
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met June 14

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met June 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings – May 24, 2023

Special Presentations and Reports

A. Project Timeline for New Trash Collection, Recycling Pickup and Organics Composting Contract Beginning in January 2025

Items Also on City Council Agenda

B. Amendment to Elgin Municipal Code Chapter 10.31 - Fireworks Possession, Sale and Use (No Cost)

Objective: Provide for a graduated penalty scale to encourage compliance with the city ordinance and ultimately reduce the use of fireworks within the city.

Initiatives and Other Items

C. Design and Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Fehr Graham and Associates, LLC for the 2023 Parking Lot and Alley Maintenance Program ($102,225)

Objective: Analyze, design, and prepare construction documents for the maintenance of various public parking lots, alleys, and Bluff City Cemetery paths.

D. Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd. for Mulberry Grove Park Renovation ($43,335)

Objective: Provide architectural and engineering design elements, construction documents, bid assistance and construction management for the renovation of Mulberry Grove Park.

E. Change Order No. 1 to the Phase II LED Street Light Conversion Project ($58,500)

Objective: Authorize additional funding for material quantities necessary to complete phase two LED street light conversions.

F. Purchase Agreement with Dahme Mechanical Industries, Inc. for Lime and Soda Ash Piping Replacement at the Riverside Water Treatment Plant ($548,888)

Objective: Provide adequate water supply by replacing aging infrastructure.

G. Resolution Approving Recipients for the 2023 Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program ($102,995)

Objective: Award grants to owners of historic landmark properties or those located within the city’s historic district for exterior rehabilitation and restoration work to their residential properties.

H. Extreme Network Switches Support ($42,780)

Objective: Purchase support and warranty services for the city’s eighty-plus ethernet switches.

Announcements from Council

Announcements from Staff

Executive Session

I. Collective Bargaining Issues or Deliberations Concerning Salary Schedules for One or More Classes of Employees – Exempt Under Section 120/2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act

