
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Arlington Heights Committee-of-the-Whole met May 15

Village of Arlington Heights Committee-of-the-Whole met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

President Hayes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Hayes; Trustees Bertucci, Dunnington, Grasse, LaBedz, Shirley, Schwingbeck, and Tinaglia


STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Village Manager Randy Recklaus and Assistant Village Manager Diana Mikula

OTHERS PRESENT: Shelia Kessler and Tim Vidrio

A. Interview of Shelia Kessler for appointment to the Arts Commission, term ending 4-30-2026.

Mayor Hayes introduced Shelia Kessler and thanked her for her willingness to serve. Mayor Hayes asked Shelia to discuss her background and experience.

Shelia stated that her first job was Project Coordinator with the Evanston Arts Council and Evanston Public Arts Committee. When looking for a way to get involved with the community, she thought that the Arts Commission looked like a good fit. The current position that Shelia holds is at Northwestern University and does involve some fundraising. Shelia has been in Arlington Heights since 2009 and thought now would be a good time to get involved and give back.

Trustees asked what things Shelia has seen around town that make her want to get involved in the Arts Commission. Shelia stated when she first moved to Arlington Heights, she noticed the street light banners and how they changed. She also enjoys the various sculptures, especially the one outside the library. Discussion ensued regarding other creative ways to socially connect the village with public art such as murals and sculptures.

Trustee La Bedz moved, seconded by Trustee Schwingbeck to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees recommend Shelia Kessler for appointment to the Arts Commission, term ending 4-30-2026.

The following voice vote was recorded:

8 Ayes 0 Nays

The motion passed.

B. Consideration of recommending to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class E liquor license to Porky’s BBQ, Inc. dba Porky’s BBQ located at 41 S. Dunton Avenue.

The Mayor swore in Timothy Vidrio, owner of Porky’s BBQ.

Ms. Mikula gave the staff report. She stated that Porky’s is an existing business in town that would like to add a liquor license. When they submitted the application in December, the submitted floor plan was reviewed to make sure that they were able to meet the 25 seats at tables minimum which is a part of the liquor code; that submitted plan was approved.

A walk through was conducted on May 15 and the floor plan was different than what was submitted and the furniture was not in place due to some delivery issues. Ms. Mikula did process them for the interview but indicated a second walk through will be needed to verify the layout mirrors the approved floor plan being reviewed tonight.

Porky’s BBQ, Inc. dba Porky’s BBQ is seeking a Class E license and the hours they are open do fall within the guidelines. Police completed background checks in April on the four owners: Timothy Vidrio, Carlos Vidrio, Anthony DiJohn and Michael Feuerstein. There were no issues noted.

Upon a satisfactory interview tonight, Ms. Mikula will go back and make sure that the floor plan does meet the minimum requirement. The license will not be released until the second walk through is satisfactorily completed verifying the floor plan layout and seating minimum is met.

The Mayor asked about the build out and arrival of the furniture. Mr. Vidrio stated that he hoped the furniture would arrive at the end of the week or early next week. The build out is complete, they are just putting on some finishing touches and some pictures on the walls.

Mr. Vidrio stated he does not have experience selling liquor, he has worked in restaurants but, in the back of the house as a chef. There are six employees and all of the employees are Basset certified.

Trustees thanked Mr. Vidrio for doing business in Arlington Heights. Discussion ensued regarding carding patrons purchasing alcohol and that the Village will be conducting liquor compliance checks from time to time. Mr. Vidrio stated all patrons purchasing alcohol will be carded. He stated his managers have experience with serving beer and wine. Trustees asked Mr. Vidrio about the serving of beer and wine. He stated that beer and wine will be served in individual cans and bottles and he understands that those can not be sold and taken out of the restaurant.

Ms. Mikula stated if they have submitted an outdoor dining license through Planning and have been approved, they can have the liquor in their approved outside area. Trustee Schwingbeck stated he knows of another establishment in town that opens and pour the beer or wine into a glass for patrons so that they cannot take a can and walk down the street.

Trustee Grasse moved, seconded by Trustee LaBedz to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees recommend to the Liquor Commissioner the issuance of a Class E liquor license to Porky’s BBQ, Inc dba Porky’s BBQ located at 41 S. Dunton Avenue.

Trustee Bertucci asked if the motion should include the need for a second walk through to verify the floor plan layout and seating as Ms. Mikula discussed. Discussion ensued and the motion was read into the record as follows:

Trustee Grasse moved, seconded by Trustee LaBedz to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees recommend to the Liquor Commission the issuance of a Class E liquor license to Porky’s BBQ, Inc dba Porky’s BBQ located at 41 S. Dunton Avenue after a second walk through is satisfactorily completed verifying the floor plan layout and seating minimum is met.

The following voice vote was recorded:

8 Ayes 0 Nays

The motion passed.


D. ADJOURNMENT – Trustee Bertucci moved, seconded by Trustee Schwingbeck to adjourn.

The meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.
