
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Farmer's Market Committee met March 29

Village of Buffalo Grove Farmer's Market Committee met March 29

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

In attendance: Paulette Greenberg, Ed Muldoon, Jackie Beegun, Skylar Beegun, Dave Bergman, Jane Primack, Maanasha Sankareswari-Ramesh, Larry King, Beth Nudelman, Mindy Lazor, Greg Sauser, and Greg Pike

Call to order: 7:02 PM

Minutes: Beth Nudelman made a motion to approve, Larry King, 2nd. Minutes approved unanimously.

Discussion of Vendor Application:

a. 14 apps have been received – Motion to approve these 14 made by Jackie and 2nd by David Bergman. Motion approved

b. Suggestion made: Any food products (such as meats, etc. should include cooking instructions 

c. Table all NEW bakery vendors will be held until all come in – then we will decide on which one(s) we will include. Motion to approve #C made by Mindy Lazor, 2nd by Beth Nudelman. Motion approved 

d. Several vendor apps were received although questions re: food safety are still outstanding 

Discussion of ‘Round 2’ applications:

a. Everyone on the list who hasn’t responded, will receive a reminder on 4/1. (Including Geneva Lakes to find out what Scott’s intentions are

b. Jane has a possible new Olive Oil/Cookie Vendor. She will obtain more information 

Additional Non-Profits:

a. Will be sent to Larry King when they come in (2 -Libraries, PD – monthly, Indian Trails so far) 


a. All booked up per Jackie Beegun

Local Woman to discuss kid’s entertainment – She is ill and not present at this meeting Business of the Week (BOW)”

a. Chiro One assigned 3 times

Summer Vacation Schedules:

a. Discussed to confirm non-overlap

e. National Farmers Market Week – table discussion to next meeting

Open Floor:

a. David Bergman – Gale Gand did not respond back to David’s email

b. Need AED and Emergency Plans for the market in case of Emergency – Greg Sauser will look into it 

c. Indoor Winter Market – Prairie House every other Sunday (Vernon Township)

An informational email was shared with the group on 04/05/23 and attached to these minutes. Next Meeting: Wednesday 4/26/23 7:00 pm Upstairs Room Larry made a motion to adjourn at 7:44, Jane 2nd, motion carried

Meat Labeling requirements: 

Meat and poultry need to have an inspection label from either the USDA or the Illinois Department of Agriculture.

Food items other than produce need to have the common name of the product, weight or volume, ingredients, safe handling instructions for meat and poultry, and any common allergens in prepared foods. The label below is an example of safe handling instructions.

More info is available in the FDA food Code 3-302.11, 9 CFR 317.2(I), and 9 CFR 381.125(b).

Open Meetings Act: 

Unfortunately, members are unable to attend a committee meeting virtually. Only the Village Board is able to meet virtually. And only in certain circumstances. Someone at the April 26th meeting will be able to record the minutes.

All members will need to take Open Meetings Act training by May 1st. You should be able to see these in your March 7th emails.

Emergency Plans: 

There has been interest in knowing if there are any emergency plans set up for Mike Rylko Park during the Farmers Market. There are 4 AEDs at the fitness center. There is one at the splash pad building, but it opens occasionally for parties at 10AM and to the public at noon. I would like to see our first aid kit. If it needs to be updated, we can purchase items or a new kit if needed. If we need an emergency plan, we’ll need to discuss what plans we need and can get them in place.
