimer and Stein each drew a number, and it was determined that Trustee Stein will be the next President Pro Tem of the Village of Buffalo Grove. 

Moved by Johnson, seconded by Ottenheimer, to ratify the designation of Trustee Stein as President Pro Tem. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Stein, seconded by Weidenfeld, to pass Resolution No. 2023-12 ratifying Appointment of Village Officers. 

The following Village Officers are ratified and said individuals are fully appointed in their respective positions:  

  • Village Manager – Dane Bragg 
  • Village Attorney – Patrick T. Brankin 
  • Deputy Village Clerk – Jessie Brown 
  • Village Treasurer – Chris Black
Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried.


Mr. Bragg summarized the new format for the assignment of Village Board Portfolios, which have been aligned with the Strategic Plan Focus areas. 


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Johnson, to approve President Smith’s appointments to the Village’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

President Smith thanked all of our volunteers and noted that we appreciate their efforts, and we could not do what we do without them. President Smith also noted that volunteers are always needed and urged residents to join our outstanding group of volunteers. 


Mr. Bragg introduced Ryan Risinger, the soon-to-be retired Executive Director of the Buffalo Grove Park District and noted that he has been privileged to work with Mr. Risinger over the years. Mr. Bragg then read a Proclamation Recognizing Ryan Risinger’s Enduring Impact on the Village of Buffalo Grove and wished him a wonderful retirement. 

As he was congratulated by the audience and the Board, Mr. Risinger thanked the Board for the honor and reflected on the privilege and honor that it has been to work with the Buffalo Grove Park District. 

President Smith read a Proclamation Declaring June 2, 2023, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the Village of Buffalo Grove, in order to raise awareness about gun violence and honor the lives of Americans taken by gun violence. 


Mr. Bragg congratulated the new Village Board. 


There were no reports from Trustees tonight. 


President Smith explained the Consent Agenda, stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion; there were no such requests. Ms. Golbach read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. 

Resolution No. 2023-13 - SWANCC 

Motion to pass Resolution No. 2023-13, approving the appointment of Eric Smith, Village President, to the Board of Directors of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County. 

Resolution No. 2023-14 – Village Bank Accounts 

Motion to pass Resolution No. 2023-14, authorizing Village President Smith as Authorized Signer on Village bank  accounts.

Proclamation – National Emergency Services Week 

Motion to approve a Proclamation recognizing May 21-27, 2023, as National Emergency Services Week in the  Village of Buffalo Grove. 

Proclamation – National Public Works Week 

Motion to approve a Proclamation recognizing May 21-27, 2023, as National Public Works Week in the Village of Buffalo Grove. 

Ordinance No. 2023-62 – Liquor Controls 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-62, amending Chapter 5.20, Liquor Controls. The Class E liquor license issued to Buffalo Grove Cherry Incorporated (d/b/a Corned Beef Factory) at 700 East Lake Cook Road 105-106 is  hereby rescinded. The business will not be moving forward with opening a Buffalo Grove location. 

Ordinance No. 2023-63 – Sign Variations 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-63, approving sign variations at 50 W. Dundee Road. Flynn Restaurant Group is seeking sign variations to replace three wall signs and three canopy signs at the Taco Bell located at  50 W. Dundee Road. The proposed signs exceed the number of permitted canopy and wall signs allowed. 

Ordinance No. 2023-64 – 1425 Busch Parkway 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-64, approving a Recreational Use in the I District at 1425 Busch Parkway. A Special Use for a recreational use in the Village’s Industrial District at 1425 Busch Parkway for a children’s indoor playground and activity is being requested by 2 Hours of Freedom, Inc. 

Ordinance No. 2023-65 – Engineering Services 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-65, authorizing an Engineering Services Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. time and material contract for development review services for an initial limit not to  exceed $50,000.00. 

Ordinance No. 2023-66 – McKim & Creed 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-66, authorizing a Sewer Flow Monitoring Agreement with McKim & Creed for maintenance and analytics through sewer sensors in an amount not to exceed $86,162.50. 

Ordinance No. 2023-67 – Intergovernmental Agreement 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-67, authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Wheeling relating to the maintenance and ownership responsibilities of the Lake Cook Road Project. As this work includes modifications to Village-owned infrastructure, an agreement is required. 

Ordinance No. 2023-68 – Truck Purchase 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-68, authorizing the purchase of one 2022 Ford F-350 Service Body Crane Truck from Kunes Ford. 

Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Johnson, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Pike, seconded by Weidenfeld, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-69, authorizing the purchase of three 2024 F-750 Plow Trucks from Bonnell Industries in an amount not to exceed $761,885.43. 

Mr. Warnstedt reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the memo from Bryan Beitzel to Mr. Bragg dated May 8, 2023. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Pike, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-70, authorizing the purchase of two 2022 Chevrolet 4500 Dump Trucks from Ray Chevrolet in an amount not to exceed $205,119.52. 

Mr. Warnstedt reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the memo from Josh Wallace to Mr. Bragg dated May 5, 2023. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Pike, seconded by Ottenheimer, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-72, amending Fiscal Year 2022 Budget for the Village of Buffalo Grove. 

Mr. Black reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in his memo of May 9, 2023, to Mr. Bragg. The Budget amendments proposed modify the budget document approved by the Village Board. The budget amendments proposed do not affect the integrity of the budget as it is still balanced. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Stein, seconded by Johnson, pass Ordinance No. 2023-73, establishing a Public Hearing date of July 17,  2023, at 7:30 P.M. for the proposed 2023 Buffalo Grove Dundee Road TIF District. 

Ms. Woods reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the memo of May 10, 2023, to  Mr. Bragg from Chris Stilling. 

It was noted that this does not approve a TIF District, but merely sets a date for the hearing. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Pike, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-74, approving a contract between the Village and Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighter/Paramedic Association Local 3177, IAFF, AFL-CIO, CLC for  the period May 1, 2023-April 30, 2025. 

Mr. Malinowski reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the Agreement contained in  Board packets. Mr. Malinowski commended the Association for the professionalism and cooperation exhibited throughout the negotiations. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Weidenfeld, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-75, approving a Side Letter of Agreement between the Village of Buffalo Grove and the Metropolitan Alliance of Police. 

Mr. Malinowski reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the Agreement contained in Board packets. The proposed side letter amendment provides for a 3.5% increase for police patrol officers represented by the Metropolitan Alliance of Police for the period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, and is consistent with funds programmed in the Village’s 2023 budget. 

It was noted that both unions have very collaborative relationships with the Village and the Board, and our residents are extremely proud of both of our first responding departments, and everyone involved was thanked for  their efforts in putting these agreements together. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Johnson, to pass Resolution No. 2023-15, approving the Revised 2023 Pay Ranges for Village of Buffalo Grove employees. 

Mr. Malinowski reviewed the proposed pay ranges, which are contained in Board packets. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Cesario, seconded by Johnson, to pass Resolution No. 2023-16, authorizing the Village Manager to execute a First Amendment to the lease with WJN Golf, LLC located at 401 Half Day Road. 

Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in his memo to Mr. Bragg of May 11, 2023, after which he answered questions from the Board.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


Moved by Stein, seconded by Ottenheimer, for the rejection of Public Works Facility Bids, Waive Bids, and  Authorization to negotiate contracts. 

Mr. Warnstedt reviewed the proposal, details of which are contained in his memo of May 11, 2023, to Mr. Bragg. 

Mr. Brankin confirmed that the Village does have the authority to proceed in this manner. 

Trustee Stein amended the motion to include that it is in the best interest of the Village to proceed in this manner. Trustee Ottenheimer seconded the amendment. 

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the amended motion: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 


President Smith reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight’s agenda. 

Former President Hartstein congratulated the incoming Village Board, and commended former President Sussman  for all she has done for Buffalo Grove. 

A resident reported on a recent event attended by President Smith called Guru Vandana, which is a teacher appreciation event to let all of the teachers in our school districts know how valuable they are to our community. 


Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: 

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld 

NAYS: 0 – None 

Motion declared carried. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. 
